Acoustic One Big Holiday

Started by danz, Dec 17, 2011, 01:23 PM

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awesome, thanks Tyler.  How ya been?


good.. getting ready to move across town next week. just finished up my last day of work for the year and already enjoying the free time while trying to get in a christmas spirit. funny how this time of year always makes you think about where you were last year and how far you've come since then


Well arent you lucky, darkglow ;). i'm jealous. This acoustic version is sweeeetttt! I've never really thought of an acoustic version. Good thinking danz :thumbsup:
The time is near, to come forward with whatever killed your spark.


Good to hear, Tyler.  and ya, it's crazy how time flys.  and though there's been trials and tribulations, it's been a good year.

I love the X-Mas show at Ear E-tacy.  Never seen this version at Bridge School, much thanks!

Jackets N Pones

Here it is, in its entirety, our cover of ELO's Telephone Line