the archive (rant)

Started by ManNamedTruth, Sep 07, 2012, 12:16 AM

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I just noticed that the archive section is now up, but it's listed in the same style as the old new forum, and it's roll call membership only?! I just let my membership expire last month, and I still may renew before my two month buffer period is up, but maybe not if stupid shit like this continues from Ground Control. It should be free for us to use, and maybe they should just bring back the old archive like they brought back the old forum. It was much easier to search for set lists the old way, it was organized. Do they really thinking searching through page by page for the set list is a better idea than clicking on the year and then seeing all the shows from that year in an organized and easy to read fashion? If money is that much of an issue, I guarantee that there are plenty of devoted fans here that would submit the set lists for free. Shit, we already do it on the forum. Ground Control really put a lot of effort into making this place a piece of shit.

EDIT: for some reason when i clicked on one of the shows to see a set list, it took me to the roll call sign up page, I since went back and it seems to work now. WTF, regardless the old archive is better.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!