ISO Z Promo Sticker

Started by ellisintransit, Feb 14, 2012, 09:36 PM

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Hi.  Shot in the dark here...I am in search of a promo sticker from the touring around Z in 2005.  I went to several shows that year, and got mine at the Webster Hall show in NYC (10/18/05).  As we left the venue there was a street team handing out free stickers that were black with the block letter Z that has dots on the inside.

I put that sticker on the back window of my Ford Explorer, and it stayed there, looking nice, with no peeling, no fading, and no shrinking from October 2005 until this January when my Explosivo finally bit the dust.  It was the ONLY bumper sticker that I have had that lasted that long.  I have a new car now, and there is only ONE sticker that I require, and thar she blows.

SO, if you have an extra one of these stickers, I would be ecstatic to:
a.) purchase it from you for a price that you deem fair
2.) I have a copy of Acoustic Chorale for trade
III.) gloat that you have one but I can't have it

Thanks, and word up.


I have a shoebox filled with stickers that I'd say 50% of are MMJ related. I'll check when I get home today
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


 :)WOOHOO!  Thanks ewind.