List The Pivotal Songs In Your Life

Started by EverythingChanges, Nov 17, 2012, 10:49 AM

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What songs were key in growing your love for music?  List them here!

I have to throw this in here, because it got me started in music.
Kiss - Detroit Rock City - Live Houston, Texas 1977 09/02/77 (HQ)

This one tells a great story of a man's journey through life.  I always found it to be one of the most, if not the most underrated Rush song.  A lot of people don't even know it exists, and that is a shame.
Fountain of Lamneth - Rush

My first Floyd entry
Pink Floyd - Dogs - Animals (FULL)

My second Floyd entry
Echoes - Full Length!!! - Pink Floyd - Remember That Night - HD

One of my favorite instrumentals
John Butler Trio - Ocean (Live at Federation Square)

Disposable Heroes!
Metallica - Disposable Heroes [Live Mexico City 2009] HD

Steam Engine!  (I'll limit the amount of MMJ videos to just this, since we all know they have a billion great defining moments!)
17 steam engine
I wonder why we listen to poets when nobody gives a fuck

Mr. White

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth (KFTC) Member Since 2011

Mr. White

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth (KFTC) Member Since 2011

Mr. White

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth (KFTC) Member Since 2011


At 14, I walked to the record store around the corner, confessed I hated the crappy New Wave I was listening to and asked for something cool to listen to. The clerk game me a cassette of Murmur and told me to return the following week for further instructions. Turned out I loved it!  REM was my first teenage band obsession.

R.E.M. - Radio Free Europe

I was 18, walking with a girlfriend downtown and get into her car. She started it up and the tape in the deck came to life playing "Here Comes Your Man". I asked , "Who is this?!" And she told me about how the Pixies were playing Toronto in a few weeks and I should get a ticket and go with her and another friend. I did indeed go and that was my first band obsession of my young adulthood.

Here Comes Your Man - Pixies

The start of another obsession was hearing this song, Underwhelmed by Canadian band Sloan. It refocused me on going to see cool touring bands instead my friends' cover bands.

Sloan - Underwhelmed [Official Music Video]

When I sat down with my husband, shortly after we started dating, and he showed me the documentary Watch Me Jumpstart, my mind was blown. I turned to him and said, "I know we haven't even finished watching this movie, and I've never heard them before 20 minutes ago, but this is my favourite band EVER!" I've seen them a couple dozen times and would have seen them more if it weren't for having kids. I was heavily involved in their unofficial fanclub Postal Blowfish and am still in regular contact with the old crew.

Guided By Voices - Auditorium and Motor Away

Babe, let's get one thing clear, there's much more stardust when you're near.


Queen - Bohemian Rap City as I called it. Wayne's World rocked my world growing up. It was the first time I saw a movie outside my age rating and I laughed hysterically at jokes that were so over my head at the time it makes me question my intelligence. It was the first song I had on tape that I rewound to he point of breaking. It was the first song I learned every word to.

Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy. This was probably the first zep song I ever heard and blew my mind. I promptly ordered I-IV through Columbia house for a penny and never looked back.

Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe. Everyone kept asking me where I as going with hat gun in my hand. I didn't get it. Asked my parents and they told me. Ordered off Columbia House. Bought my first guitar with allowance. Also the first song I learned on the guitar

Pearl jam -Jeremy. Rocked my fucking world. First CD purchase ever. Made my mom take me to Alwilk music. Bought it from a girl with neon green fingernails.

Soundgarden - the day I tried to live. As an angsty teenager I thought Cornell understood why I was so unique and everyone else in high school were conformist sheep or something like that.

Govt mule - She Said She Said. First song that made me fall in love with Warrens voice. First song that made me realize that not all Beatles songs were sacchrined love songs about holding hands.

At the drive in - skips on the record. What is this? Raw power? This isn't a blues derivative! Amazing

Zappa - Joe's Garage. Central Scrutinzer? This song is great but out of context it seems. Must investigate. HOLY SHIT I DIDN'T KNOW MUSIC COULD SOUND LIKE THIS

sabbath - the wizard. Ho hum, harmonica. Big whoop. FACE SUDDENLY ROCKED OFF.

Black crowes - hard to handle. Hey this is fun to try and sing, let me get this album. 5 or do years later, first concert.

Phish - Bouncing around the room. This is fun, but heavy things annoys me. SUCH MIXED FEELINGS.

------ ENTER COLLEGE ------

MMJ - I will sing you songs. Late night warm autumn party in my front yard. Moment and music matched, synchronicity achieved.

Built to Spill - Carry the Zero. Can't explain it besides the first time my brain melted. Probably achieved something close to an ASTM from the guitar sound.

