NCAA Football 2011

Started by Tracy 2112, Jun 22, 2011, 12:55 AM

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capt. scotty

Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 09, 2011, 11:59 AM
As weird as Saturday is going to be, I can't imagine how hard it would be for the players if they happened to be playing at Nebraska.

Regarding people congregating outside Paterno's house, I'm a little surprised there isn't a mob outside Sandusky's house with axes, guns, pitchforks, torches, etc. Street justice must be more prevalent here in the city rather than out there in Centre County.

Its good that this week's game is home, but the next 2 arent. I still think there is chance he doesnt coach this week, but I heard that Spanier (now fired apparently) is the one who leaked to the NY Times that the trustees were working on JoePa's exit. If he claimed that falsely, he probably will coach the rest of the year.

Good point, never thought of that and it is surprising there arent protesters outside of Sandusky's house. Im actually surprised they let him go out on bail. If thats me, this doesnt go to trial because shoot myself before that happens.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


I'll carry your timeline forward to today, BoS. JoePa went to his superiors with the rape in 2002. We're not sure who was told or promised what at that point, but no criminal charges were brought against Sandusky. His keys to the PSU locker room were taken from him, he was prohibited from bringing kids to the PSU campus and he was reported to the Second Mile director, though he continued to be able to operate his camps at a PSU satellite campus. Another victim (who first met Sandusky at his camp) came forward in early 2008 and the current criminal investigation began. That was almost four years ago. Paterno testified to the Grand Jury about a year ago, and only now, one fuckin' week after he passes Eddie Robinson as the all-time wins leader are the findings released to the public and people calling for his job.

"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


Quote from: capt. scotty on Nov 09, 2011, 04:03 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 09, 2011, 11:59 AM
As weird as Saturday is going to be, I can't imagine how hard it would be for the players if they happened to be playing at Nebraska.

Regarding people congregating outside Paterno's house, I'm a little surprised there isn't a mob outside Sandusky's house with axes, guns, pitchforks, torches, etc. Street justice must be more prevalent here in the city rather than out there in Centre County.

Its good that this week's game is home, but the next 2 arent. I still think there is chance he doesnt coach this week, but I heard that Spanier (now fired apparently) is the one who leaked to the NY Times that the trustees were working on JoePa's exit. If he claimed that falsely, he probably will coach the rest of the year.

Good point, never thought of that and it is surprising there arent protesters outside of Sandusky's house. Im actually surprised they let him go out on bail. If thats me, this doesnt go to trial because shoot myself before that happens.

If I were in Sandusky's shoes I'd definitely be planning my own end. One can only hope that he isn't sleeping nights knowing the living hell that is awaiting him in one of the fine institutions of the PA Dept of Corrections.
The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.


I'm sorry, but those protesting in support of JoePa look flat out foolish.  What are they supporting anyway?  We're talking about a man who apparently thought nothing of the fact that no investigation into the alleged actions of Sandusky and a 10 year old boy in a shower as reported to him by then GA McQueary back in 2002.  How can any person with a conscience NOT inquire what happened with Sandusky and why he was still even permitted on campus???  He had a moral obligation to follow up on what McQueary saw in the shower and he chose to look the other way.  I just don't see how you could rally around that???  Especially knowing how many countless lives were ruined AFTER 2002 because nothing was done to remove a known sexual predator off the streets?!

And I really don't think Paterno gets it either.  Either he's too old and senile to actually comprehend the severity of his actions or he's too arrogant and is ego is too big to truly get it.  In either case, he needs to be removed immediately.  His little statement regarding his retirement at the end of the season makes me think it has more to do with the later including this little gem:

Quote from: Joe PaternoAt this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single minute discussing my status. They have far more important matters to address. I want to make this as easy for them as I possibly can.

