Phrases that annoy you...

Started by Jon T., Jul 01, 2011, 09:08 AM

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Anything that comes out of Stuart Scott's mouth
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Quote from: Paulie_Walnuts on Jul 04, 2011, 04:22 AM
Quote from: vespachick on Jul 01, 2011, 04:24 PM
Around my office it's "can you ping him/her"?  No I cannot. I can call or send an email, but I do not ping, at least not without good old pong.

I'm completely with you on this one. "Can you ping me an email?". No I can't.....FUCK OFF!

Others that piss me off:

Kids who are relaying a conversation they had with someone else and instead of saying "I said" they say "I was like". E.g. "And I was like I really don't like you, and she was like well I don't like you either...."

Don't know if this is used over there but if something even slightly inconvenient happens to someone and they say, "It was a nightmare..."

"It's not rocket science."

"Thanks for the head's up."

"Visa Versa" or "Vica Versa"'s Vice Versa.

ANY phrases used by skateboarding / surfing people that involve........awesome, rad, sick, or STOKED!

And the worst of "emotional rollercoaster."

these just made me must know my coworkers and acquaintances. 
.....Back at the Model Home


It makes blood come from my ears when I hear "its the radiohead of...".
The time is near, to come forward with whatever killed your spark.