"Xmas Curtain" and "O Is The One That Is Real" prove one thing.

Started by rincon, Jan 28, 2011, 02:44 AM

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 I know lots of people put much importance on lyrics. These are 2 of the greatest pop rock songs I have heard in many years. First off, I can barley understand a quarter of the lyrics in these songs. When I read the lyrics of them they were so obtuse and to me made zero sense  that I almost wish I did not read them. But because of the incredible melody and the syntax and tone of the singing, they are masterpieces of melodic hard pop rock. Both songs are reminiscent in some way of what has been my favorite rock song for decades, Gimme Shelter. I know that song had some real meaning in the lyrics, but if the aforementioned MMJ songs do, I am missing it. To me, like REM's first album Murmur, they prove the voice can just be another great instrument, and even if you are singing gibberish and the music is great, lyrics are just something for the pretentious to criticize and pontificate about.
   Having said that, I do appreciate good lyrics, but good tunes override poetry any day for me.


I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.