Really?  Isn't that rich of you JoePa.  Nice to know you are looking out for the board in recommending that they focus their priorities elsewhere and that they don't have to worry about dealing with your future as head coach at Penn State???  ::)  That statement just SCREAMS arrogance.  Almost an, "I dare you to freaking fire me" sort of tone to it.  And what's sad is that if the BOT actually has the stones to do the right thing for the first time since this whole scandal started to snowball back in 2002 (or even back to 1998), they are the ones that are going to be burned at the stake by the mobs supporting JoePa while JoePa, who is a true villain in this whole scandal, will be carried off into the sunset as the fallen hero?!  Penn State fans really need to think about the TRUE victims in this whole ordeal and that is the children whose lives have been ruined as a result of the non-actions of a few who felt better about burying the despicable behavior of one sick human being!


Oh yeah, Stanford/Oregon should be a hot one. Been looking forward to it all season.

Back to the trial...
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."

Tracy 2112

Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 09, 2011, 04:26 PM
Quote from: capt. scotty on Nov 09, 2011, 04:03 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 09, 2011, 11:59 AM
As weird as Saturday is going to be, I can't imagine how hard it would be for the players if they happened to be playing at Nebraska.

Regarding people congregating outside Paterno's house, I'm a little surprised there isn't a mob outside Sandusky's house with axes, guns, pitchforks, torches, etc. Street justice must be more prevalent here in the city rather than out there in Centre County.

Its good that this week's game is home, but the next 2 arent. I still think there is chance he doesnt coach this week, but I heard that Spanier (now fired apparently) is the one who leaked to the NY Times that the trustees were working on JoePa's exit. If he claimed that falsely, he probably will coach the rest of the year.

Good point, never thought of that and it is surprising there arent protesters outside of Sandusky's house. Im actually surprised they let him go out on bail. If thats me, this doesnt go to trial because shoot myself before that happens.

If I were in Sandusky's shoes I'd definitely be planning my own end. One can only hope that he isn't sleeping nights knowing the living hell that is awaiting him in one of the fine institutions of the PA Dept of Corrections.

I am sure there is a level of narcissism here to A) carry something like this out B) not think there will be consequences. Most of these people have a sense of entitlement and lack of empathy that we cannot relate to.   
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


Quote from: bbill on Nov 09, 2011, 04:37 PM
Oh yeah, Stanford/Oregon should be a hot one. Been looking forward to it all season.

Back to the trial...

Yep.  That should be a dandy.  Oregon hasn't really played anyone substantial since LSU drubbed them in week one and Stanford has been even less tested than Oregon as their win at USC is their only, what I would consider, tough test of the season.

I really hope Stanford wins because this is their last real hurdle in their bid to make a case for playing in the BCS Championship game.  It will also make it a LOT harder for anyone to justify a rematch with LSU/Alabama wth an undefeated Stanford still out there.

capt. scotty

PSU Board of Trustees just has a presser. President Spanier and Paterno are out, effective immediately. I kind of wanted Paterno to finish out the year, but in the grand scheme of things they definitely made the right call.

DC Tom Bradley is the interim head coach, and I hope he has success. Football wise, I think its better for the team to have the shroud of Paterno and the media dark cloud surrounding the team for the rest of the year. If PSU cant get Urban Meyer anymore because of this, I think Id rather actually keep Bradley as HC and see what he can do. Im not sold a Golden, Schiano, or Ferentz would be any more successful than him.

Also, there's already riots in the streets of State College tonight within an hour of the presser.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.

Tracy 2112

This whole PSU thing reminds me of how sports in our nation is a metaphor to so many greater, more important things. I remember Kellen Winslow Jr. taking heat when he said he was "going to war" and he's a "soldier" which is ludicrous considering how many young men and women are actually GOING TO WAR and making a fraction of the $$. I think of bravery and how these men at PSU had a chance to do something very brave and bold, something that would have really tested their courage and faith (not letting it slide that a 10 year old was being raped in a shower) and chose not to. We get so lost in these "actions of bravery" on the football field (you know, going for it on 4th and 2 on your own side of the 50) and we have these atheletes and coaches on such high pedestals that our perspective is skewed to the point that some feel the need to take to the streets and support someone who basically turned away when he knew a child had been sexually abused.

The question I have heard over and over again that rings true for me is: If that 10 year old boy had been one of those men's son or nephew, would they feel like they did enough?

