The Other Sports Thread

Started by capt._headdy, Jul 19, 2009, 12:55 PM

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That said, I like Kobe more than Lebron but him going to Miami instantly makes me more interested in the NBA

Funny you say this because I feel exactly the opposite.  My interest in the NBA has slowly eroded since Jordan retired.  My peak interest was during the days of Magic vs. Bird and Jordan carried the torch until he retired.  And I guess LBJ rekindled my interest as he played for my hometown team.  But with this whole free agency fiasco as we watched teams dump salaries to set themselves up to attempt to buy their way to a championship, I have no interest in the NBA whatsoever anymore.

I mean, I saw a stat that absolutely amazed me wrt the NBA and that is that only 8 different teams have won the NBA title in the last 30 years!  Wow, that really makes me interested in this league?!  Meanwhile, MLB who most people say has the real problem of teams piling up gaudy payrolls has had 17 different champions over the same time-span.  

I wouldn't be surprised in the least to see the NHL benefit from this as well.  I think the NBA needs some major fixing and interest will continue to drop outside of places like LA, Boston and now Miami (until the novelty wears off on their fairweather fans).  Meanwhile, the NHL seems to be on the rise with the with the showcase their stars put on in the Olympics last winter and the emerging young stars throughout the league, I know my sport of choice to follow next winter will definitely be on the ice and not on the hard court.

The only interest I will have in the NBA next season is being amused in watching the Heat fail to win it all and watching Lebron pout off the floor in disgrace after losing prematurely yet again in the playoffs.  Meanwhile watching Kobe and the Lakers continue to dominate the league.  Hell, I think the Heat will struggle to make it out of the East as I feel the Bulls are a better TEAM!

capt. scotty

QuoteBut on a side note...If LBJ didn't leave, the T-Wolves wouldn't be getting Beasley.  

Quite an amount of young talent the Wolves are stockpiling
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons



That said, I like Kobe more than Lebron but him going to Miami instantly makes me more interested in the NBA

Funny you say this because I feel exactly the opposite.  My interest in the NBA has slowly eroded since Jordan retired.  My peak interest was during the days of Magic vs. Bird and Jordan carried the torch until he retired.  And I guess LBJ rekindled my interest as he played for my hometown team.  But with this whole free agency fiasco as we watched teams dump salaries to set themselves up to attempt to buy their way to a championship, I have no interest in the NBA whatsoever anymore.

I mean, I saw a stat that absolutely amazed me wrt the NBA and that is that only 8 different teams have won the NBA title in the last 30 years!  Wow, that really makes me interested in this league?!  Meanwhile, MLB who most people say has the real problem of teams piling up gaudy payrolls has had 17 different champions over the same time-span.  

I wouldn't be surprised in the least to see the NHL benefit from this as well.  I think the NBA needs some major fixing and interest will continue to drop outside of places like LA, Boston and now Miami (until the novelty wears off on their fairweather fans).  Meanwhile, the NHL seems to be on the rise with the with the showcase their stars put on in the Olympics last winter and the emerging young stars throughout the league, I know my sport of choice to follow next winter will definitely be on the ice and not on the hard court.

The only interest I will have in the NBA next season is being amused in watching the Heat fail to win it all and watching Lebron pout off the floor in disgrace after losing prematurely yet again in the playoffs.  Meanwhile watching Kobe and the Lakers continue to dominate the league.  Hell, I think the Heat will struggle to make it out of the East as I feel the Bulls are a better TEAM!

I'm in the same boat as you, Beer. I've been hearing how this is good for the league, but how? To have only a handful of good teams doesn't make any sense. Now it seems that no teams have a chance. How are the other teams going to sell that to their fans? But Headdy is going to watch, so David Stern is happy  ;)

I also will be watching hockey this year, but that's a given. Way more talent and youth in the NHL right now and every second matters in the game. Basketball?...let me know when there's 5 minutes left in the game and if it's close, then maybe I'll get excited. I hope you're right about the NHL gaining some momentum. That would be sweet!
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


QuoteBut on a side note...If LBJ didn't leave, the T-Wolves wouldn't be getting Beasley.  

