Quick and easy boys!

Started by Angel of Whoa, Jun 25, 2013, 03:52 PM

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Angel of Whoa

The quick and easy boys are a really awesome band out of Portland in the vain of my morning jacket, ween, Zappa, Hendrix, the police, and or the minute men. Really sweet high energy Rock n roll! Their guitar player jimmy russell just recorded two tracks with deer tick, one of which ended up on the Daniel Johnston space ducks album and the other landed on deer ticks new release "negativity"

The boys just released a new album "make it easy"! Has anyone heard it? It rocks!!! Here is the latest video release off of that entitled "hey hey hey"!

Other than deer tick they have also played with j-roddy and Hollis brown!
They just now are wrapping up a national tour, and should be back out east and southeast in November.

Really awesome band check them out!
"Hey Hey Hey" (HD version) - The Quick & Easy Boys

Has anybody else heard of them?