New Pearl Jam Album 09

Started by Bumbeli, Feb 11, 2009, 08:26 AM

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QuoteOn Sirius today they played "Brother" by Pearl Jam.  It was the first i've heard the song and it sounded awesome.  It labeled it as a new song, so I figured it was from the new album, so I thought, YES!, they are going back and sounding like classic pearl jam.  But apparantly it is from the reissue of the Ten album.  

great song though.

I thought it was ok.  Ed's vocals sounded really dated IMO.


QuoteOn Sirius today they played "Brother" by Pearl Jam.  It was the first i've heard the song and it sounded awesome.  It labeled it as a new song, so I figured it was from the new album, so I thought, YES!, they are going back and sounding like classic pearl jam.  But apparantly it is from the reissue of the Ten album.  

great song though.

Guys! That song is over 15 years old...

They won't have new material to listen to a for a few months yet. They didn't even have anything new on last years one-off tour...

I thought it was ok.  Ed's vocals sounded really dated IMO.
Signatures are over rated


QuoteOn Sirius today they played "Brother" by Pearl Jam.  It was the first i've heard the song and it sounded awesome.  It labeled it as a new song, so I figured it was from the new album, so I thought, YES!, they are going back and sounding like classic pearl jam.  But apparantly it is from the reissue of the Ten album.  

great song though.

this version of Brother is different from the one that was leaked way back in the 90's.... which is found here:

the new Brother isn't nearly as good as the original in my opinion, and apparently in the opinion of 99% of people on the pearl jam board.  there is a lot of debate as to when Eddie recorded the vocals on this newly released version.  some are saying it was before the Lost Dogs release because Eddie had recorded new vocals for Hold On, which is another Ten outtake.  if you listen to the vocals on the YouTube clip, it's definitely Eddie from '91, but on the version that's on the radio now, it's not quite the same.   Eddie said he wasn't happy with the original lyrics and Stone wasn't happy with the main riff (which truthfully is very basic)  but i'm happy they finally released it, however altered it is, because it's a kickass song and I can't wait to hear it live.


I just listened to the new Brother again (which is on their myspace page) and I'm liking it more... I'm just used to the original version.  it's a great song either way, but i miss the line "the birds don't even whisper", not that i even know what the fuck that's supposed to mean, and also miss the faster drum part during the guitar solo, and i don't like that the new version fades out at the end.  but those are minor things really... and like i've said before, live pearl jam is the best, and you know they're going to break this one out this year.


I'm a die-hard PJ fan and even I don't plan on buying this.