A Letter to My Morning Jacket (Evil Urges Review)

Started by Jon_B., Mar 29, 2010, 12:05 PM

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Quoteso it's alright for people to call me "crazy" and a "douche bag" and to ask me why I am posting here if I have these thoughts but that is the EXACT reason why I am posting here. I want to LOVE MMJ and not just LIKE them. Everyone who is here already loves the band but I am trying to tell them how to connect with more people(conceded I know but still a valid opinion). And if they don't care I'm fine with that but if you are turned off by my review then FUCK YOU. I'm not reviewing you. And after going though "Z" and "Evil Urges" again I solidify my statements...so close to a perfect album :)

so... you want the band to change who they are & how they do what they do so you can love them & also so they can connect with more people?  frankly, in my opinion, there's more than enough soulless music out there being pushed on the masses.

not to be rude, but who the fuck are YOU?  even if you are somebody of some kind of importance, so what.  i think it's beyond conceited for you to think that you "know better" than the band.  did you happen to consider that maybe this is exactly where they want to be?  perhaps they like the fact that they have such a widespread fanbase of people who dig what they do (and defend them vehemently) and want nothing to do with being fake, or putting out something they don't believe in just to gain popularity or more success.  maybe their definition of success is different than yours?  

i think for the majority of us (here) who already love this band do so because their music speaks to us.  we may not be able to fully descibe how or why in words, it's just something you feel.  some of us felt it from the very beginning & others found their way at varying stages.  whether it was thru one of their albums, a friend dragging them to a show or that american dad episode - at some point, something clicked.  it just happens.  you can't control it.

apart from all the jabs & knee jerk reactions to your post - i'm sure we all wish you loved them too.  sorry.  

So well written, I fully agree with everything said!
Europe ♥ My Morning Jacket



Quoteso it's alright for people to call me "crazy" and a "douche bag" and to ask me why I am posting here if I have these thoughts but that is the EXACT reason why I am posting here. I want to LOVE MMJ and not just LIKE them. Everyone who is here already loves the band but I am trying to tell them how to connect with more people(conceded I know but still a valid opinion). And if they don't care I'm fine with that but if you are turned off by my review then FUCK YOU. I'm not reviewing you. And after going though "Z" and "Evil Urges" again I solidify my statements...so close to a perfect album :)

so... you want the band to change who they are & how they do what they do so you can love them & also so they can connect with more people?  frankly, in my opinion, there's more than enough soulless music out there being pushed on the masses.

not to be rude, but who the fuck are YOU?  even if you are somebody of some kind of importance, so what.  i think it's beyond conceited for you to think that you "know better" than the band.  did you happen to consider that maybe this is exactly where they want to be?  perhaps they like the fact that they have such a widespread fanbase of people who dig what they do (and defend them vehemently) and want nothing to do with being fake, or putting out something they don't believe in just to gain popularity or more success.  maybe their definition of success is different than yours?  

i think for the majority of us (here) who already love this band do so because their music speaks to us.  we may not be able to fully descibe how or why in words, it's just something you feel.  some of us felt it from the very beginning & others found their way at varying stages.  whether it was thru one of their albums, a friend dragging them to a show or that american dad episode - at some point, something clicked.  it just happens.  you can't control it.

apart from all the jabs & knee jerk reactions to your post - i'm sure we all wish you loved them too.  sorry.  

So well written, I fully agree with everything said!

thanks saraBB  :)
"You have to be odd to be number one." -- Dr. Seuss


God damn those shaky knees.