The LOST thread

Started by Ghosts_on_TV, May 10, 2007, 07:29 PM

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QuoteOtherwise, I think Sawyer's getting played, as is Smokey. Smokey thinks that he's won (throwing the stone), and thinks Jacob can't come back because there's no "candidate body" to take over. Little does he know Sayid had just died, and that little boy? That's Jacob appearing (as Aaron?) in the same way Smokey always did.

That's all I've got
That was immediatly what we thought. Kate was missing from the writtings/numbers thing in the cave. Hmmmm, foreshadowing?

Or, he's outright lying. It's not like we saw her name crossed out either. Kate being on the island would be the only possible motivation for Sawyer not to leave.
In another time, in another place, in another face


QuoteOtherwise, I think Sawyer's getting played, as is Smokey. Smokey thinks that he's won (throwing the stone), and thinks Jacob can't come back because there's no "candidate body" to take over. Little does he know Sayid had just died, and that little boy? That's Jacob appearing (as Aaron?) in the same way Smokey always did.

That's all I've got
That was immediatly what we thought. Kate was missing from the writtings/numbers thing in the cave. Hmmmm, foreshadowing?

Or, he's outright lying. It's not like we saw her name crossed out either. Kate being on the island would be the only possible motivation for Sawyer not to leave.

Here's a great review from

What I like the most about it is how they point out that at this point it's not about answering questions so much as it is about making sure our favorite character gets treated right

Anyway, my fiancee came home and claims that when Jack was operating on Ben in season 3 (?), it was mentioned that Jack "wasn't on Jacob's list".

I also want to know how to reconcile Jacob with the cabin.
I'm surrounded by assholes


I have a little theory of why Kate's name wasnt on the wall and why there was only one Kwon (Sun or Jin, yet to be revealed [or quite possibly {probably} never will be]). I could be wrong, but I think Jin and Kate are the only 2 people who killed someone before coming to the island. If I remember correctly, when Sawyer was presented with the opportunity to kill the real Sawyer he couldn't pull the trigger, right? Does anyone remember for sure? We know Kate killed her stepfather and that Jin most likely killed a few people here and there working for his father-in-law. Maybe that disqualified them as a candidate. What do you guys think?
Shooting in the dark as to what's best


QuoteI have a little theory of why Kate's name wasnt on the wall and why there was only one Kwon (Sun or Jin, yet to be revealed [or quite possibly {probably} never will be]). I could be wrong, but I think Jin and Kate are the only 2 people who killed someone before coming to the island. If I remember correctly, when Sawyer was presented with the opportunity to kill the real Sawyer he couldn't pull the trigger, right? Does anyone remember for sure? We know Kate killed her stepfather and that Jin most likely killed a few people here and there working for his father-in-law. Maybe that disqualified them as a candidate. What do you guys think?

Sawyer killed that one guy, who he thought was "Sawyer", but wasn't.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Is Jacob "inside" Sayid now, like the other dude is inside Locke?  (Smock/UN-Locke)
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteIs Jacob "inside" Sayid now, like the other dude is inside Locke?  (Smock/UN-Locke)

This is what I'm thinkin'

I've read two interesting theories recently:

1) This reality is just prior to a second crash. They all end up on the island again in 2007 because it's just gotta be that way

2) The island blowing up in the 70s killed Charles and his wife, preventing Daniel and Penny from ever being born, preventing Desmond from ever fallings in love, causing him to never sail around the world, so he was on the plane instead.
I'm surrounded by assholes


QuoteIs Jacob "inside" Sayid now, like the other dude is inside Locke?  (Smock/UN-Locke)

If so, then why did the people in the temple try to poison Sayid? I thought they were at the very least allied with Jacob more so than MIB.
In another time, in another place, in another face


QuoteIs Jacob "inside" Sayid now, like the other dude is inside Locke?  (Smock/UN-Locke)

This is what I'm thinkin'

I've read two interesting theories recently:

1) This reality is just prior to a second crash. They all end up on the island again in 2007 because it's just gotta be that way

2) The island blowing up in the 70s killed Charles and his wife, preventing Daniel and Penny from ever being born, preventing Desmond from ever fallings in love, causing him to never sail around the world, so he was on the plane instead.

I don't think I agree with either of those.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


QuoteIs Jacob "inside" Sayid now, like the other dude is inside Locke?  (Smock/UN-Locke)

If so, then why did the people in the temple try to poison Sayid? I thought they were at the very least allied with Jacob more so than MIB.

maybe jacob isn't as "good" as we think...


I think we should all just prepare ourselves to be seriously disappointed
Shooting in the dark as to what's best


QuoteI think we should all just prepare ourselves to be seriously disappointed

i really hope not! but i do have a feeling that so much is expected that that may be the case when it ends >:(

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Sawyer is going to con the fuck out the possibly evil dude.  I'm not sure if I took that throwing the white rock into the ocean as "hey I'm light, not dark and I'm free!!" or "jacob is the white stone/the island and he is going to sink to the bottom of the sea ala season opener".

in the first episode there's a shot that scans across the beach and sawyer is sitting on a jet engine that is a circle broke in half.  The explanation for that compass is making more sense now that with the parallel time lines.  I think there is going to be some fucked up things they end up telling us about what's up, as long as it's not all in CGI I think I'll be able to deal with it.

