Two Music complaints/questions.....anyone else on board?

Started by TheSoundsofSilence, Jun 05, 2011, 10:01 PM

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After purchasing Circuital I couldn't help but get a little curious as to the motives of artists today. I have come to notice that alot of my favorite bands are releasing albums with 10 songs at most now days. My opinion is that this is there way of fighting back on the demand for cheaper music prices, any opinions? Also one other musical ordeal that has got me panties in a wad.....Why on earth do soo many artists release new albums on iTunes nowadays for $9.99 and offer a bonus track or two or three that you can't even get on the hard copy (actual compact disc, or album). I am a collector of music and enjoy having a real copy of my fav artists albums, including booklet and possibly artwork, as well as better sound quality and longevity (burning discs scratch too easy) Wouldn't one think the artist would rather the fan whom purchases the hard copy get the bonus material for free? Instead it's as if they're encouraging you to buy their album on iTunes for the b-sides....and most the time the option to purchase those extra songs via iTunes is off limits as most are "album only" purchases. Anyone else ran into this issue and thought "things that make you go HMMM?" Any thoughts or explanations would be appreciAted.


It's more complicated. iTunes cuts out a lot of overhead in numerous ways - aside from the obvious costs of physical merch, you also cut out the distribution chain, everything from breakage to cost of shipment, to paying each paper pusher along the way.

I think the 10 song redux is actually the result, at least among indie/alternative artists, of the resurgence of vinyl and a bit of the artists themselves. Plus, as Jim said in some interviews, and I know other bands are doing (Trail of Dead, for one), they are crafting "albums" with intent as albums, not a collection of singles. Not necessarily themed albums, but a more cohesive project with flow.

Also keep in mind that the labels, if hurting for cash, may not be willing to front all that much, pay for the royalties on more than 10 songs, and ultimately, may take away from the general overhead in order to fund "special events" (e.g. Palace Theater).

As for the bonus tracks, I've got no real good guess why. It seems futile, ultimately, given the prevalence of downloading from illicit sources.
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capt. scotty

Most of what Chode says makes sense, though I think 10 song (or right around there) albums are more happenstance that by design of $9.99 albums. In Circuital's case, the fact that its only 45 minutes long is a lot more noticeable that only 10 songs to me.

The iTunes only bonus tracks is something that does bother me though.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons