Tornado Alley

Started by tdb810, Apr 27, 2011, 08:47 PM

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Hey, y'all. First time posting since half my town disappeared. I know the national news coverage has moved its focus away, but we still need help.

Please take the time to watch the video below.
Tuscaloosa Tornado Damage Aerials Part 1
I can't even begin to describe how awful this is and has been. Please don't forget about your friends down South.

Make a $10 donation now. There are so many ways! You can donate to the United Way of West AL's disaster relief fund by texting RELIEF to 50555. Or REDCROSS to 90999. Or donate to the West AL Food Bank by texting FOOD to 27722.

Or buy a shirt:

Please don't forget us. I have never seen anything like this in my life.
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


I drove out to my old neighborhood Saturday, and it was surreal. I used to live in a little community in Tuscaloosa called Forest Lake. It was one of the hardest-hit areas in town.

Here's a view down the street, looking at what used to be houses surrounding a lake:

This is what remains of the house across the street from my old place. The room left standing is the bathroom. The guys inside survived because they were in the tub with matresses over their heads.:

This is what is left of my old house:

I'm not bumping this thread to be a bummer. I just want to remind people that the recovery process is still ongoing. It's going to take years for things to return to "normal." If you can, please continue to support The Red Cross, Salvation Army, or United Way. Thanks.
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard



damn. this is crazy. my sister and her family live in Tuscaloosa, and I never even knew the severity of this! She told me all about it after the fact, but pictures put it in perspective! shits terrible. I'm glad that MMJ/Neko/Phos are doing a benefit show, and hope to meet some good Tuscaloosa peeps down at the show!
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


That article had me bawling. I love Rick Bragg. He did such a great job describing what it's been like for us down here. It's been hard as hell, but we're getting through it together. It's been so amazing to see the community to come together, to see the willingness of people to help their fellow neighbors. That's just how we Southerners are.
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard