My Friend Jimmy Slack Still Missing Since Dec. 6

Started by woodnymph, Jan 07, 2012, 12:31 AM

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This may be the most perfect song that will forever be so very meaningful to me.  Apparently he had actually sent a girlfriend of his this song several times within the weeks before everything happened...... it makes me think things may have been, well, thought of...   :-\   :(

Grateful Dead - Brokedown Palace (Studio Version)

Fare you well, my honey
Fare you well, my only true one
All the birds that were singing
Are flown, except you alone

Gonna leave this brokedown palace
On my hands and my knees, I will roll, roll, roll
Make myself a bed by the waterside
In my time, in my time, I will roll, roll, roll

In a bed, in a bed
By the waterside I will lay my head
Listen to the river sing sweet songs
To rock my soul

River gonna take me, sing me sweet and sleepy
Sing me sweet and sleepy all the way back home
It's a far gone lullaby sung many years ago
Mama, Mama, many worlds I've come since I first left home

Going home, going home
By the waterside I will rest my bones
Listen to the river sing sweet songs
To rock my soul

Going to plant a weeping willow
On the bank's green edge it will grow, grow, grow
Sing a lullaby beside the water
Lovers come and go, the river will roll, roll, roll

Fare you well, fare you well
I love you more than words can tell
Listen to the river sing sweet songs
To rock my soul......
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


 Woody- I really hope that was just a coincidence, and not thought of... No way to really know, so try not to read too much into it. Most likely just a wierd coincidence.

Hopefully you'll get a kick out of this little story about BP.... BP was always one of my favorite GD encore tunes. Always had some special meaning to me too, as I used to rock my little ones to sleep many a night to it playing at home.

I had a really great few moments with it this past summer, when Furthur played it as an encore in St Augustine, and I got to share it with my daughter who is now 26!  ( ??? how'd that happen?) Man that was something else for me that night, and one version I'll never forget.  We rocked it again, only this time I had my arm around her, and not holding her in my arms.  :) I had some serious flashbacks, and didn't even need any enhancement. ;)

It really is a great tune. I hope it'll bring you a smile, some comfort, and bring back all the good memories you have of Jimmy when you hear it in the future.

"Where's Jim going?"


Thanks Eric!!  It's still a sweet song to me, even when thinking of it in such a way.  Such a peaceful song with more meanings than a brain can even process at one time  :)  In a way it almost brings me the most peace than any other song does... American Beauty was one time my favorite Dead album, and I've found such a whole new appreciation for the whole Ripple rolling into Brokedown.... what a perfect alignment.  And I've lately been playing Ripple > Brokedown > Ripple  on repeat and loving every second.... singing I LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN TELL until my voice gives out  :-X

I'll be heading home this weekend, as they're having a viewing of sorts and the funeral will be on Monday.  I hope I can somehow talk to the lady friend who mentioned that he'd sent her this song.  She also said that it played extremely randomly on the jukebox at a bar she was at, recently

I love that story about seeing it live with your daughter!!  SO SPECIAL!!  They played it in Pittsburgh this past tour too... which I wasn't at, but still so special that they played it.  Thanks for the love and warm stories!!!

I'm considering going in on a case of 50 Chinese lanterns to set off on our street that we all grew up on, when I'm home.  But I don't think there's enough time to order them online, so I hope to find some locally.  I want to set them all off at the same time in honor of him..... how cool would it be!!!  (I know this is more than 50, but still....)

Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


 I have to agree with Eric, I think it's just a special coincidence. It's such a beautiful song, though a little sad, like most of the sweet ones. Thanks for sharing, been awhile since I listened. Love the  combo with Ripple! (could add in Stella Blues) Hope you and family and friends are hanging in there....xx


Very sorry to hear about your friend. Hope you're doing well.

"It is true that we can't take anything with us when we die; but that wholeness of our life, which we complete in the very moment of our death, lies outside the grave and outside the grave it remains-and it does so, not although, but because it has slipped into the past. Even what we have forgotten, what has escaped from our consciousness, is not erased from the world; it has become part of the past, and it remains part of the world."
The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.


Though I haven't commented much I've been following this.  Very sorry for your loss, wood.  Your positive attitude is inspiring!

Out of curiosity I'm wondering how he ended up in the river.  If it's too emotional to think about or share, I understand, but I can't help but wonder.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Just wanted to let you know how sorry I too am about your loss woody.  Know you are in my thoughts in this difficult time.

My dad wanted Amazing Grace played at his funeral so I dug out this gem of a version:

Jerry and Dave - Amazing Grace


The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.


I'm sorry for your loss woody...I will be thinking about you and Jimmy's family/friends.


