Forum Album Club #3 Fruit Bats: The Ruminant Band

Started by YimBlaylock, Mar 29, 2012, 06:44 PM

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Getting this started a little early cause I may or may not be a little occupied this evening. As a brief introduction, I bought this album a little over a year ago, because I was able to get a good deal on it and had heard some good things about the band and this album in general. However, it wasn't until the past couple months or so, when I decided to give it a few re-listens, that most of the album really sunk in for me. I think right from the start The Ruminant Band gets going and really sets the vibe for what the whole album offers. It has a nice, cohesive feel in that all the songs seem to mesh well together, although I don't think the order of the songs is neccessarily vital, but rather the songs would fit together well no matter what order.
It's all happening.


I came into this album with no knowledge or the band or their music, after 3 spins I can honestly say I'm impressed. The production is really great. Love that pedal steel. My only gripe would be that it delves into Shins-sounding territory, which isn't all bad, I actually like the Shins but some of it was too close for me...
Oh, I will dine on honey dew And drink the Milk of Paradiseeeee


I think the Jacket are fans too...can anyone back that up? I think they are playing Forecastle right?
Oh, I will dine on honey dew And drink the Milk of Paradiseeeee


Oh, I will dine on honey dew And drink the Milk of Paradiseeeee


gotta bow out for the night, thanks for the pick YimB, definitely a great new discovery for me and I will be delving into other stuff from them soon!

check the album club topic for next week's pick...
Oh, I will dine on honey dew And drink the Milk of Paradiseeeee


I was thinking Shins too, Shins with a little Fleet Foxes mixed in.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


I like the first two songs the most so far. The acoustic guitar on Ruminant Band sound very Zeppelinesque.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Quote from: wolof7 on Mar 29, 2012, 08:47 PM
I think the Jacket are fans too...can anyone back that up? I think they are playing Forecastle right?

They're playing forcastle, and were picked by MMJ for favorite songs of 2011 posted on facebook.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Primitive Man, and The Ruminant Band were my favorite songs. The Ruminant Band stood out the most, it has the acoustic Zeppelin sound and quirky lyrical/vocal delivery reminiscent of random hit songs from the 90's. The rest of it would probably grow on me more with repeated listens as it kinda blended together. Things did pick up with The Blessed Breeze, and Featherbed, witch reminded me of Elton John or something. I liked it and would probably listen to another album soon on spotify.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Be getting more detailed when I have a bit more free time, but I'm glad you all enjoyed it. I've heard Jim James mention the Fruit Bats in several interviews including the one he did for the recent holiday EP, so I know at least he's a fan of the band. I'm definitely very excited to see them at forecastle. The brain behind Fruit Bats, Eric Johnson, is/was a member of the Shins. They are very similar sounding. I actually gave the Fruit Bats some re-listens because I had been on a Shins kick. And as for the Zeppelin vibe, it's definitely prevalent on this album. He even references "Bron-y-aur Stomp" (sp?) on "The Ruminant Band" when he mentions a blue-eyed Merle. From reading I've done about the band, Eric Johnson is a very heavy Zeppelin fan, though this was the first of their albums where it was noticeable through his music. Again, more comments from me will come soon, glad you all enjoyed!
It's all happening.


I've given this three spins this week.  It grows on me more each time.  It does flow really well.  I'll have to post more about it later.  Great Pick!!  I really liked The Blessed Breeze and the song right after it....was it Featherbed?  Anyway, I went into this album thinking I would not care for it after downloading a few tracks when they were playing here in Knoxville not long ago (trying to decide if I should go to the show).  I also knew that Jim had mentioned some of their songs, I just didn't really get into them.  After listening to the album straight through I now wish I had went to that show. 
There's Still Time.........


Favorite Song: I think the album gets off to a great start with the first 3 songs, but my favorite of all the songs is probably "Being on Our Own." The vocal harmonies in this song are my favorites on the album, and among my favorites of any song. And like wolof said, the pedal steel, on this song especially, is really great. And I'm always a sucker for a key change.

Least Favorite Song: Just nitpicking here since there's not a single song on this album that's not very good in my opinion, but my least favorite is probably "My Unusual Friend." I think this is the strongest example of them delving very, very closely into Shins territory. That being said, I would love to hear this song with James Mercer on vocals.

Overall score: I'd give it about an 8.2 out of 10. I love the production and the overall sound of this album. However, it's still lacking something, not sure exactly what, that would push it over the top to a 9 or so. Still a very good album. And if you like this album, having listened to all their albums, their second best is their most recent, Tripper. It's a very good album also that's been growing on me recently. Also has great production and feels like it's striving to be a great album moreso than any of their others.
It's all happening.

Penny Lane

OMG This is my favorite Fruit Bats album! I'll have to read through this thread----their latest is my second favorite but doesn't come close to TRB. I need to get this on vinyl. Errrrr....what a beauitful album.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Yeah, Jim led me to them also.  love their sound.  Just happy, feel good music.   I am obsessed with the title track on TRB...  ;)
Give me a butt load of reverb on this one - just pile it on.


Quote from: YimBlaylock on Mar 30, 2012, 10:55 AM
However, it's still lacking something, not sure exactly what, that would push it over the top to a 9 or so. Still a very good album.

I think it's lacking a strong finish, the last 3 songs were on the weaker side at least in comparison to the first half of the album. Certainly a good album though...I give it a 4 and .3 oz bag of shake out of a bunch of bananas!
Oh, I will dine on honey dew And drink the Milk of Paradiseeeee