I am hopeful that this whole thing dies down and attention is given back to the victims and that the good people of Penn. State can begin to heal.
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


Sports IS a metaphor for the greater world.  For all of recorded history, mankind has exhibited a need to be in conflict with another, to unite against a common enemy and create distinct groups to which you do or do not belong to.  As we've become more civilized, team sport has helped to fulfill those basic human needs in a less violent or culturally offensive manner.  Whether it be warring nation states (Olympics) fostering patriotism all the way down to middle school basketball where parents befriend each other while detesting their cross school district rival, each level fosters human interaction and community building.  For that we should be thankful of sport and not undermine its stranglehold on pop culture.  What else brings millions and millions of Americans together yearly to talk freely to strangers in public places?  Nothing.

Unfortunately, the PSU situation has become a perfect example of sports' power in its most despicable form.  College football and its participating entities, with all the money that comes with it and its value to its community, has become no different than any power hungry dictator or the dirtiest of corporations.  In my elementary school, my band teacher was fired for inappropriate sexual contact with more than one student.  I don't think there was arrogance and sense of bloated self worth that stood as an immoral barrier to making the correct decision immediately.  He was fired! 

I got into a disagreement with my girlfriend while arguing for the same side.  She is a white collar professional who unapologetically empathized with the inevitable pressures of powerful positions in America, whether it be a public agency head, corporate CEO or head coach.  This is the moral failing in the grander scheme of things that makes me fear the direction we are heading in.  She did not condone PSU's behavior but said she understood it.  I, as someone who has worked individually with abused children (not that my experience should matter at all!), do not understand it nor will I ever.  The moment we say we could see why, our moral starting point has shifted 180 degrees to an unjustifiable place.  This is not an issue of 10 must die so that 1000 may live.  This is 3 rich assholes (plus others) don't have the balls to diminish their own glory so that 20 more boys don't get raped.  No, I don't understand it.

As for those marching for Paterno, they are a bunch of fucking idiots who in hindsight will see how pathetically insensitive and self serving their actions were/are.

I'm not sure that attention should go back to the victims.  What does that mean?  The sad inevitability of this is the great likelihood of money grubbers jumping in on what will likely be a larger number of huge lawsuits.  I imagine the dirty tort attorneys calling up former 2nd Mile members to concoct stories for their on financial gain :-\
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

Penny Lane

yeah someone asked this morning, how can there be kids out there marching in the streets right now? ..the only answer i had is that they're 18. ..most PSU fans i know agree with this and called for a clean sweep, the quicker the better..
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Quote from: Penny Lane on Nov 10, 2011, 09:15 AM
yeah someone asked this morning, how can there be kids out there marching in the streets right now? ..the only answer i had is that they're 18. ..most PSU fans i know agree with this and called for a clean sweep, the quicker the better..
And that's exactly it.  PSU has botched this at every level all the way until now.  That those in power did not see with clear eyes that this was one situation where immediate, convincing action had to be taken only illuminates their deluded minds.  Some things can't be spun 
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

Tracy 2112

Quote from: Ruckus on Nov 10, 2011, 09:12 AM
I'm not sure that attention should go back to the victims.  What does that mean? 

Spiritually speaking. It's quite a somber and numbing situation for me (and quite horrifying thinking what these kids must have gone through). I feel when the attention is back on the victims we'll begin again (for the millionth time) the dicussion on how to keep our children safe; what/how do you report abuse; how can you be courageous. Probably less taking to the street and turning over vans to focused dialogue and healing.

Most of the attention is on the PSU heads, not the abused children. I have stopped watching ESPN and listening to sports radio. I'm even hesitant to post here, but this is a commmunity to me.

It's all very sad.
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Nov 10, 2011, 09:25 AM
Quote from: Ruckus on Nov 10, 2011, 09:12 AM
I'm not sure that attention should go back to the victims.  What does that mean? 

