Current Joys

Started by ycartrob, Aug 22, 2006, 12:22 PM

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QuoteI'M ALIVE!!!  Here's a taste of what has happened in my week of internet exile...

I survived my move to Saskatoon and am settling in nicely.  Found a job yesterday at an independent coffee shop with two locations in the city, can't wait to start.  The staff is comprised of gents who look like they could be in any number of my favourite bands and ladies who look like they frequent bookstores far too much.  Heaven!  I've got a pretty killer basement suite with great young couple as landlords.  No internet connection as of yet, though.    

Helping out one of my landlord's father tonight - he's pretty much the coolest gent I've ever met...And he's promised to introduce me to his 21 year old daughter when she's home from abroad, so I'm trying to get in tight you see.   ;D  Checking out The Sadies tonight and rumour has it that their father's band - the excellent Good Brothers - will be making a special appearance.  I'm crazy excited.  

Now, how are you?   :)

Nice!   Happy things are going well for you!  Jealous your seeing the Sadies!  Have fun and have a drink on me!   [smiley=beer.gif]

(Nice move, getting tight with the 21 year old's old man! ;))
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


My band finally has artwork for the EP we recorded!  It'll actually just be on the CD, but its still artwork!  It gives me a sense of completion, we started recording it in February 2007, it wasn't finished until July 2008.  I'm really happy about this right now.  Too bad I have to go to bed...

The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place


Freaking incredible. Is that a heart?

7.5 hours til work, then another 8 hours until I roll my way on up toward Nashvegas! Can't wait to see this on the horizon:

Well, I probably won't first glimpse it from the top of Belmont's parking garage, but that's a bit of a formality!
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Yes, it's a heart.  

I love driving south down 65.  You drive over a hill and suddenly Nashville is right there in all its glory.
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place


I really dig driving up on it from the East on 24 merging onto 65 South. You come around this big mess of highway and then it's all "Hey, Skyline! Bye, Skyline!" and then you're on Wedgewood and driving just past Grimey's and the Exxon at the intersection at 8th and you're home. It's just home. That's what it feels like. That little strip of road right there.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Glad the move went ok for you Kaley. Sounds like things are going great.


Not too many things better then spooning under a warm electric blanket on a cold cold morning with my sweetie.

bowl of soup

QuoteNot too many things better then spooning under a warm electric blanket on a cold cold morning with my sweetie.

That was supposed to be a secret.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


QuoteNot too many things better then spooning under a warm electric blanket on a cold cold morning with my sweetie.

That was supposed to be a secret.
Ahh darn, you should have warned me to not let the cat out of the bag.


The outfit that Brook Burke wore for her dance on Dancing With The (are they reall?) Stars! Oh my gawd. For all times to not have a wardrobe malfunction. That was errrr gravity defying


It's really good to see old friends and find out that nothing has changed between one another.  :) I'm not sure which is more dangerous/fun: the fact that we were taking Dr. Pepper shots and shooting our 9MMs at some cans in the country, or the drive to Dodge's Chicken store after taking the shots.
Evey: Are you, like, a crazy person?
V: I am quite sure they will say so.


Started my new job today - slinging coffee - and it's so rad.  Everyone I worked with today was either a fox, or super cool, some were both!  Even 95% of the customers were great.  First time in my life I've ever got tips.  Free coffee-based beverages while working, so I'm tending quite the caffeine high - probably drank $20 worth in various concoctions.  It was also the first time in my life I've been able to walk to work!  So psyched about that.



Just played a FANTASTIC benefit show for someone we know who has a very serious case of leukemia and our band made and then donated about $70 to the family.  So not only do I feel good about the show, I feel good about being able to help some people out who really need it right now.  
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place


QuoteJust played a FANTASTIC benefit show for someone we know who has a very serious case of leukemia and our band made and then donated about $70 to the family.  So not only do I feel good about the show, I feel good about being able to help some people out who really need it right now.  
That's awesome for raising the money. :)
How loud can silence get?


I'm going away for four days tomorrow.
How loud can silence get?


QuoteStarted my new job today - slinging coffee - and it's so rad.  Everyone I worked with today was either a fox, or super cool, some were both!  Even 95% of the customers were great.  First time in my life I've ever got tips.  Free coffee-based beverages while working, so I'm tending quite the caffeine high - probably drank $20 worth in various concoctions.  It was also the first time in my life I've been able to walk to work!  So psyched about that.

New move, new job, happiness! Oh to be young again... ;)
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


QuoteJust played a FANTASTIC benefit show for someone we know who has a very serious case of leukemia and our band made and then donated about $70 to the family.  So not only do I feel good about the show, I feel good about being able to help some people out who really need it right now.  
That's awesome for raising the money. :)

I don't know what the final total was, but before the show had even started they had more than covered their expenses so I think it did fairly well.
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place


Friday night was the first time in almost 4 years that I drank enough alcohol to get drunk. It was the tasty beers(Blue Moon{Almost too sweet} and Sam Adams Winter Ale) that kept me coming back. This was strange because it was beer that drove me away from drinking in the first place. Hmm? Either way, it was fun. :)
Evey: Are you, like, a crazy person?
V: I am quite sure they will say so.


i just applied to hampshire


I'm feeeeeeeeeeelin nuthin right now.