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The Oscars

Started by Paulie_Walnuts, Feb 28, 2011, 09:02 AM

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Or as it should be called....the 83rd Academy Awards.

Anyone give a shit?
Paulie W


I had it on, but it's all a bunch of horseshit. The only win that made sense was Christian Bale everyone else simply rode a wave of popularity and press. It's always fun to see Colin Firth in a suit but he was essentially playing Colin Firth in "The King's Speech", which was a good film but completely overrated. The Academy always gets an Oscar sized boner anytime a film about British history is in the running. If you want a great film from this year watch "Winter's Bone"
Cow temperature.

Penny Lane

i made it through an hour (thanks to lp's tweets--) ..james franco is what he is, which is awesome, but why ask him to host? anne hathaway got old REALLY REALLY fast...CHRISTian Bale was wonderful of course, i loved that he plugged Dickie's gym training..ha ha...otherwise,...zzzzzzzz.....they need Ricky Gervais to host everything, no matter what...they should let him bring along his sidekick (Gareth) from the original office, too...would be hysterical.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


i tried to watch but was assed-out asleep by 9:30


Amen to that kydiddle. I've never seen a bunch of people full of so much self-importance while at the same time trying to "act" ever so humble. If the were any good as actors we might believe them!  ;D
Paulie W


helena bonham carter is the most obnoxious person I've ever witnessed. Would have liked to have seen Winter's Bone or True Grit win some stuff but I guess it was good they were just in the running.

I love me some Franco and didn't think either host was that bad although they started shakey. I also, however, never understood why they were chosen to host.
Oh, I will dine on honey dew And drink the Milk of Paradiseeeee


i had it on but it was mainly just background noise.  don't recall anything exceptional tbh.  james franco, well, he was just there which i was a little disappointed with.  i was hoping he'd be extra goofy but he was just meh.  and anne hathaway, she just over-did everything.  there's hamming it up and then there's being downright cheeseball.

so, now that the big awards show it over & done with, i guess i should maybe see some of those movies, huh?  are they worth the hype or was it just hype?
"You have to be odd to be number one." -- Dr. Seuss


The Hollywood elite gushing about the Hollywood elite?  Where do I sign up to watch this?  I didn't see even a second of it but I just checked the winners and I'm glad that "The Lost Thing" won for best animated short.  That and "Madascascar, Carnet de Voyage" were my favorites and were both deserving unlike last year's abomination of a winner.

If anyone is curious, here they are.  They are both quite brilliant.

The Lost Thing

Madagascar, A Journey Diary (2009)
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


I agree with everyone on the hosts, they didn't do anything for me. James Franco definitely seemed like he was stoned the whole time. Next year they need to get someone who actually knows how to entertain as host, someone like the previously mentioned Ricky Gervais. I caught The King's Speech on a matinee yesterday just to get one more notable film in before the awards. I thought it was good but definitely overrated. I have no problem with Firth getting the Oscar there. For Best Picture I was pulling for The Social Network, mostly because I knew Black Swan didn't have a chance. I think the Academy really screwed up there. Best Director also should've went to either Fincher or Aranofsky. I was pulling for John Hawkes in Winter's Bone for Supporting Actor, but wasn't surprised Bale got it. I still have yet to see The Fighter so might change my opinion there. Glad to see Aaron Sorkin get the Oscar for Adapted screen play, that one was a shoe-in. Wasn't surprised to see Inception get most of the technical awards.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Am I the only one who thinks Ricky Gervais is overrated? I am a huge fan of the office but otherwise I don't know why everyone is at his feet. I thought his hosting of the golden globes came off as too harsh. Granted I enjoy a good razzing, esp. of people who need to be put in their place but I thought he was unfunny....and when someone is unfunny in that kind of situation it just comes off as mean and classless.

His movie Invention of Lying started great then ended with the worst possible ending imaginable. After that his cred really dropped for me. I am not trying to defend the likes of Charlie crackpot Sheen, or Mel Gibson we all know they deserve it...But I take the stance Judd Apatow had, a comedic voice I respect immensely, when he said "I don't subscribe to the idea that all jokes have to be mean to be funny."
Oh, I will dine on honey dew And drink the Milk of Paradiseeeee


No Wolof you are not alone. Ricky Gervais is hugely overrated in my opinion. I thought the first series of The Office was excellent, but after that I thought it went downhill badly. I can't comment on Extras because I never watched it, but as a stand up comdian he's no better than a lot of other "observational" crap.
Paulie W


Politics aside, I thought the defining moment was when they announced the whole wall street fraud thing. Yes, yes, we know, wall street sucks. But all you butthorns sitting in the audience on your piles of millions, for doing about as much work as pushing around papers after getting your Wharton School MBA, is about as pretentious, shallow, and meaningless as it gets.

After all, Salt got nominated for something. That's a massive fraud with hemmheroid lips jolie sitting at the top of the pyramid.

Give me a break.
I'm surrounded by assholes


forgot it was even on ???
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry