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Started by Tracy 2112, Feb 13, 2012, 05:55 PM

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Tracy 2112

we're raising her 2 brothers and little sister and we been married for 23 years and we didn't have a good childhood but we did exactly what was asked of us living in Mississippi Country carrying buckets and buckets of water to the house, drinking from a dipper, feeding the farm animals, gathering eggs, tending to the garden, washed clothes on our hands, cooking and cleaning, harvesting pecans from the pecan arch, yard work, gathering wood, painting the house, scrubbing the floors, picking up cans to make a buck, wearing hand me downs, worn cheap bargain clothes or second hand shoes.. I can't stress the many blisters I had on my feet trying to keep a pair of shoes with holes in them and watch other children laugh at me because I was poor not only that but me and her father was severely abused as a children and she think she got it bad.. Right now me and her father are living on a small income to make ends meet and knowing all these things about our pass growing up we're still doing our best to give her and the rest of our kids everything they needed and certain things they wanted that other kids had like a cellphone, computer, braces, clothes, shoes, software, and games.. We are good parents doing what we should like providing a roof over their head, food, warmth, and real parent support by caring and being involved with their education, making sure their physical health is good, keep them safe away from troubled places, raise them in the ways of the lord, and we have Bible studies every night.. She has her very own room because she's considered a woman and need her own space. With all the things we do our children started acting lazy.. So we recently decided to change the house rules because we noticed they're not obeying them like they should.. All we ask is that they clean they get up on time to get ready for School, clean their room, and when they get home no computer until 5pm after they help around the house to keep it clean.. and if they don't they will not get on the computer at all until they do.. and That's It! If they do something bad we do punish them according to their crime..
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


Wow. That first sentence may just be the longest runon sentence I've ever encountered. I'm impressed. What is this from?

Devil Ledbetter

Quote from: Fully on Feb 13, 2012, 07:49 PM
Wow. That first sentence may just be the longest runon sentence I've ever encountered. I'm impressed. What is this from?
Yes, but she put two periods at the end of it. That's got to count for something.
We understand it's the '90s.

Tracy 2112

Quote from: Fully on Feb 13, 2012, 07:49 PM
Wow. That first sentence may just be the longest runon sentence I've ever encountered. I'm impressed. What is this from?

Just one of the millions of people who support good ol' dad here

Father Shoots His Daughter's Laptop over Facebook post
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.

Devil Ledbetter

Ha! I saw this video early but didn't recognize the quote. He does ramble. :o
We understand it's the '90s.


As a Dad, I support this Dad.


The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.