People of Louisville (or people who have been there)

Started by SaraBananaBear, Jan 04, 2011, 01:12 PM

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Louisville trip went pretty well!  Lady friend was sick pretty much the whole trip so I was on my own a lot, but I made the most of it.

Friday night - Louisville Beer Store - awesome beer and cheese...thanks aMD!  Should have bought some of that cheese to bring home though.

Saturday - lunch at Lynn's...awesome.  Not at all what I expected.  I was expecting your typical, traditional diner with really good food.  Which it kinda is, but with lots of "flair!"  After lunch, made it over to Ear-X-tacy, then WHY Louisville and a few guitar shops.  The lady friend was really feeling bad at this point, so back to the hotel for a nap, then off to the Carney show.  Met some really cool peeps there, got to talk to all three bands.  Got a ride home from a hilarious cabbie and couldn't resist 4th Street Live since it was right next to the hotel and I had a good buzz going.  That place is nuts.

Anyway, all in all a good weekend and a big THANKS to aMD for all the help!
We could.