Current Joys

Started by ycartrob, Aug 22, 2006, 12:22 PM

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Those are fantastic.  Did you get those from a website murph?  
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Hey Dave. Their is a link to Ms. Lolley's site in the links section.

Yeah, she's ace. Thru the years now (4) MMJ just keeps introducing me to amazing musicians (M. Ward, Wax Fang, Andrew Bird) and artists.


I enjoy her work as well.  I checked out her website a while ago and ended up following links to two other artists Saelee Oh and Souther Salazar.   I fell in love with their work...dreamy and youthful.


thinking is my current joy.
but it's making my brain hurt.

but i was just wondering. i don't know how to put this. but i realized that i don't fit into a social class exactly.  because of my moral views and my ethics and my beliefs towards all the stereotypes.  now this is just generally speaking. but i live in a wealthy part of boston, in a three story house, with a step-father doctor and a "stay at home mom whose never home".  and i live comfortably, almost luxiourously. yet. on the other side, i live with my dad, in a COMFORTABLE HOME. a small, homey home in the suburbs of boston, oustide of the city with no backyard or anything. i'm not a snob.  but i'm wealthy for sure.  my dad owns a huge PR company all over the states, yet, with his background (growing up in a "slum" as he calls it, with four brothers and sisters all in one room) he can't admit that he's in the "upper class". he treats himself as a member of the lower class.  with those views. the resereved views. the sort of thing where he'll onyl buy one box of cereal at a time. and my mom grew up in san diego, and it seems her life was a constant party.  living on the beach. california. wealthy parents, whatever. i feel like her views are skewed - i dont' like them. she buys FOUR boxes of cereal everytiem she goes to the supermarket. these are little analogies. id on't mind the excess cereal, it just never gets eaten.
so now that they're divorced, and have been for years and years, i don't even know what to call myself. I'd say middle class, but that's meaningless now, because it gets thrown around so loosely... but with the condescending views of both parents, and my brothers and i in the middle of it, i don't know where i'm supposed to be placed. and it's not really that big of concern since i'm comfortable
honestly, i prefer the veiws of my dad. the lower-class life style, if you will.  i'm not uncomortable with my mom's socio-economic class. but that could ALL BE PRESSED UPON ME BECAUSE I RESPECT MY DAD MORE!  IT coudl be because every morning when my siblings and i were kids, he'd buy us donuts while my mom would snooze upstairs and have us make our own froot loops! it coudl be as simple as that.  he could've played favorite. and knew this was goign to be the outcome of whatever scheeme he has. but i don't know. i just don't have any idea.
the question i'm really thinking about is how big a relationships between parents or guardians or seniors or WHATEVEr and children haev that big of an impact on children and where they're placed. yet it could be the matter of divorce. adn it could be an individual concern that none of you can even answer. and it could be that my case is super fucked up and my parents didn't give me enough love as a child.heh. kidding.
but honestly, i don't know. and i doni't knwo what i'm even asking or ranting ABOUT. i just like to think about it. becasue i dotn know how much of me is going to be me or how much of me is goign to be my parents. i don't wnat to end up like either of my parents. not because i'm a "rebellious teen".  i can be a "rebellious teen" if i want to. this is different. and i'm not just a confused 15 year old girl.  and i'm not a snob. and i'm not an egotistical cunt. really, i'm not. i'm just curious. and thinking,. and i hope this didnt' offend anybody becasue that's the last thing i was trying to do.
i knwo i'll figure it out when i grow up. but i don't want to WAIT to grow up, and see how i am. sometiems i wish i could live more than one life.  even if i'm happy with the one i've got.  sometimes i do. because then i could see progress. and change. and potential.
right now, i just don't know.
but i like it.


The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


I bought an awesome pencil drawing of an old west gunslinger today.  I love it so much.


Guess who just got a 10% pay raise, suckas????

Cheers!   [smiley=beer.gif]


in ten minutes, i am off work...

countdown begins now...



I had to post a picture of my current joy...


Nice drawing red!   Looks even better next to Animals!
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


and Sonic Youth - Dirty....... ;)
There's Still Time.........


My Son's safe arrival home after being in Egypt for two weeks!  :) The stories never end.......
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


My wife & I decided last night to have one more Christmas Dinner today & woke up to find it snowing!
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteMy wife & I decided last night to have one more Christmas Dinner today & woke up to find it snowing!
Apparantly El Nino is screwing up the weather here and most of north eastern U.S. So we haven't gotten like any snow.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Maybe not enough people are wishing really hard before they go to bed?
That usually works for me  :)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteMaybe not enough people are wishing really hard before they go to bed?
That usually works for me  :)

Wishing really hard always helped me hear the reindeer's bells on Christmas Eve, so it should work for snow! Thanks.  :) It was 72 degrees here in New York State today, and it'd be nice to be able to make some snow angels and ski at least once this "winter."
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.


i feel glad and excited about the following:
-i get to sleep in my own bed tonight
-i get to play with a fun band this evening
-i get to go to a place i love in less than 2 weeks
-just got to spend a week with one of my best friends
-my other best friend arrives on thursday
-i think i've finally shaken this brutal cold


QuoteMy wife & I decided last night to have one more Christmas Dinner today & woke up to find it snowing!

Apparantly El Nino is screwing up the weather here and most of north eastern U.S. So we haven't gotten like any snow.  

not exactly a joy, but i know where you guys are coming from... its supposed to be summer here, but it was snowing in the mountains on christmas day... veeeery weird
love a song for the way it makes you feel


Going back to work after being off for two weeks and being happy about it!  :)
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


i got some of these on xmas clearance... mmmm...