Top 10 Favorite songs

Started by the_other_sun, Mar 26, 2012, 12:57 AM

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I searched for this thread so I hope there wasnt one already.

Anyway going to do it.

My friend and I always get into arguments about our top 10 favorite MMJ songs. (fun arguments) so as a rule make sure to name YOUR top 10 favorites.  Not just their ten "best" or most popular songs.

Mine are the ones that I have listened to most.

Also maybe give a reason for your number one or some details about how you decided.

Just for fun.

Anyways here is my current list. Wasnt easy to decide.

1. Dondante (Okonokos version in particular) [Number 1 bc NEVER have I felt an energy like I feel when they play this.  Truly soul summoners.]

2. The Bear
3. Steam Engine
4. I Think I'm Going to Hell
5. Bermuda Highway

6. The Day is Coming
7. Highly Suspicious
8. Touch Me Pt. 2
9. Strangulation
10. Golden

Very close eliminations: At Dawn, Mahgeetah, Victory Dance, Cobra, Gideon, Tyrone,  One Big Holiday, Sooner, Phone, Weeks Go By Like Days, Run Thru, One In The Same, Death (favorite lyric "youre poor the day you die"), OXEN (if you know what im talkin about  ;)

As I said very hard, and would added even more to eliminations, but was getting out of hand.

I have seen them 3 times total so some of these songs may be higher if I would have seen them live.  Just got addicted this last year, after Bonnaroo.  Wish I had known them before but better late than never! I fucking love you Jim James.

Glad to know all of you do too!  Great music lasts forever.

[cant wait for jazzfest and forecastle (also possibly beale street on the way to NO)]  ;D

Thoughts and lists?!


1-5 look amazing.  I like what you said about Don Dante from Okonokos, so true.  I'm going to have to think about this, but my 6-10 though would be much different. 

I think I would switch Bermuda Highway with Strangulation and you would have my top five

Second Five...

6. Phone Went West (Should really be in the top five)
7. I Needed It Most
8. If It Smashes Down
9. I Will Sing You Songs
10. War Begun

By My Car, Just One Thing....At Dawn (listening to the demo version right now and it' just a Great Song no matter how lo fi you take it)

There's Still Time.........


thanks, and for sure the fun part is no lists will be the same!! its hard though sheezzz sooooo many great ones....

ha also pretty awesome that your top 5 is so similar. i think we would get along quite well.

also this is where OXEN is from for those of you who may wonder


No question, I also belive that we would get along, I've never met an mmj fan I didn't like.  Oxen is a great song, I believe it used to be called "How Do You Know".  I could be wrong.   :bath:
There's Still Time.........


There's Still Time.........

Devil Ledbetter

Huh. That's a really hard question. For me, it's about appreciation. Some days I will appreciate some songs more than others, and for different reasons. I always get excited when I hear Heartbreakin' Man. It's not their best song, but it means I'm in for The Tennessee Fire which is a real treat. 

If there is a song I've hit repeat on more than any other, it's War Begun. It grabs me by the heart every time, and remains this unattainable thing to me because I can't play it on guitar and my hands will never be big enough to make those crazy chords.  Songs I can play on guitar have a special spot with me, I've asterisked those (there are a bunch more I love to play that didn't make the list).

Ugh, enough nattering. Here's my attempt at a top 10 list:

War Begun
Steam Engine*
Bermuda Highway*
Old September Blues*
(Christmas version)
By My Car*
The Way That He Sings*
Knot Come Loose
Smokin' from Shootin'

Cobra and Tyrone get honorable mention.

That was hard. Choosing favorite MMJ songs is always a Sophie's choice. :'( Ask me on another day and the list might be different.
We understand it's the '90s.


1. I Think I'm Going to Hell
2. Dondante
3. I Will Be There When You Die
4. One Big Holiday
5. Bermuda Highway
6. The Dark
7. Steam Engine
8. Gideon
9. Magheetah
10. The Bear

Honorable Mentions: War Begun, Golden, Old September Blues, Strangulation, Slow Slow Tune, etc.

*This list changes daily.


Its almost impossible to choose a top 5 for me but here goes...

