The LOST thread

Started by Ghosts_on_TV, May 10, 2007, 07:29 PM

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Best Lost shirt, ever! Just bought the sweatshirt while waiting in the Jury summons room  ;)


Well that was a whole lotta fuck.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

tonight was the bomb.  best episode of the season so far.  


Weren't  questions were supposed to be answered? Also, if Ben is goinng to die, why the fuck would they tell us in next weeks preview? Makes me think his "demise" doesn't mean his death.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteWeren't  questions were supposed to be answered? Also, if Ben is goinng to die, why the fuck would they tell us in next weeks preview? Makes me think his "demise" doesn't mean his death.

Ilana has some sort of plan but I wouldn't be surprised if everybody starts dying off starting next week.  I also think Lapidus is going to have a big role in the end of the show.

glad miles made it through the invasion, he's the man.  so..

Jack - Reacts to shit like a spaz.
Kate - She got eyeballed by evil locke so one can only assume she broke because of sawyer? but might try to take locke down.
Hurley - can see dead people
Miles - can talk to people who are buried or if he has the body.
whitmore/eloise - working for evil locke? is whitmore the reason evil locke exists/is free? is that why he was banished from the island?
Richard - where the fuck is he?
Sawyer - where the fuck  is he?
Jin - where the fuck is he?
Rose/Bernard - what the fuck are they doing?
Desmond/Penny/Baby Charlie - wtf?
Dogan - peace out bizneetch, looks like you might come back evil.  maybe.  his character seems too hyped up to just die off.  him in the alternate time line makes me think this.
Flight Attendant/Kids - who cares


QuoteWeren't  questions were supposed to be answered? Also, if Ben is goinng to die, why the fuck would they tell us in next weeks preview? Makes me think his "demise" doesn't mean his death.
Yeah, no questions were answered


QuoteWeren't  questions were supposed to be answered? Also, if Ben is goinng to die, why the fuck would they tell us in next weeks preview? Makes me think his "demise" doesn't mean his death.
Yeah, no questions were answered

I think enough questions were answered to get me back on board. We know there are teams, we basically have the various camps consolidated to one location. It's implied that what happened last night was all part of Jacobs plan, which is why he wanted Hurley and Jack out of there. Dogen is dead I think. For good.

I think Evil Locke knows Kate is easily manipulated and he can get her to do his bidding.

Sayid is long gone.

And they can't just kill Ben like that and state it so clearly. I mean you knew in Sopranos Christopher was gonna kick it, but the way they did it was perfect and in your face before you were ready for it. LOST know better than to say "SPOILER ALERT! BEN IS DEAD!"

I also think Rose and Bernard are just done. They sort of just wrote them off the show last season.
I'm surrounded by assholes


QuoteWeren't  questions were supposed to be answered? Also, if Ben is goinng to die, why the fuck would they tell us in next weeks preview? Makes me think his "demise" doesn't mean his death.
Yeah, no questions were answered

I think enough questions were answered to get me back on board. We know there are teams, we basically have the various camps consolidated to one location. It's implied that what happened last night was all part of Jacobs plan, which is why he wanted Hurley and Jack out of there. Dogen is dead I think. For good.

I think Evil Locke knows Kate is easily manipulated and he can get her to do his bidding.

Sayid is long gone.

And they can't just kill Ben like that and state it so clearly. I mean you knew in Sopranos Christopher was gonna kick it, but the way they did it was perfect and in your face before you were ready for it. LOST know better than to say "SPOILER ALERT! BEN IS DEAD!"

I also think Rose and Bernard are just done. They sort of just wrote them off the show last season.

Yeah, but we pretty much knew all that anyways. I mean, it was a really good episode, but I was pissed at the end pretty much because of last weeks preview. I don't think it was nessesary at all.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


QuoteWeren't  questions were supposed to be answered? Also, if Ben is goinng to die, why the fuck would they tell us in next weeks preview? Makes me think his "demise" doesn't mean his death.
Yeah, no questions were answered

I think enough questions were answered to get me back on board. We know there are teams, we basically have the various camps consolidated to one location. It's implied that what happened last night was all part of Jacobs plan, which is why he wanted Hurley and Jack out of there. Dogen is dead I think. For good.

I think Evil Locke knows Kate is easily manipulated and he can get her to do his bidding.

