Airports, X-Rays, and Genital Fondling

Started by el_chode, Nov 16, 2010, 11:00 PM

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Sticky Icky Green Stuff

bravo on the rin tin tin reference.  quality shit. haha


There are a lot of anecdotal news stories about who's been "molested".

the 3 year old (from 2 years ago)

TSA agents whip out a woman's boobs in public then mock her

However, I don't really fault the agents. To quote Lucas Jackson the War Hero, "Callin it yer job don't make it right, boss". I do feel bad for these people - imagine you're told to do this to people day in and day out, many of whom are tired, cranky, rushed, nervous, don't speak English, don't know what to do, filthy, stinky, etc, and if you don't you either worry you'll get fired or cause a disaster.

It's that the TSA has put them - and us - in this situation, and we're paying for the privilege.

Also, rest assured if you try and be a punk about it you'll get in trouble for "interfering" or some shit. Though I'd like to make a shirt that revealed a hidden message upon being scanned.
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteThere are a lot of anecdotal news stories about who's been "molested".

the 3 year old (from 2 years ago)

TSA agents whip out a woman's boobs in public then mock her

However, I don't really fault the agents. To quote Lucas Jackson the War Hero, "Callin it yer job don't make it right, boss". I do feel bad for these people - imagine you're told to do this to people day in and day out, many of whom are tired, cranky, rushed, nervous, don't speak English, don't know what to do, filthy, stinky, etc, and if you don't you either worry you'll get fired or cause a disaster.

It's that the TSA has put them - and us - in this situation, and we're paying for the privilege.

Also, rest assured if you try and be a punk about it you'll get in trouble for "interfering" or some shit. Though I'd like to make a shirt that revealed a hidden message upon being scanned.

I was thinking about getting some kinda metallic tattoo into my stomach under the skin so when I get x-ray'd it says something like "Mouth Goes Here" with an arrow pointing to my cock.  If they want to see my pee pee so be it.  I've been thinking of ways to smuggle weed thru I figured I could get a leather wallet and undo the fabric, grind up the herb and line the fucker so it's solid and then sew the bitch back up.  I bet I could get thru if there aren't dogs.  if I could get thru with weed, or even sort of come up with ideas on how to then other people are thinking of way crazier shit already.  

It's like trying to stop people from downloading illegal stuff on the internet.  the only way that's going to happen is if the internet is shutdown completely.  we're chasing a ghost.


QuoteThere are a lot of anecdotal news stories about who's been "molested".

the 3 year old (from 2 years ago)

TSA agents whip out a woman's boobs in public then mock her

However, I don't really fault the agents. To quote Lucas Jackson the War Hero, "Callin it yer job don't make it right, boss". I do feel bad for these people - imagine you're told to do this to people day in and day out, many of whom are tired, cranky, rushed, nervous, don't speak English, don't know what to do, filthy, stinky, etc, and if you don't you either worry you'll get fired or cause a disaster.

It's that the TSA has put them - and us - in this situation, and we're paying for the privilege.

Also, rest assured if you try and be a punk about it you'll get in trouble for "interfering" or some shit. Though I'd like to make a shirt that revealed a hidden message upon being scanned.

I was thinking about getting some kinda metallic tattoo into my stomach under the skin so when I get x-ray'd it says something like "Mouth Goes Here" with an arrow pointing to my cock.  If they want to see my pee pee so be it.  I've been thinking of ways to smuggle weed thru I figured I could get a leather wallet and undo the fabric, grind up the herb and line the fucker so it's solid and then sew the bitch back up.  I bet I could get thru if there aren't dogs.  if I could get thru with weed, or even sort of come up with ideas on how to then other people are thinking of way crazier shit already.  

It's like trying to stop people from downloading illegal stuff on the internet.  the only way that's going to happen is if the internet is shutdown completely.  we're chasing a ghost.

Dude you know how they've been justifying the scanners? They've found a lot of drugs.

I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

really? so surprising haha.  there are probably so many terrorist who fly from one state to the other to blow up stuff.  it makes so much sense to take the risk of flying, fuck driving across the united states with bombs privately, that's way too risky.  

unless the terrorists are coming from the united states and terrorizing other nations, why the fuck are they doing colon sweeps on us?  

maybe this is what the next two years is going to be like.  things are getting flat out nutty.


Quotereally? so surprising haha.  there are probably so many terrorist who fly from one state to the other to blow up stuff.  it makes so much sense to take the risk of flying, fuck driving across the united states with bombs privately, that's way too risky.  

unless the terrorists are coming from the united states and terrorizing other nations, why the fuck are they doing colon sweeps on us?  

maybe this is what the next two years is going to be like.  things are getting flat out nutty.