1. Cobra
2. War Begun
3. Lil Billy (might have a heart attack if i saw it live)
4. Strangulation
5. Dondante
6. Tonight I wanna celebrate (nashvegas version)
7.Run thru
8. Steam engine
9. Picture of you
10. The dark

If you ask me this again next week it would be completely different probably! Part of the reason why i love this dynamic band so much!


Tough question. I guess here is my top 10, even though they are interchangable-

1. Hell (Live)
2. Magheeta
3. Evil Urges
4. It beats 4 u
5. The way that he sings
6. The day is coming
7. Smokin
8. Sooner
9. Circuital
10. Where to begin


I've been pondering this one for awhile.

1. Strangulation
2. Steam Engine
3. I Think I'm Going To Hell
3. I Will Be There When You Die
4. Golden
5. Dondante
6. War Begun
7. Phone Went West (preferably the live version from bonnaroo '08
8. Tonight I Want To Celebrate With You - the original version before he started using that omnichord on it. In my opinion, that ruined the song when he rearranged it. Sorry JohnnYYac - I know what an omnichord freak you are. It just doesn't do it for me on this song.
9. Bermuda Highway
10. Victory Dance


so difficult:

1. Nashville to Kentucky (Candles & Panties version)
2. Dondante
3. Phone Went West
4. Strangulation
5. I Will Sing Your Songs
6. If it Smashes Down
7. War Begun (Live)
8. The Bear
9. I Think I'm Going to Hell (live0
10.  Steam Engine


This was fun but difficult.  After much thought, and in no particular order:

1.  Masterplan
2.  O Is the One
3. Steam Engine
4. Dondante
5. Lay Low
6. Mahgeeta
7. Touch Me Part 2
8. The Bear
9. Victory Dance
10. I will Sing You Songs

Honorable mention:  Black Metal, Lowdown, The Way That He Sings, Just One Thing, War Begun, Strangulation, One Big Holiday, Anytime, Bermuda Highway. 

I know that's a lot of honorable mentions, but those are some incredible songs.


Steam Engine- any version, best song ever
X-MAS Curtain-Oko
O is the One-Oko
Phone Went West-Live at 9:30
The Bear
Lay Low
Run Thru-any full version

Off the top of my head. Could disagree tomorrow.


So hard to choose, but would probably go with this lineup:

The Bear
X-mas Curtain
Phone Went West
War Begun
At Dawn
Run Thru Full
Black Metal

Gideon is the 1st out, so hard to keep this to 10.
Alive or Just Breathing


Ask me next week and it may change, lol.

1. Strangulation
2. War Begun
3. I Needed It Most
4. Closer
5. Nashville to Kentucky
6. I Will Be There When You Die
7. Honest Man
8. Knot Comes Loose
9. Lay Low
10. The Bear

"He got tired of walkin' a tightrope"


1. Where to Begin
2. At Dawn
3. Steam Engine
4. O is the One
5. The Way That He Sings
6. Lowdown
7. Xmas Curtain
8. Phone Went West
9. Strangulation
10. Mahgeetah
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


I love this thread

War Begun
Old Sept Blues
Lay Low
Master Plan
The Bear
At Dawn
I Will Sing You Songs
Steam Engine
Evil Urges

And not necessarily in that order.  Mine goes to 11.  Shoot me..I like Evil Urges.  A whole hell of a lot.
anything + reverb always = better

Penny Lane

1. Steam Engine
2. Dondante
3. At Dawn
4. Dancefloors
5. I will be there when you die
6. O is the one
7. One Big Holiday
8. Strangulation
9. By my car
10. The Bear

but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Okay, my turn (in no particular order)

Steam Engine
Bermuda Highway
War Begun
The Bear
Lay Low
Touch Me 2
The Way That He Sings
One Big Holiday

honorable mention: Slow Slow Tune, Wonderful Man, Master Plan, Dancefloors, Just One Thing, Strangulation, TIWTCWY, Wonderful (TWIF), Cobra, etc.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


saw this thread and decided to figure it out last night... for the record, I did mine without seeing Ruckus's, but we are awfully close!!

1.  Where to Begin
2.  Steam Engine
3.  At Dawn
4.  Phone Went West
5.  Mahgeetah
6.  Gideon
7.  Smokin From Shootin
8.  Dancefloors
9.  Way that He Sings
10.  Bermuda Highway

on another day, might make the list:  Wonderful Man, Sooner, O is the One, Rollin Back