Sayid is long gone.

And they can't just kill Ben like that and state it so clearly. I mean you knew in Sopranos Christopher was gonna kick it, but the way they did it was perfect and in your face before you were ready for it. LOST know better than to say "SPOILER ALERT! BEN IS DEAD!"

I also think Rose and Bernard are just done. They sort of just wrote them off the show last season.

Yeah, but we pretty much knew all that anyways. I mean, it was a really good episode, but I was pissed at the end pretty much because of last weeks preview. I don't think it was nessesary at all.

I have to admit, i wasn't even looking forward to last night's episode. I lost faith! But now, I'm looking forward, if only to see how this Ben situation unfolds. There's no way they're going to let Ben barely appear in the final season of the series as a History teacher and that's it.
I'm surrounded by assholes


ok a friend just brought this up to me. The think Sayid says to the MiB that he wants most of all died in his arms. It's not Nadia and she didn't die in his arms in the original time line. Shannon did. fuck my head hurts now.


Quoteok a friend just brought this up to me. The think Sayid says to the MiB that he wants most of all died in his arms. It's not Nadia and she didn't die in his arms in the original time line. Shannon did. fuck my head hurts now.

Wow, I didn't even think of that. But now I'm trying to remember if Nadia was still alive after she was hit by the car when saiyd got to her.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


i think she was, didnt she tell sayid she wanted to go home then die?


I think you're right. Its interesting how that all panned out. In a way Jacob was somewhat responsible for Nadia's death and Locke used that to get Sayid to change sides. I guess Jacob didn't think that one through very well. Last night's episode kind of made me want to join the dark side too. Dogen was getting on my nerves, I was glad when Sayid shanked his ass. I think Sticky is right though, he'll probably be back. I'm a bit nervous about what's going to happen to Kate. She definitely didn't receive Locke's smile of approval like the others did.
Shooting in the dark as to what's best

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

no way sayid loves shannon more than nadia.  plus boone flew back and left her in Australia in the alternate time line.  

The thing that is tripping me out is when Walt appeared to Shannon soaked in water.  Dogan said the smoke monster can only appear as somebody who is dead.  If Walt wouldn't have lured Shannon out into the forest she wouldn't have been shot.  

The reason the monster killed Eko seems sort of explained.  Eko knew the monster wasn't his brother when it appeared to him and then he was killed after he refused to listen to it right?


I don't know how you can remember details that far back. Eko was a cool character, its a bummer he isn't around anymore. I agree, I think he was referring to Nadia. The thing with Shannon was a fling; when you're stranded on an island for weeks with a bunch of hot chicks you're gonna get a little horny, its a widely believed fact.
I wonder why the detonation of the bomb changed things for those who are not candidates, like Shannon and Boone. I understand that things are different for Jack and Hurley because Jacob never would have met them and influenced their lives, leading them to the island. Jacob never contacted Shannon so why did she decide to stay in Sydney? Probably one of the little things that will never get answered. I'm still waiting to see what the deal is with Kate, why she was contacted by Jacob as a child but isn't a candidate, and how that will play out with her joining the dark side.
Shooting in the dark as to what's best

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

yes this candidate stuff is intriguing.  Remember when Walt gets captured and then Michael finally meets up with the others at that fake camp they staged?  They bring Walt in and he says they made him do "tests" or something and the lady says "we're not going to talk about that".

what if Walt was taken to the Temple and something was done to him by Dogan or Richard or something.  Walt made that bird fly into window, used his minds eye to throw that knife like a pro, had visions of people being pissed at locke on the beach,etc.  Walt will be back and I want to bet some money right this second that Walt will kill evil locke with a knife throw.

It probably won't happen but for awhile that has been my vision of how they slay the beast, if they do.  if he is in fact, a beast.

I think the reason things changed for everyone is because every action those people made got them to that very point.  In every instance in time line 1 people were leaving Australian pissed, unsure of themselves, bummed, or completely defeated, etc

Also, I think the obvious little changes like Hurley having good luck is a distraction device used to divert attention from the more obscure important character changes and little events.  

