Rumors About the Band That May or May Not Be True

Started by MamaKel, Oct 20, 2012, 05:07 PM

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Jim: Toured with the TranSiberian Orchestra as a child, and cites this as his life's greatest influence.
                 Carl: Dated Shelley Ling just before Troop Beverley Hills Came Out...conflicts with Craig T. Nelson split the pair indefinitely


*Shelley Long. Shelley Ling was in the Asian release of the film.


Tom: Was an alternate on the 1998 Norweigan luging team in Lillihammer, but resigned due to a severe latex allergy which caused crotchal chaifing.


*norweigans wear latex suits...but the sport is lubing, not luging


Bo: In a past life, he was Georgia O'Keefe's sister, Catherine Blanche. However, his penis paintings did not pan out a planned.


Patrick:He landed the part of Jesus' brother, Donald, in the Lifetime Original Movie, "Jesus Walks", but producers felt he was no where near condescending enough...I mean, tough act to follow, am I right?

Tracy 2112

Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


I'll keep going...

Jim: Was the son of an Italian tailor in a past life. He honors his father with his love of a nice pair of fitted slacks. He rebels against his father with his elbow cleavage.

Carl: Carl was the stunt double for Michael J. Fox in Teen Wolf. On the last take, he shattered his pelvis, and Boof aka Susan Ursetti nursed him back to health. When his health returned, he left Boof for Shelly Long.

My Morning Tube top

Quote from: MamaKel on Oct 20, 2012, 05:07 PM
Jim: Toured with the TranSiberian Orchestra as a child, and cites this as his life's greatest influence.
                 Carl: Dated Shelley Ling just before Troop Beverley Hills Came Out...conflicts with Craig T. Nelson split the pair indefinitely

Ok seriously I just got back from a date where the guy produce's the camera crews for different tours/ bands where many of the bands mentioned I didn't necessarily connect with bands music. Realizing like what I do it's often times about the opportunity and great people you work with. That being said, he is leaving next week to go on tour with the TranSiberian Orchestra. I knew nothing about them and come on the forum to reignite my soul with some MMJ threads lol and here they are :undecided: I know nothing about them?


Symphonic metal - super popular in North America at Christmastime :undecided:

It's kinda weird unless you are into prog metal or REALLY love Christmas concerts.
Babe, let's get one thing clear, there's much more stardust when you're near.