Los Angeles-Gibson Amphitheater-December 1, 2011

Started by dj-nak, Sep 06, 2011, 06:50 PM

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Non Sin Breaux

Well No San Diego Show or Bands of Horses opener but I am happy with what I can get so I will be at the LA show on December 1st.  :thumbsup:

Was gonna be going anyway.  :P


Anybody know where exactly this section is?
Orchestra 1 - TT (14 and 15)
I know the pit seats are listed as just GA/PIT

Either way, i'm sure they're pretty good.  Gonna be a great night!


Ahhh! I don't get paid until Thursday, but I don't want to miss pit tix. Hopefully I can swing a ticket tomorrow. =D

December seems so far away!

ms. yvon

roll call pre-sale for this show = fucking awesome

:thumbsup: :beer: :dankk2: and for good measure:  :coffee:
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."


yup.  Thank you Roll Call!  Gonna be a party

Play WAR BEGUN!!  :thumbsup:   :)


  I got pit tickets with the pre-show extravaganza. I couldn't use my American Express so I had to use my bank card. My car payment was just bounced because of this purchase. I'm still on cloud nine. Ro-Call is the best....EVER!!! Awwwww!!  :D


"The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need."


Had some panicky moments attempting to get these ticks.  :-\ Would not let me sign in. I finally registered and got 4 ticks in Orch 2  :thumbsup:. They are row UU which I would assume is back about 20 rows. Not a lot of evidence of the LA show getting flooded with Roll call purchases, so I wonder who gets the first few rows (Maybe if I bought them in pairs they would be better?). In SB I bought roll call seats, and a friend of mine bought tickets the day of the show and was in front of me. I can't really complain, by all photographic evidence anywhere in Orch 2 is incredible.


Well - there are good things and bad things about this - First off the Gibson sucks balls. The good thing is that Sharon Jones and DK is a BAD ASS show - Def the best opener MMJ has ever had...or that i remember. I also did the Sound Check package - I am curious as to what that exactly means.....aside from what I assume will be the obvious...sound check


"Some like their water shallow, I like mine deep"


Quote from: Shug on Sep 19, 2011, 06:51 PM
What sucks about the Gibson?

I'm curious as well, that's the 2nd person that has said this. This will be my first show at the Gibson, I'll be rockin the pit so I'm sure it won't be that bad.

The bill Graham civic the following day is no radio city either, can't stand that place. Nothing could possibly be as bad as T5 though!

Rizzos Girl

Me and Rizzo will be there will bells on!  Got the sound-check package and GA seats which I'm hoping means we'll be already standing there when doors open  :thumbsup: Going to San Fran too, cuz you know... why not since we're already in the state and all. Ms. Y - I am really hoping to see your sweet face! 


As far as sightlines and acoustics go, the Gibson is pretty touch notch in LA.

ms. yvon

Quote from: Rizzos Girl on Sep 19, 2011, 07:25 PM
Me and Rizzo will be there will bells on! 
HEY NOW!  :D  this is an unexpected treat!  great news!  i've got a GA tic, too.  never been in the pit at gibson.  looking forward to it.

i will prob have to miss SF b/c of work.  i'm not too upset, though.  i had a pretty good run last summer.  :beer:
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."

ms. yvon

will add this bit of advice:  take the metro to universal if you can.  parking can be a bit of a nightmare/crapshoot.  once took me 40 min just to get through the parking booth b/c they had ONE kid working on a saturday night.

the metro line is directly across from the entrance to universal studios.  you can walk up the hill to the park, or take the free tram.
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."


I saw Pearl Jam at the Gibson back in 2009, and I had no problems with the venue.  Of course, I was sitting in some very nice seats courtesy of the 10 Club.   :thumbsup:


Quote from: Shug on Sep 19, 2011, 06:51 PM
What sucks about the Gibson?
It's true that it has been quite a while since I've been there, like since it was called Universal, but the ushers were serious dance nazi's there.  I was in the 3 or 4 for for Al Green and they wouldn't let anybody migrate an inch from directly in front of their seat; same thing happened when I saw Earth Wind and Fire there (okay, this makes it sound like it was in the 70's, but it weren't, it was the late '90's and the early 00's...the '70s were when I saw John Denver there :thumbsup:).

Anyway, the pit is prob a different situation than regular seating, but every time I've been there rockin out has been problematic for me.  Then there's the whole "mall" aspect. Blech.
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


Work schedule permitting, I'm going to have to see what this Gibson Theater is like for myself.  ;)

Grabbed a souncheck ticket, and keeping my fingers crossed.
"Where's Jim going?"


I have not been there since they put a roof on it 30 years ago. I saw many killer shows there in the late 70's early 80's, most notably Santana twice. I never understood why they put a roof on such a great outdoor venue, it blew away the Greek. Maybe so they could have MMJ in December. I find it almost impossible to qualify that place as sucking.