Somehow I'm named on MMJ's Wiki page!

Started by mwycha, Jun 04, 2010, 11:09 PM

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MJ wycha

So, I was just alerted that a quote from a year old blog post of mine is featured on MMJ's Wikipedia page. The line is:
"Noted Open Salon rock critic MJ Wycha called My Morning Jacket "the best thing to happen to rock music in years" in a May 14, 2009 article."

Now, I think it's only fair to point out that Open Salon is an open blogging site, and though I'm kind of the "music guy" there, I'm not really a "noted critic"--
Seriously though, I wonder how long that's been there! It's pretty cool. And I stand by that statement too: My Morning Jacket IS the best thing to happen to rock music in years!

Here's the link:


Great article.  I can understand the comments; you express yourself well.  You've also managed to place Evil Urges is a proper context.  There's been debate, sometimes rancorous, about that album.  You put it very nicely in its place.  Hard to top ISM to Z, so pretty much anything was gonna fall short.  Yet, it still works for me as a great album.  Now the questions is, what next?  We can continue to count on solid live performances, but the next album has us on our toes.

Please link future writings.  Note the "Other Music" section of the forum if you're writing about other bands.  Welcome to the forum.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.

MJ wycha

Thanks Johnn. Interesting about the debate concerning Evil Urges--I think the problem is that the individual songs on EU are great, but taken as a whole...kind of incoherent.

Thanks for the welcome!


Super cool man!!!!! Take a screen shot of that just in case it goes away!!!!!