Walt better use his minds eye for something god damn it.


QuoteSawyer is going to con the fuck out the possibly evil dude.  I'm not sure if I took that throwing the white rock into the ocean as "hey I'm light, not dark and I'm free!!" or "jacob is the white stone/the island and he is going to sink to the bottom of the sea ala season opener".

in the first episode there's a shot that scans across the beach and sawyer is sitting on a jet engine that is a circle broke in half.  The explanation for that compass is making more sense now that with the parallel time lines.  I think there is going to be some fucked up things they end up telling us about what's up, as long as it's not all in CGI I think I'll be able to deal with it.

Walt better use his minds eye for something god damn it.
I am with you...Sawyer is pulling a long con on ole' MIB.  It is his specialty.

And I am no longer convinced who is good and who is bad.  And I also think the Kwon on the list is Sun and Jin's daughter, not them.  And when does Walt come back in the picture?  And, and...and I am still so confused  :o


QuoteSawyer is going to con the fuck out the possibly evil dude.  I'm not sure if I took that throwing the white rock into the ocean as "hey I'm light, not dark and I'm free!!" or "jacob is the white stone/the island and he is going to sink to the bottom of the sea ala season opener".

in the first episode there's a shot that scans across the beach and sawyer is sitting on a jet engine that is a circle broke in half.  The explanation for that compass is making more sense now that with the parallel time lines.  I think there is going to be some fucked up things they end up telling us about what's up, as long as it's not all in CGI I think I'll be able to deal with it.

Walt better use his minds eye for something god damn it.
I am with you...Sawyer is pulling a long con on ole' MIB.  It is his specialty.

And I am no longer convinced who is good and who is bad.  And I also think the Kwon on the list is Sun and Jin's daughter, not them.  And when does Walt come back in the picture?  And, and...and I am still so confused  :o

To keep from overanalyzing the obvious I remind myself of a few "concretes" that I like to believe in:

1) Black is always evil, white is always good, and this dual theme has been part of the show since Locke showed Walt how to play Backgammon
2) Based on that, the "throwing of the rock" has to have meant that in eyes of "New Locke", "evil" has won, though in his mind, it's not evil, just "black" has won.
3) Despite the "black" and "white" we're not supposed to know who is "black" and who is "white"
4) The name "black rock" is not coincidental and has to be involved somehow in this battle.

Also I never realized that Sawyer was up to a con, but you guys are so right.

My Fiancee also thinks the Kwon is the daughter, which I never considered until she mentioned it.
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

good points indeed.  Isn't the ship that crashed the black rock? or is the black rock the place the ship is located at on the island.  That sequence was pretty intense way back when smokey was bursting out of the ground and tried to suck locke into it.  I'm going on the assumption that Ilana, Bram, and some people are from that ship that crashed.  That ship wreck is what started everything, unless it's just suppose to symbolize the arrival of the humans.  I think desmond and juliet caused each time line to occur/overlap.  +/- sort of thing.  who fucking knows, the battle will soon begin.  Christian must be revealed to Jack and Jin has to bone Sun one last time.  Plus, all the babies and walt.  

The thing I found weird was during last weeks recap in the little caption it said when the ring of ash was broken it gave evil locke the chance to take control of the cabin.  so he was never locked in the cabin.  so many layers to think about.  


jumping jaguars! I just finished season 2! What the hell is going on? Why are they doing this to me? GAH! I'm so hooked that I'm seeing people on the street as the others!
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side


Quotejumping jaguars! I just finished season 2! What the hell is going on? Why are they doing this to me? GAH! I'm so hooked that I'm seeing people on the street as the others!
Oh, you have NO idea my friend.

Jon T.

Quotejumping jaguars! I just finished season 2! What the hell is going on? Why are they doing this to me? GAH! I'm so hooked that I'm seeing people on the street as the others!
Oh, you have NO idea my friend.



Quotejumping jaguars! I just finished season 2! What the hell is going on? Why are they doing this to me? GAH! I'm so hooked that I'm seeing people on the street as the others!
Oh, you have NO idea my friend.

this I am understanding more and more- with every passing episode!
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side


QuoteIs Jacob "inside" Sayid now, like the other dude is inside Locke?  (Smock/UN-Locke)

If so, then why did the people in the temple try to poison Sayid? I thought they were at the very least allied with Jacob more so than MIB.

If Locke/Smoke Monster/Man in Black is the bad guy (black) and Jacob is now Sayid/Good Guy/White then what if:

The people in the temple are bad guys on the "black" side and they wanted to kill Sayid with the poison.  However, for the same unknown reason that Evil Locke (MIB) had to have Ben kill jacob, the guys in the temple had to have Jack kill Sayid?   As if the only way to kill the good and evil respective leaders is to trick someone that is close to them to do it.  Or some shit like that.  My head hurts.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.