MMJ Tweet on 2/3

Started by scosby2, Feb 03, 2011, 10:04 PM

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Looks like pooch is ready for a big tour announcement soon! Surely they won't leave us hanging to long.


Oooooooo I saw that too.  :thumbsup:
.....Back at the Model Home


Announce these soon please!  With dates in Texas!   :thumbsup:
MMJ Shows 2005-2023 [32]


Quote from: logan5ive on Feb 08, 2011, 12:15 PM
Announce these soon please!  With dates in Texas!   :thumbsup:

I agree!


Quote from: scosby2 on Feb 03, 2011, 10:04 PM
Looks like pooch is ready for a big tour announcement soon! Surely they won't leave us hanging to long.

What was this tweet of which you speak?

[for us at works that deny access to this type of info and can't wait to get home to participate in the conversation and deal with the suspense]
Oh, I will dine on honey dew And drink the Milk of Paradiseeeee


tweet was:

pooch is hoping for some tour news soon bec good god, man...RT @sometomguy: Behold, Pooch wears the underoos! 
MMJ Shows 2005-2023 [32]


*laughs maniacally*  :D
Cow temperature.


I wonder what the significance of undeROO is...


Quote from: scosby2 on Feb 08, 2011, 08:10 PM
I wonder what the significance of undeROO is...
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.

Im The Dude

lets hope for a may-aug. tour :)....I know I'd get the wife to go to at least 2 stops....cleveland and pittsburgh...maybe even columbus if they play those cities!
7/9/03 6/8/04 10/4/08 5/2/10 8/27/10 10/18--10/23/10(T5) 8/10/11 8/12/11