It's like when your parents catch you misbehaving once with a bunch of your friends. They can't punish your friends in a rational way, so instead they ground you for life (TSA domestically) and then sue the shit out of the other families unnecessarily (War in Afghanistan).

9/11 was domestic though. But these measures were mainly instated because of the underwear bomber, and that was an International flight.
I'm surrounded by assholes


Quotereally? so surprising haha.  there are probably so many terrorist who fly from one state to the other to blow up stuff.  it makes so much sense to take the risk of flying, fuck driving across the united states with bombs privately, that's way too risky.  

unless the terrorists are coming from the united states and terrorizing other nations, why the fuck are they doing colon sweeps on us?  

maybe this is what the next two years is going to be like.  things are getting flat out nutty.

[highlight]It's like when your parents catch you misbehaving once with a bunch of your friends.[/highlight] They can't punish your friends in a rational way, so instead they ground you for life (TSA domestically) and then sue the shit out of the other families unnecessarily (War in Afghanistan).

9/11 was domestic though. But these measures were mainly instated because of the underwear bomber, and that was an International flight.

I'm not understanding this were Americans misbehaving with terrorists?


not saying 9/11 was a conspiracy when i say this, but whatever we did wrong that allowed 9/11 to happen.
I'm surrounded by assholes


Quotenot saying 9/11 was a conspiracy when i say this, but whatever we did wrong that allowed 9/11 to happen.
By definition 9/11 was a conspiracy, as it involved 19 people.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quotenot saying 9/11 was a conspiracy when i say this, but whatever we did wrong that allowed 9/11 to happen.
By definition 9/11 was a conspiracy, as it involved 19 people.

wait I think I've got it all figured out now.

Airplanes are weapons of mass destruction.


Quotenot saying 9/11 was a conspiracy when i say this, but whatever we did wrong that allowed 9/11 to happen.
By definition 9/11 was a conspiracy, as it involved 19 people.

DAMN YOU SEMANTICS! Yeah I'm anti-semantic, so does that make me a 9/11 conspirator?

Also, if you take away anything from all this, take away some humor:

and a general summation:
I'm surrounded by assholes


Quotenot saying 9/11 was a conspiracy when i say this, but whatever we did wrong that allowed 9/11 to happen.
By definition 9/11 was a conspiracy, as it involved 19 people.

DAMN YOU SEMANTICS! Yeah I'm anti-semantic, so does that make me a 9/11 conspirator?

Also, if you take away anything from all this, take away some humor:

and a general summation:
If we can't practice good English on the MMJ board, the terrorists have won... ;)

capt. scotty

Quotenot saying 9/11 was a conspiracy when i say this, but whatever we did wrong that allowed 9/11 to happen.

watch the first season of Rubicon, and you might think differently  :o
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


On a somewhat tangentially related note, my local NPR station did a piece on the new TSA screening procedures this morning...and closed out with a few bars from "Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Pt. 1".   ;D
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Cow temperature.


All credit to you Mr. el_chode, interesting topic, interesting discussion, good arguments, you have my vote!  :) I always think of Americans as protective of freedom and privacy and other fundamental things, but lately it seems you're easily persuaded into doing a lot of things I'd never would have thought you'd agree too. I hope Sweden won't follow, but most probably we eventually will. We're on the "fear of terrorism will make us do pretty much anything"-train too. I just hope we can get off it soon.
Europe ♥ My Morning Jacket


A few people on here say they are concerned about their constitutional rights being eroded. Your constitutional rights are being eroded in much worse ways by your government than airport scans / fondles. And that's not just aimed at Americans - it's the same here.

I gotta say this Choder. It's kind of ironic that you don't seem too bothered about innocent civilians being "lit up" by trigger happy soldiers. Yet you are so indignant about having someone fondle your balls to keep you safe on a plane.

Personally, I'm a bit dubious about the health aspects of the scanners but I'm not opposed to being given a thorough security pat down. If that means someone cupping my balls then so be it.

I'd prefer it if you could choose the security agent who's going to search you. And in the great capitalist tradition of privatising even the most fundamental of services I can see a whole new business opportunity........Hooters Security Services! Just like paying extra money for speedy boarding etc. you can pay a small extra charge for a pat down by one of Tiger Woods' ex bitches!
Paulie W


I don't see the irony in two mutually exclusive events. Soldiers in a war zone known to use dirty tricks do not equal citizens with rights who are just trying to get from place to place.

The only irony here (unexpected outcome) is that you seem to think insurgents have constitutional rights.
I'm surrounded by assholes