Quite an amount of young talent the Wolves are stockpiling

Much Greater Than Science Fiction

capt. scotty


That said, I like Kobe more than Lebron but him going to Miami instantly makes me more interested in the NBA

Funny you say this because I feel exactly the opposite.  My interest in the NBA has slowly eroded since Jordan retired.  My peak interest was during the days of Magic vs. Bird and Jordan carried the torch until he retired.  And I guess LBJ rekindled my interest as he played for my hometown team.  But with this whole free agency fiasco as we watched teams dump salaries to set themselves up to attempt to buy their way to a championship, I have no interest in the NBA whatsoever anymore.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least to see the NHL benefit from this as well.  I think the NBA needs some major fixing and interest will continue to drop outside of places like LA, Boston and now Miami (until the novelty wears off on their fairweather fans).  Meanwhile, the NHL seems to be on the rise with the with the showcase their stars put on in the Olympics last winter and the emerging young stars throughout the league, I know my sport of choice to follow next winter will definitely be on the ice and not on the hard court.

Eh, its all relative. I dont care about or watch any NBA games until the playoffs, but this will elevate my interest ever so slightly during the regular season.

I'll still be watching a ton of hockey as the Pens strive for another cup.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

QuoteBut on a side note...If LBJ didn't leave, the T-Wolves wouldn't be getting Beasley.  

Quite an amount of young talent the Wolves are stockpiling


Al Jefferson, Jonny Flynn, Ricky Rubio, Kevin Love, Corey Brewer and now Beasley? I think thats a solid group of players.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

I also will be watching hockey this year, but that's a given. Way more talent and youth in the NHL right now and every second matters in the game. Basketball?...let me know when there's 5 minutes left in the game and if it's close, then maybe I'll get excited. I hope you're right about the NHL gaining some momentum. That would be sweet!

Doubt this happens until they leave Vs and go back to ESPN
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


QuoteBut on a side note...If LBJ didn't leave, the T-Wolves wouldn't be getting Beasley.  

Quite an amount of young talent the Wolves are stockpiling


Al Jefferson, Jonny Flynn, Ricky Rubio, Kevin Love, Corey Brewer and now Beasley? I think thats a solid group of players.

We'll never get Rubio here, it's too cold for him. Corey Brewer isn't good.  We don't have a leader, I think that's the problem, and Al Jefferson isn't the answer. He looks good on a bad team., like Gil Arenas. I'll give Flynn some more time, but he's seems like every other guard we draft, an underachiever.

I was hoping we'd draft that guy from KY. If we got him and Beasley, that would be sweet! I would actually look forward to reading the paper in the morning. Wolves lose 71-103...local NBA stars get in trouble outside Minneapolis strip club. Maybe wishful thinking? Well, hopefully Beasley can make headlines.
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


I also will be watching hockey this year, but that's a given. Way more talent and youth in the NHL right now and every second matters in the game. Basketball?...let me know when there's 5 minutes left in the game and if it's close, then maybe I'll get excited. I hope you're right about the NHL gaining some momentum. That would be sweet!

Doubt this happens until they leave Vs and go back to ESPN

Yeah, good point. When is that deal done btw? Isn't it up this year or next?
Much Greater Than Science Fiction

Penny Lane

Sports Guy has a new column today. (and this mailbag isn't even just Cleveland fans)

but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteSports Guy has a new column today. (and this mailbag isn't even just Cleveland fans)


Love the sportsguy!
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.

Penny Lane

QuoteSports Guy has a new column today. (and this mailbag isn't even just Cleveland fans)


Love the sportsguy!

read yesterday and today's articles in that order, as much as i get tired of him droning on about boston teams, he nailed this one completely
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

capt. scotty


We'll never get Rubio here, it's too cold for him. Corey Brewer isn't good.  We don't have a leader, I think that's the problem, and Al Jefferson isn't the answer. He looks good on a bad team., like Gil Arenas. I'll give Flynn some more time, but he's seems like every other guard we draft, an underachiever.

