Phrases that annoy you...

Started by Jon T., Jul 01, 2011, 09:08 AM

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Jon T.

Another thread made me think of this...

What are some overused phrases that you can do without ever hearing again? 
I'll start.  I know I'm in the huge minority on this one but I just don't get...

Face melting.  There I said it,  I hate when I hear that. 

Side note... Tracy has a pretty funny sig line that relates to this.  Something like, "be the cliche you wish to see in this world".   Not sure if that's an original or not, but clever.


"To be perfectly honest..."

"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


REALLY gettin tired of,  " at the end of the day "   and   " with that said "

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


Quote from: Taterbug on Jul 01, 2011, 09:38 AM
REALLY gettin tired of,  " at the end of the day "   and   " with that said "
Don't even get me started on either of these. I hear both all fucking day and I just want to start bitch slappin people. A presentation recently I heard "at the end of the day" no less then 45 times in a few minute span. I wanted to swab my ears with a wire brush.

I despise "irregardless".


"I'll reach out to him"


"I could care less"

I also hate when people use acronyms that NO ONE ELSE COULD POSSIBLY KNOW.
The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.


I'm with you on face melting Jon.  Carry on face melters. ;)

I'm not too keen on:

Give 110%
Bottom line (Ray Lewis)
Alcohol Free
Low Fat
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

Tracy 2112

Quote from: Jon T. on Jul 01, 2011, 09:08 AM
Side note... Tracy has a pretty funny sig line that relates to this.  Something like, "be the cliche you wish to see in this world".   Not sure if that's an original or not, but clever.

That's all me as far as I know. I kept seeing that, "Be the change you want to see in the world" slogan EVERYWHERE.

A couple that annoy me >

How's that workin' for ya?

The term sexy, especially a bunch of men on sports radio talking about draft picks or trades. i.e. "Kyrie Irving looks sexy as the first pick for the Cavs"

Accessible when describing music

and another vote for at the end of the day

On a side bar, that's what she said always works for me.

and any vague references to Uranus. "I'm really tired, I was up all night looking for pictures of Uranus on the internet"
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


The following phrases make me want to toss someone into a woodchipper

Net net
-misusage of "for all intensive purposes"
That's hilaaaarious
Faced / To the face (*preferably, my yours)


Nice thread.

"Do you know what I mean?"

"Put yourself out there."

"No offense, but..."

"Public outreach."

"Networking." Go to hell.
Cow temperature.

Jon T.

I heard or read (can't recall) someone talk about how much it drove them crazy when the word literally was used incorrectly.  He said something like "everytime I hear the word literallly used incorrectly, I literally want to jab a pencil through my head".   ;D


Quote from: Jon T. on Jul 01, 2011, 10:08 AM
I heard or read (can't recall) someone talk about how much it drove them crazy when the word literally was used incorrectly.  He said something like "everytime I hear the word literallly used incorrectly, I literally want to jab a pencil through my head".   ;D

;D Or "ironic."
Cow temperature.


Quote from: WSS2 on Jul 01, 2011, 10:06 AM

-misusage of "for all intensive purposes"

Isn't that supposed to be "intents and purposes"? Or is that what you were pointing out?

Ironic?  ::)
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"

Jon T.

Quote from: kydiddle on Jul 01, 2011, 10:09 AM
Quote from: Jon T. on Jul 01, 2011, 10:08 AM
I heard or read (can't recall) someone talk about how much it drove them crazy when the word literally was used incorrectly.  He said something like "everytime I hear the word literallly used incorrectly, I literally want to jab a pencil through my head".   ;D

;D Or "ironic."

Ooooh, yes.

Another word that I actually think is an awesome word but it's overuse is kind of watering it down (pardon the phrase) is "epic".  It is such a great word, but it seems like EVERYTHING is epic these days.


Quote from: Jon T. on Jul 01, 2011, 10:19 AM
Quote from: kydiddle on Jul 01, 2011, 10:09 AM
Quote from: Jon T. on Jul 01, 2011, 10:08 AM
I heard or read (can't recall) someone talk about how much it drove them crazy when the word literally was used incorrectly.  He said something like "everytime I hear the word literallly used incorrectly, I literally want to jab a pencil through my head".   ;D

;D Or "ironic."

Ooooh, yes.

Another word that I actually think is an awesome word but it's overuse is kind of watering it down (pardon the phrase) is "epic".  It is such a great word, but it seems like EVERYTHING is epic these days.

Yes it is.

And to veer from this thread a tad...I'm going to be honest and put out the words I overuse...all...the...time...

Seriously. (Usually followed up by another "Seriously.")
Asshat. (Such as: "Look at that asshat." "Oh, you're such an asshat.")
Really!? Really?
Musc-les. (Pronounced: Musk-les.)
Cow temperature.


Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


2 more, 

" thin skinned "    don't be so "thin skinned".

" Big Boned "       He is not heavy, he's just "big boned"

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe

Tracy 2112

Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


"Epic" has become the most overused word in the English language.


Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jul 01, 2011, 10:29 AM
baby batter

Also included is, 
ball butter &man jam

And any phrase ending in " Hizzy "
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe