MMJ ON "NEW MUSIC" Muchmusic, Canada

Started by TheMollusk, Jun 21, 2004, 11:32 AM

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theres a great show on muchmusic in canada called " the new music" it will air a show with a peice on jacket tonite and next monday night at 9:30 pm est. it must have been shot when they were here a cpl. weeks ago. They usually show parts of the live shows too.



im replying to myself...this is just getting sad..anyway for those of you who can't see it..
interview with jim and patrick edited with bits of the toronto concert @ the opera house (as posted in shows for download)
notable things jim said :
-won't read press anymore, says when he looks at rolling stone it "pisses him off and he starts to feel like an asshole" :i feel that
-just because they have long hair and accents doesn't mean they're redneck hillbillies.
-not about the look but the music.
-"i didn't realize i had an accent until i left the lou"
-the interviewer asked "you have a song called 'masterplan', what is your masterplan?" to which jim replied "to conquer the world" (patrick chuckles)

understandable in all, but...sounds like the road/press is getting to them a little. patrick was a lot more upbeat than jim. incredible that they were so on that night considering.. not critisism, just an observation.

songs they showed live: oxen, the way that he sings, umm i think thats it. i think..oh yea, about 5 secs. of death is the easy way


damn, i missed it - but it gets repeated at 1:30 so i guess i'll watch it then. Thanks for the heads up!