Memorial Day in Louisville??? Warm-up party!?

Started by DejaView2011, May 23, 2011, 10:06 AM

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It just struck me through my adrenaline induced haze that the weekend of the Louisville show is also Memorial Day. We're arriving Sunday and aside from the meeting up some other folks from hereon the forums have no plans. I was  :Dthinking about finding a nice local park or campgrounds for the day to grill and have a nice relaxing early afternoon with new friends. Does anyone know if there's anyplace like this nearby? Any info would be very helpful and of course all are welcome to jump in. Unless there's something else going on early I may have missed, as I don't mean to step on anyone's toes. Would love to spend the day with goodfolks, good food, great music and warm vibes. Any info? Anyone wanna come hang to get the day rollin along?
Why does my mind blow to bits everytime they play that song?