I was hoping we'd draft that guy from KY. If we got him and Beasley, that would be sweet! I would actually look forward to reading the paper in the morning. Wolves lose 71-103...local NBA stars get in trouble outside Minneapolis strip club. Maybe wishful thinking? Well, hopefully Beasley can make headlines.

Forgot you guys drafted Wes Johnson. He could be good, but I cant believe they took him over Demarcus Cousins (probably the guy from KY youre talking about). I mightve even taken Cousins over Turner or Wall.

Speaking of Arenas, now that Chicago missed out on Lebron I think he'd be a perfect fit there. He is exactly what they dont have - swingman who can score wherever and whenever he wants. Put him alongside Rose, Boozer, Noah, Deng, Gibson and you got a team that I think can hang with Boston and Miami
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

I also will be watching hockey this year, but that's a given. Way more talent and youth in the NHL right now and every second matters in the game. Basketball?...let me know when there's 5 minutes left in the game and if it's close, then maybe I'll get excited. I hope you're right about the NHL gaining some momentum. That would be sweet!

Doubt this happens until they leave Vs and go back to ESPN

Yeah, good point. When is that deal done btw? Isn't it up this year or next?

I thought it was 2 more years 3 years ago, so I have no idea.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

QuoteSports Guy has a new column today. (and this mailbag isn't even just Cleveland fans)


Love the sportsguy!

read yesterday and today's articles in that order, as much as i get tired of him droning on about boston teams, he nailed this one completely

What article from yesterday are you referring to? I looked for it yesterday after you mentioned it but I couldnt find anything.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

Just saw that Dasean Butler did in fact tear his ACL. Not sure where he was supposed to be drafted, but IMO he was a mid first round pick. The new projections are 2nd round to undrafted. I think he'd still be a great pick for one of those playoff teams who already have a good bench and will be picking in the late 2nd. I think Cleveland picking him would make a lot of sense.

Now that they have who they have, great pick by Miami that fits into what I was thinking
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

Penny Lane

QuoteSports Guy has a new column today. (and this mailbag isn't even just Cleveland fans)


Love the sportsguy!

read yesterday and today's articles in that order, as much as i get tired of him droning on about boston teams, he nailed this one completely

What article from yesterday are you referring to? I looked for it yesterday after you mentioned it but I couldnt find anything.

this article was posted the day before, the mailbag article was on Friday
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

capt. scotty

Few things....

1) The best part - and possibly most accurate - thing of both those Simmons articles is when he compared Lebron doing this to Hulk Hogan joining and forming the NWO  ;D....If you actually listen to what the Hulkster says, its eerily relatable to Lebron as well

2) This stuff Jesse Jackson said is retarded. Slave master? C'mon now. Gilbert felt jilted and disrespected, and was pissed his franchise just became a cellar dweller in a matter of minutes.

3) This shirt is pretty rad:
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


QuoteFew things....

1) The best part - and possibly most accurate - thing of both those Simmons articles is when he compared Lebron doing this to Hulk Hogan joining and forming the NWO  ;D....If you actually listen to what the Hulkster says, its eerily relatable to Lebron as well

2) This stuff Jesse Jackson said is retarded. Slave master? C'mon now. Gilbert felt jilted and disrespected, and was pissed his franchise just became a cellar dweller in a matter of minutes.

3) This shirt is pretty rad:

Watching the NWO clip was great. I was way more of a WWF guy, but I'll never forget that. It was in the height of my wrestling watching.

The Gilbert letter wasn't bad, I didn't think it deserved Jesse Jackson's attention either. I thought it was an owner trying anything to get fans to come back. The fans were pissed and he tried to relate to them. It was desperate, not racist. I was listening to Stephen A Smith this morning, and he was going off about how racist it was. I hate Stephen A. Smith. How does that guy keep getting jobs? He said that all blacks felt it was racist, but he sure as heck didn't listen to Cleveland sports radio the day after. Every caller backed up the owner, yes even the black callers Stephen A. Smith!

The shirts are funny, and I'm thinking about getting one. All of them are great, but the Big Ben shirt is priceless.
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


And how am I just finding out about Delonte West fucking Lebron's mom? How did she not know that Delonte has herpes? Any 10 year old with a basketball card knows that.

Much Greater Than Science Fiction