Just thought of how the island ends up underwater.  I'm on to these fuckers.  Rose and Bernard.  of course!  It's going to be a sneak attack from Bernard.  Rose and Bernard stay behind and sink island/die/become adam and eve.  They are untainted meat.  pure love.  There is that supposed anagram from the brain wash tape or something that says something about the nadlers being in the caves (rose and bernard).  hmm.

I think Jack is important but he's still just a chess piece doing his part.  Each person has a special personality trait that can be triggered by certain things Jacob and Evil Locke do.  Kate can run.  Makes me wonder if her childhood boy toy is going to pop up as a manifestation to convince her of something.  He's definitely dead because of her.

Too many questions, 10 episodes left.  


Quoteyes this candidate stuff is intriguing.  Remember when Walt gets captured and then Michael finally meets up with the others at that fake camp they staged?  They bring Walt in and he says they made him do "tests" or something and the lady says "we're not going to talk about that".

what if Walt was taken to the Temple and something was done to him by Dogan or Richard or something.  Walt made that bird fly into window, used his minds eye to throw that knife like a pro, had visions of people being pissed at locke on the beach,etc.  Walt will be back and I want to bet some money right this second that Walt will kill evil locke with a knife throw.

It probably won't happen but for awhile that has been my vision of how they slay the beast, if they do.  if he is in fact, a beast.

I think the reason things changed for everyone is because every action those people made got them to that very point.  In every instance in time line 1 people were leaving Australian pissed, unsure of themselves, bummed, or completely defeated, etc

Also, I think the obvious little changes like Hurley having good luck is a distraction device used to divert attention from the more obscure important character changes and little events.  

Just thought of how the island ends up underwater.  I'm on to these fuckers.  Rose and Bernard.  of course!  It's going to be a sneak attack from Bernard.  Rose and Bernard stay behind and sink island/die/become adam and eve.  They are untainted meat.  pure love.  There is that supposed anagram from the brain wash tape or something that says something about the nadlers being in the caves (rose and bernard).  hmm.

I think Jack is important but he's still just a chess piece doing his part.  Each person has a special personality trait that can be triggered by certain things Jacob and Evil Locke do.  Kate can run.  Makes me wonder if her childhood boy toy is going to pop up as a manifestation to convince her of something.  He's definitely dead because of her.

Too many questions, 10 episodes left.  

11 epidodes left. 12 hours of show left, 10 episodes + 2 hour series finale.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Epi 15 apparently is all about Jacob and MiB. No regular cast members will be featured.


QuoteEpi 15 apparently is all about Jacob and MiB. No regular cast members will be featured.

VERRRRRRRY interesting

Here's a fun page:

There are spoilers possibly if you click around too much, but nothing initially.

I'm surrounded by assholes

Jon T.

Quoteyes this candidate stuff is intriguing.  Remember when Walt gets captured and then Michael finally meets up with the others at that fake camp they staged?  They bring Walt in and he says they made him do "tests" or something and the lady says "we're not going to talk about that".

what if Walt was taken to the Temple and something was done to him by Dogan or Richard or something.  Walt made that bird fly into window, used his minds eye to throw that knife like a pro, had visions of people being pissed at locke on the beach,etc.  Walt will be back and I want to bet some money right this second that Walt will kill evil locke with a knife throw.

It probably won't happen but for awhile that has been my vision of how they slay the beast, if they do.  if he is in fact, a beast.

I think the reason things changed for everyone is because every action those people made got them to that very point.  In every instance in time line 1 people were leaving Australian pissed, unsure of themselves, bummed, or completely defeated, etc

Also, I think the obvious little changes like Hurley having good luck is a distraction device used to divert attention from the more obscure important character changes and little events.  

Just thought of how the island ends up underwater.  I'm on to these fuckers.  Rose and Bernard.  of course!  It's going to be a sneak attack from Bernard.  Rose and Bernard stay behind and sink island/die/become adam and eve.  They are untainted meat.  pure love.  There is that supposed anagram from the brain wash tape or something that says something about the nadlers being in the caves (rose and bernard).  hmm.

I think Jack is important but he's still just a chess piece doing his part.  Each person has a special personality trait that can be triggered by certain things Jacob and Evil Locke do.  Kate can run.  Makes me wonder if her childhood boy toy is going to pop up as a manifestation to convince her of something.  He's definitely dead because of her.

Too many questions, 10 episodes left.  

Right or wrong, I love reading shit like this.