Jim, thank you for making me understand my purpose

Started by songdiver, Jan 30, 2009, 07:36 PM

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I just want to say, "I am happy to be alive."  I haven't always felt that way, and life has felt like a giant ball of stress and fear for most of my life.  With the help of Jim James, Robert Anton Wilson (lovely author), my soon-to-be wife, and drugs, I was able to recondition myself in order to understand how important I am, and how important we all are.  All my life I was looking for some great truth, the "secret," and I finally found it.  Now that I know the truth, I laugh at myself for not realizing how simple it was, and slightly upset that I ever forgot, b/c I finally feel like a child again, and now I remember that I knew the secret from the very beginning, only to forget after years of being indoctrinated by this cruel social system.  

This is reality, and reality is an illusion, so just enjoy the ride and remember those sacred words, "JUST BELIEVE AND YOU CAN DO."

I love all of you, and though I haven't met any of you in the flesh, I just want you to know that you are all part of a special community, one who knows the simplicity and complexity of this beautiful world, sharing in this great experience we call life, and My Morning Jacket are singing the songs of our lives, they are our mirrors, so keep looking deeper and you will find out every answer you need.

We are the wordless chorus, without saying a word, we send out our positive energy into the vast cosmos, singing with our colors and spirits.  Thank you Jim for being the most amazing artist I will ever hear; I entrust my energy with you.
"where we are, in the blink of an eye you get several meanings"

Love Dogg

"Sometimes it runs its course in a day, babe.  Sometimes it goes from night after night."


Amen. The hard part is realizing that all the time.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Seriously, I am right there with you on this one. I feel this band has moved me in such a way they-I hate to sound cheesy- have changed my life. I have loved...loved... a lot of bands over the years, namely Tool, but I have never felt the way before after leaving their concert. I was on such a high, for about a month. Just certain parts of certain songs just make me feel...HIGH. Adding something like marijuana to the mix, it's ridiculous.

I feel like anyone in the world who is a MMJ fan is a friend of mine.




Great post, made me feel all warm n happy. MMJ is the most rocken band of the millennium. Im glad you rediscovered your childhood spark.  Don't ever loose it again!! As the ancient Dao once put "Look nowhere to find nothing" or something like that.  :D :D