Spiritually speaking. It's quite a somber and numbing situation for me (and quite horrifying thinking what these kids must have gone through). I feel when the attention is back on the victims we'll begin again (for the millionth time) the dicussion on how to keep our children safe; what/how do you report abuse; how can you be courageous. Probably less taking to the street and turning over vans to focused dialogue and healing.

Most of the attention is on the PSU heads, not the abused children. I have stopped watching ESPN and listening to sports radio. I'm even hesitant to post here, but this is a commmunity to me.

It's all very sad.
Totally agree Tracy.  When you filter out the talking heads and incessant chatter, the silver lining is that the high ups will be held accountable.  The ignominy faced by those surrounding Sandusky will hopefully act as a deterrent in the future.  As with famous athletes in the past, from Magic Johnson and HIV to Vick and dog fighting, this press coverage hopefully with have a positive impact in the long run.

On an aside, there is this:
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

Jon T.

Quote from: Ruckus on Nov 10, 2011, 09:34 AM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Nov 10, 2011, 09:25 AM
Quote from: Ruckus on Nov 10, 2011, 09:12 AM
I'm not sure that attention should go back to the victims.  What does that mean? 

Spiritually speaking. It's quite a somber and numbing situation for me (and quite horrifying thinking what these kids must have gone through). I feel when the attention is back on the victims we'll begin again (for the millionth time) the dicussion on how to keep our children safe; what/how do you report abuse; how can you be courageous. Probably less taking to the street and turning over vans to focused dialogue and healing.

Most of the attention is on the PSU heads, not the abused children. I have stopped watching ESPN and listening to sports radio. I'm even hesitant to post here, but this is a commmunity to me.

It's all very sad.
Totally agree Tracy.  When you filter out the talking heads and incessant chatter, the silver lining is that the high ups will be held accountable.  The ignominy faced by those surrounding Sandusky will hopefully act as a deterrent in the future.  As with famous athletes in the past, from Magic Johnson and HIV to Vick and dog fighting, this press coverage hopefully with have a positive impact in the long run.

On an aside, there is this:

This is all so bizarre and heartbreaking.  I'm torn on Paterno...  What if (and I'm just saying what if) he reported this to his chain of command like he did.  Then his higher ups reported to the police and an investigation started.  That much is all factual, right?  At that point we don't know what happened with JoePa and Sandusky's relationship.  Joe could have confronted him on his own and said whatever he needed to say, but as far as he knows there is a criminal investigation that Joe is no part of.   So as far as he knows this is playing itself out the way it should and Joe lets the authorities do their job.  Then, in 2005 the lead prosecutor goes missing under some pretty bizarre circumstances.   I guess at that point the whole thing kind of goes away and maybe he could have/should have done more.  This is all just theory but there is just so much we don't and probably never will know.  I'm not defending JoePa by any means, I'm just saying there is so much more to it.

Like Tracy said, It's all very sad.

PS-This topic deserves its own thread so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle with other football news and vice versa.  This will be going on for a while.  Anyone care to start a new one???

bowl of soup

You are confusing 1998 and 2002.  The 98 incident led to the police investigation and the controlled phone call where Sandusky admitted to showering with a child.  He wasn't charged and the DA who made that call has gone missing and been declared dead.  We don't know if Paterno knew about this, even though I find it hard to believe that he didn't.  If he did, he's in even hotter water and even less of a man.

The 02 incident was where the GA walked in on Sandusky raping (and can we please stop calling this something other than rape to make ourselves feel good) a 10 year-old.  The GA calls Daddy and then tells Paterno the next day.  Paterno advises the AD and it is swept under the rug with no police involvement.  Sandusky's punishment is to be told to stop bring boys to PSU to rape them.  Apparently he does not follow his punishment.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


^That goes back to Soup's timeline.  Joe Pa had to know beforehand and even after 99'.....

EDIT:  Disregard

Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

Jon T.

Quote from: bowl of soup on Nov 10, 2011, 09:59 AM
  We don't know if Paterno knew about this, even though I find it hard to believe that he didn't.  If he did, he's in even hotter water and even less of a man.

To be clear, I agree 100% with this.  There are just so many unknowns I wish we knew.