MMJ joins Sound Strike

Started by sunnyday, Jul 01, 2010, 11:18 AM

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You're right about the right of the citizen to sue a state agency for not enforcing the law to the full extent.  I kind of hinted at that section referring tp the potential endless litigation and waste of public resources.  However, economic and budgetary policy considerations aside, in a philosophical sense, it sets a scary precedent by empowering the people in a manner that helps to reinforce deep seated anger and another means of having power over the 'unwanted.'

I'm curious to see how the Supremacy clause challenges do.
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Can you get a driver's license in Arizona without being a legal US citizen or in the country legally?
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


I do not agree with bands boycotting an entire state because of the actions of the criminals we elect to represent us.  I do have a HUGE problem with this new law, but not for reasons that have been espoused here yet.  Under this new law, the police (severely mentally ill people playing dress-up, without exceptions) theoretically can stop any person they see - "Boy, you look like a Canadian to me, let me see your papers!  Mind if I search your car and every other part of you?!"  with no recourse on the part of the person being searched.  You don't have to look brown, they can stop, harass, kidnap, abuse and imprison anyone they want to with this new law.  And that should scare all of you, because making criminals out of ordinary citizens is their only job.  


The Sound Strike is an easy way out for artists who could do a lot more by coming here and speaking out.  Wanna make a difference MMJ?  Come to Arizona play at the many venues who have come out against the law.  Then help out at a protest, donate some ticket money to one of the organizations against the law, or whatever else.

The people who have passed this law do not want you here.  Why should you give them what they want?

Baconus, who does not have a car or money to get to any of your other shows


QuoteThe Sound Strike is an easy way out for artists who could do a lot more by coming here and speaking out.

See also:  Bob Dylan fighting for civil right in the 1960's by barnstorming directly through the South.    


QuoteThe Sound Strike is an easy way out for artists who could do a lot more by coming here and speaking out.

See also:  Bob Dylan fighting for civil right in the 1960's by barnstorming directly through the South.    

That was a publicity stunt set up by Columbia Records, which ultimately led to Dylan going underground when people expected him to be the "voice of the generation".  But really, that's a whole different story.

Ruckus, MMJ did take a stand against Prop 8.  I'll try to find a citation.

EDIT:  Found it.  But it was actually for a similar law here in KY around the same time.  Here's the quote:

Quote"hello friends. sadly, right now in ky they are trying to pass some harmful legislation preventing same sex couples from adopting,etc and we are seeing more and more of this kind of hateful action all over the map.....needless to say it is so very important that we all try to look out for each others basic human and civil rights...i believe that no human being should ever have to suffer discrimination...a loving person/couple should be allowed to marry whomever they choose to love as well as lovingly raise children that need and deserve to be adopted and taken care of. i think if more of us speak out together about these basic civil rights issues perhaps we can move the world towards a greater understanding of universal love, sweet love and treating others as you would wish to be treated. there cannot ever be enough love in this world... lets make more and more of it any way we can. please check out the fairness campaign website for more info on what you can do:

thanks, jim james"
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side


The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


It's a state law that musicians and entertainers should stay out of because it doesn't effect them like the people in Arizona.  The illeagel's aren't taking there jobs, not paying taxes, driving illeagel, using our healthcare system with nothing or no one to answer to.  I wish I didn't have to do those things but I do.  

I'm not blaming the mexican's for coming over.  I would do the same thing but I surely can't blame Arizona for trying to stop it.  I know in our state of KY there is problems with illeagel's.  Our court system is full of them.  They don't get deported and do what ever they want around here.  I applaud them for doing this.


Tracy - I completely agree with you concerning the culpability of the employers as well.  I believe Arizona passed the most stringent law against employers hiring illegal immigrants a few years ago but enforcement hasn't been strong enough.  As I mentioned above, the failure of the Federal Government has left Arizona in this predicament.  I believe Obama may be looking into federal enforcement of illegal employment practices as a deterrent.  Politically and socially, this is the cleanest way of combating the issue because it keeps the government and law enforcement from trampling on the fundamental rights of brown skinned individuals while acting as a deterrent to illegal immigration.  

AMD - I wasn't questioning the band's stance on certain referendums or bills.  I knew where they stood on that issue.  It's just that I understand why Arizonans are pissed off about the boycott and question why the boys chose it as their first boycott of a state.  In the end, it is their choice and I respect that.

McGriff - The issue I have is not that Arizona is trying to do something about the issue where the Feds have dropped the ball.  It is the means by which they attempt to do so.

The other gentleman who stated that this law doesn't harm one color but all including Canadians:  Do you really believe that?  Are you really taking that at face value?  If you are really against the law, you are justifying its validity only more by saying that.

Nothing was more hilarious than Governor Brewer responding to questions about the new law that it would foster greater abuse of power by the police.  She said that they will get proper training and "we'll just have to trust our law enforcement." ;D ;D ;D
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Hope Joey Burns sends this to his friend Jim James


I have never been so proud of so many of these bands.  Because so many of these bands are standing up and speaking out against this issue, it is now forcing their fans (who may either be for or against this issue) to really take a step back and think about what this law is causing.  This law is so drastic that is causing some of the most prominent and important bands in the world to NOT play their music.  More or less, what it's saying is "no, we will no be your friend".  If this level of racism and bigotry continues I can guarantee more important entities than music will follow suite (such as businesses, funding, school enrollment, population increase).  Plain and simple this is an issue that not everyone agrees with - for that matter, this law really upsets people and what Arizona needs to do now is see that there shitty little law is not as "right" as they assumed and do something about it, other wise there will be long term consequences.  

We're all just people...get real folks.  I've lived in Arizona for 5+ years and I think people are freaking out a little too much...Mexicans aren't the problem, it's the people who thinks there's such a huge problem with Mexicans in the United States who are the problem.  I'll tell you this...I CAN NOT WAIT until that old fart racist fox news watching generation of bigots dies.  

maybe we should throw glow sticks at Mexicans crossing the border.
God damn those shaky knees.


QuoteI have never been so proud of so many of these bands.  Because so many of these bands are standing up and speaking out against this issue, it is now forcing their fans (who may either be for or against this issue) to really take a step back and think about what this law is causing.  This law is so drastic that is causing some of the most prominent and important bands in the world to NOT play their music.  More or less, what it's saying is "no, we will no be your friend".  If this level of racism and bigotry continues I can guarantee more important entities than music will follow suite (such as businesses, funding, school enrollment, population increase).  Plain and simple this is an issue that not everyone agrees with - for that matter, this law really upsets people and what Arizona needs to do now is see that there shitty little law is not as "right" as they assumed and do something about it, other wise there will be long term consequences.  

We're all just people...get real folks.  I've lived in Arizona for 5+ years and I think people are freaking out a little too much...Mexicans aren't the problem, it's the people who thinks there's such a huge problem with Mexicans in the United States who are the problem.  I'll tell you this...I CAN NOT WAIT until that old fart racist fox news watching generation of bigots dies.  

maybe we should throw glow sticks at Mexicans crossing the border.

Great post.  Totally agree with you.  There always seems to be this "boogeyman" out there that these people cannot deal with.  If it isn't immigrants, than its gays or some other group.  And my worry is that this is only the beginning.  Who else are they going to go after this??
"We're the heirs to the glimmering world"


My issue is not with their stance.  I am adamantly opposed to SB1070.

My issue is with their method of speaking out about it.