You guys are too sweet!!!  What awesome songs!!  Long Road with Neil is beautiful....and Jerry just keeps bear-hugging me all the time, thanks so much for sharing that Amazing Grace!!  Your Dad was surely smiling down when you played it!!!  I want to play these songs at the Lantern send-off!!!  Thanks so much for posting these  :-D  Listening now to Long Road from the 9-11-11 free download I got from the board...... what a marvelous version.... and to open the show with!!!  Now listening to the version from Merkin Ball..... it's a Long Road kind of night

Dylan, so many details are still shrouded in so much mystery.....  It's challenging to think someone as jovial, carefree, and loving as Jimmy would want to do something like this to himself... but of course the mind and spirit are far more vast than one can try to understand

He was found with all of his cash, bank cards, and cell phone still in his pockets.  He was found still wearing the clothes he'd worn to the String Cheese show.....  they've got him in for an autopsy, which (I've learned) takes longer than 24 hours   :embarassed:  So maybe in a few weeks, we'll have more of an idea.

As to how he got in the rivers, there's just too much speculation to say...  I could rattle on for probably another hour about how I think things happened, but there truly is no way to know, right now.... and thanks so much for your sweet thoughts and kind words  :)  I'll definitely be posting if more details are uncovered

And Dan thanks for the sweet quote!  It rings true and beautiful  :)

Val, Stella Blue is definitely another one up there!!  And CASSIDY  (cue "I have seen where the Wolf has slept by the silver stream..... I can tell by the mark he left, you were in his dream.... ah, child of countless trees.... ah, child of boundless seas.......")  But Row Jimmy and Brokedown Palace will always boggle my mind with their mysterious accuracy.....

Thanks so much for the beautiful songs and thoughts and love; I mean it you guys are such pillars in my life.

This one keeps resurfacing during times of loss, too...

Xavier Rudd - Breeze
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Just got into Pitt late last night...... found these this morning  :-*

^^^not sure what in the hell I am!!   :P

Goodnight, you moonlight ladies...
Rockabye my Sweet Baby James.........
Deep greens and blues
Are the colours I choose
Won't you let me go down in my dreams

And rock-a-bye Sweet Baby James   :-*
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Very sad for you but very happy for You to have these pictures, these memories and for the times you've had with your friend.

JT also wrote  " the secret of life is enjoying the passage of time".   Congratulations Woody, nobody seems to know the secret better than you.
was some shakin' and some record playin'


Well said, Jeff.  You've brought such sunshine to this place, Jen.  Time for us to reflect some back at ya!  Soak it up... and join us in July.  You'll get the biggest group hug ever seen in Louisville!   :)
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Jen, if you get a chance, make some copies of those pics for Jimmy's family. They will appreciate all those little bits of history and something physical to hang their memories on...y'know?

Hugs, lady.  You two were adorable kids!  Those big blue eyes on the both of ya!   :)
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Daylight is good at arriving in the night time

Luna Moth

Havent clicked on off topic in months but kept up with this thread on a pt board. Sorry about your friend, hopefully there was some closure finding him, none of this is physical.


Quote from: Luna Moth on Feb 03, 2012, 04:19 PM
Havent clicked on off topic in months but kept up with this thread on a pt board. Sorry about your friend, hopefully there was some closure finding him, none of this is physical.

Thanks Luna,  I've been listening to that line(/tune) a lot...  Certainly the news has been a comfort, of sorts..... really getting the grief outta my system, finally

In latebreaking news, THE CHINESE LANTERNS ARRIVED ON MY DOORSTEP THIS MORNING!!!  So all is official now, my only concern is lack of attendees, but I'm just not sure who to expect.  I've kept the ceremony extremely low-key, as the family expressed they would appreciate a more intimate gathering.  (They've just been in the public eye for so long, and they're ready to settle and process the situation... and so am I..)  But regardless of how many people come, I'll have tons of tea light candles lining the walkway to the field, music playing that I know Jimmy loved, and we'll set off as many damn lanterns as we can!!!  It'll be a beautiful celebration of the light Jimmy brought to so many lives.

Just can't thank you all enough for being here through all of this... You've really been a big part of helping me keep my chin up, in ways I still feel can't be described with words.

I'll post pictures as soon as possible!  And maybe soon I'll even start keeping up with other board topics again... it's been a pretty consuming few months... I hope everyone here is well, and just know that I love you guys!!  :-* :-* :-*   :dankk2:
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time

Luna Moth

Music and chinese lanterns!!!! That sounds awesome, Good ideas all around here.


THE LANTERN SEND-OFF WAS A SUCCESS!!!  Had a great turn-out of just the right amount of people (about 23!!), and all the close neighbors, family, and friends, I can't stop beaming from ear to ear!!!

Daylight is good at arriving in the night time
