Current Joys

Started by ycartrob, Aug 22, 2006, 12:22 PM

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Being able to wear my Z tour T-shirt to school in honor of a staff member's 40th birthday (black). The look on the student's faces was priceless as they quizzically tried to figure out the crazy front!   ;)
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


somebody baked brownies and left them on the kitchen table.
but nobody is home.

do i eat them?

Easy Morning Rebel

Today I've found out that I passed my exam in moral philosophy. YAAY! :D

Even cowgirls get the blues


that's a dilemma.... will anyone notice if you sneak one?
love a song for the way it makes you feel


sleeping in a bed
love a song for the way it makes you feel


why? were sleeping somewhere not a bed prior to this day?
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Tuesdays are always good days..
HIstory and Chemistry aren't in my schedule on Tuesdays, ever. Plus the day ends twenty minutes early (2:15 opposed to 2:35)
I had an english presentatino about my social class, I had to speak for ten minutes about how I felt about it, and definately did better than I thought I would.
My friend Andrew went away for the semester to London, and he's returned yesterday! He called me today while I was walking to work, and it was just wonddddddderful hearing his voice!
I went to work, which wasn't that bad, relatively speaking...
I walked home, with my iPod which I remembered I had... and it wasn't too bad, even though it is a twenty five mintue walk... at least it wasn't cold.
I came home and nobody but my brother was home, and we watched television for awhile...
then he left for my dad's and I made myself dinner, and stole one of those freshly baked brownies...
And I've completed all my work! and squared things off with my conductor...
And now nobody's home, so I can enjoy the silence and Devendra for awhile on my own.

Ahh, good days are the best.


Buying presents for's all about the giving isn't it?  :)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Quotewhy? were sleeping somewhere not a bed prior to this day?

on the couch for the last 2 weeks, which was comfy but sucked.

had a major household bug issue, but we got fumigated yesterday so fingers crossed its all sorted.... i miss my futon
love a song for the way it makes you feel


QuoteToday I've found out that I passed my exam in moral philosophy. YAAY! :D


I can go to sleep now, as I have finished the entire process of writing a research paper in less than three hours.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D


winter break starts in eight hours!!  ;D

I can't wait, no I can't wait anymore.


I have THE most awesome job ever.


I love it.


Getting a large box of quality (LL Bean) type of stuff ready to donate to a local homeless shelter.   :)
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary

Angry Ewok

My current joys are pretty awesome and numerous.

One would have to be that I have Sundays off... I've been working longer hours than my parents, Monday through Saturday, usually 8 a.m. to 6 or 7 p.m., so I am totally worn out on Sundays. Good hours - that rocks.

Yesterday, we finally finished up the first batch of serigraph prints celebrating Texas beating USC at the 2006 Rose Bowl... the lithographs have been selling really, really well - and we're pretty sure we won't have any problem selling the serigraphs. I'll be getting a four-of-a-kind uber-rare Printer's Edition of the serigraph... I'm estimating the value of that to be about $1,300.

It's always good to see your work help, if even in a minor way, fuel some success for the people you work for - if you like them, at least. I really like my bosses... and it looks like business is really doing well this Christmas. I'm hoping that I can sort of help out with their advertising, on top of all the other stuff I do.

Bringing me to my third (?) joy in one post - my dad finally caved in and has agreed to allow me to apprentice under him as a glassblower. He's been pressured into it, both by my boss, my mom, and his colleagues... but hey, finally! I may actually be a half decent glassblower, after some training with my dad. He's one of the best in the country, the only problem is that he and I don't get along in the least bit. We'll see what happens with that.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


friday is vacation fuh'real.

this week may be long, but after that i have eleven days of freedom...! :D




slightly pink hair  8-)
love a song for the way it makes you feel


In just a few days I'll be seeing some friends that I haven't in far too long.  And a four day weekend to top it off.


1. No more classes until January 21st! Yes.  8-)

2. I get to do a remote broadcast today.

3. The forum makeover is wicked cool.

4. Vicodin.

5. Sunshine and 66 degrees in December. Yes, this is not a "good thing," but it's nice outside. That makes me smile.

6. My friends

7. My cumulative GPA went up .5!