Relative Souls In This Month's RELIX..

Started by jdbartender, Apr 12, 2011, 05:08 PM

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Hey all...

My band Relative Souls won the RELIX Jam Off last month, and we are featured in this months issue. You can find us on the compilation CD enclosed in the mag!

For those who are interested, here is the album review...

“Though Relative Souls formed only a year ago, the group already has the cohesive, distinguished sound of an accomplished band. It offers a mix of jazz, funk, rock, and structured improvisation. On its new album Nebulous, Relative Souls provides 13 tracks of classic jam band music with hints of old school jazz and hard hitting rock and roll. “Sanity’s a Virtue” starts off with a groove based sound but transitions into alternative and hypnotic insanity, including some trance-like chanting and eerie guitar progressions in stark contrast. “Soulo” provides us with boogie piano ramblings. “The One” features crazy organ solos and “Mississippi Vampire” gives a little hint of Southern comfort. Though each song sounds completely different, Nebulous is a refreshing reminder of how one band can take a multitude of diverse musical backgrounds and make a cohesive and thoughtful album.” -Jennifer Mergott, Relix Magazine