Forum Album Club #4- The Cure "Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me"

Started by Ghosts_on_TV, Sep 21, 2011, 09:17 PM

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So I just got done listening to The Top. Man, that really is a fucking weird album.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


This is probably my favorite Cure song, Halo. It's a Wish b side. Excuse the cheesy fan made video.

The Cure - Halo (lyrics)
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...

capt. scotty

Wow, this is 1 of those albums that is hard to describe. Ive never listened to The Cure outside of hearing them on the radio now and again. I can appreciate the music, but a lot of this album just feels repetitive to me. Im sure if I listened multiple times I could distinguish things, but musically I want to get into the next song but mostly cant because it all sounded so similar.

I dont know enough about the band, but this strikes me as something nostalgic where its great if you liked it then or grew up in the 80's, but otherwise, its harder to enjoy/appreciate (I realize thats not the case, just how it struck me). A lot of songs blurred into each other. I never thought it was depressing as some people said, but this struck me as music that took advantage of when it was released because most 80's music sucked. I thought the musicianship was better than expected, I especially liked the songs that had an opening buildup, but overall I felt like the songs really blur together and sound similar.

I like the Talking Heads a good bit, and I just feel like they stand up to the test of time more than what Im hearing here, but that might be personal preference.

Favorite Tracks:
1) The Kiss
2) If Only We Could Sleep?
3) The Snakepit
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons