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Charley Crockett

Started by Jackets N Pones, Feb 09, 2019, 06:52 PM

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Jackets N Pones

Here it is, in its entirety, our cover of ELO's Telephone Line


very excited to find this thread existed though light activity..

Charley don't miss! Been a heavy listener for a few months now. Saw him perform a week or so ago, even met him before the show. Kind as hell.

New album today. The tribute to Slim is an amazing country album.
Don't you ever turn it off


Thanks for the heads up, love his voice and will def. be checking his music out soon!


The songwriting and his straightforward singing are so satisfying. Some of it sounds like classic soul music but with Texas twang and pedal steel guitar.

Jackets N Pones

We are going to see him Saturday at the State Fair of Texas!
Here it is, in its entirety, our cover of ELO's Telephone Line


how'd you enjoy the show Jackets?
Don't you ever turn it off

Jackets N Pones

We loved it! Terrific crowd of all ages and Charley brought the energy onstage. He has such a cool style and he played a good mix of songs I recognized/songs I had not heard. Incredible how hard he has worked to put so much good music out the past couple years. You can really hear his Texas/Louisiana roots in his sound too. Was a perfect fit for last weekend of state fair. Really enjoyed the backup band, especially the pedal steel and accordion, reminded me of Mary Steenburgen on Last Man on Earth. I picked up the "In The Night" vinyl, kind of has a groovy jazz vibe to it, highly recommend!  :thumbsup:
Here it is, in its entirety, our cover of ELO's Telephone Line


"Gulf n Western" he calls it i believe (his sound)
Don't you ever turn it off

Jackets N Pones

Quote from: parkervb on Oct 26, 2021, 04:57 PM"Gulf n Western" he calls it i believe (his sound)

Perfect way to describe his sound. He is playing Billy Bob's in FW 12/10, might try to catch that one
Here it is, in its entirety, our cover of ELO's Telephone Line