Flaming lips - Yoshimi. Hey they're still around? AND MAKING AMAZING MUSIC - lets revisit our old CDs.

Dismemberment plan - Face of the Earth & back and forth & Sonic Youth - Schizophrenia. My girlfriend died that winter. The first described exactly how the whole experience felt, the second is what my brain did, and the third is what I thought I developed from the way the second song described. Never had words said by other people felt so personal.

I'm surrounded by assholes


As a very small child I fell in love with two songs - the first one probably because it mentions a bullfrog

three dog night

The second one because I thought I had figured out sex and it was a great song

A little older when I discovered The Beatles

Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin - Kashmir (Live Video)

And early rap

In college I discovered R.E.M.

The Pixies

And I listened to some really crappy pop

And then in my mid twenties I loved grunge and rap, but I didn't really spend as much time thinking about music. Maybe because radio started sucking so much and I live too far away to consistently pick up the good station in Nashville... Until I found The Heartbreakin' Man EP and the first Kings of Leon album - ironic that one of these bands that brought me back to music really has no desire/ability to make good music anymore. I feel a little ashamed that I used to like them so much. They lost me after the third album.

Also, whenever it was that they re-released Exile on Main Street I really started listening to The Rolling Stones - music that had always been there suddenly got very interesting and I devoured their entire catalog. This one is probably my favorite (also this is my favorite concert film - Ladies and Gentlemen: The Rolling Stones)

With the advent of the internet and the iPod, I listened to so much more music than I had ever before. I really don't know what music lovers would do without it. There was a time when I had to search music blogs, but places like this section on this forum have been a godsend. I love the days of vinyl and when radio used to play good music, but there are some good options like this place and spotify to make it easier to discover good music in today's world. Of course the irony is that while it's easier for us to find music, the musicians don't make the same kind of money they used to make. (I'm really rambling this morning. I'll shut up now.)


Quote from: LeanneP on Nov 17, 2012, 11:40 PM
At 14, I walked to the record store around the corner, confessed I hated the crappy New Wave I was listening to and asked for something cool to listen to. The clerk game me a cassette of Murmur and told me to return the following week for further instructions. Turned out I loved it!  REM was my first teenage band obsession.

R.E.M. - Radio Free Europe

I was 18, walking with a girlfriend downtown and get into her car. She started it up and the tape in the deck came to life playing "Here Comes Your Man". I asked , "Who is this?!" And she told me about how the Pixies were playing Toronto in a few weeks and I should get a ticket and go with her and another friend. I did indeed go and that was my first band obsession of my young adulthood.

Here Comes Your Man - Pixies

The start of another obsession was hearing this song, Underwhelmed by Canadian band Sloan. It refocused me on going to see cool touring bands instead my friends' cover bands.

Sloan - Underwhelmed [Official Music Video]

When I sat down with my husband, shortly after we started dating, and he showed me the documentary Watch Me Jumpstart, my mind was blown. I turned to him and said, "I know we haven't even finished watching this movie, and I've never heard them before 20 minutes ago, but this is my favourite band EVER!" I've seen them a couple dozen times and would have seen them more if it weren't for having kids. I was heavily involved in their unofficial fanclub Postal Blowfish and am still in regular contact with the old crew.

Guided By Voices - Auditorium and Motor Away

My god Leanne!  Pretty much everything you listed is what I could list for me as well!  Radio Free Europe was the first song that came to my mind when I saw the title of this thread.  My evolution might not have been in quite the same order as yours, but I too went through a huge Pixies phase as well as a big GBV phase and I even had a Sloan phase, although mine came in the late 90's.  Pavement was thrown in there somewhere between the Pixies and GBV as well.

Pavement - Summer Babe (Winter Version)


Clearly, I like beer!   :beer: Bwahahaha!

I missed the Pavement thing, myself. I remember a friend at Uni playing some for me and I said, "Meh!  Guy music." Haha!  I missed Pavement, Sebadoh and a lot of the cooler stuff going on in Washington in the early/mid 90s as I obsessed over Sloan and Pixies.

To echo Sweatboard in another thread, "I like our family!"
Babe, let's get one thing clear, there's much more stardust when you're near.



Peter Gabriel "Biko" Live 1987 Lou Reed Youssou N'Dour Jackson Browne

no better live experience as a youth than singing along to the "oh, oh, ohhhhhhh" at the end of a peter gabriel concert.

Tracy 2112

this thread nearly made my head explode but when I saw the Radio Free Europe love, I felt I had to chime in. These are a list of songs that I recall where I was when I first heard them (or something like that):

REM/Radio Free Europe
The Byrds/8 Miles High
Dire Straits/Sultans of Swing
MMJ/The Way That He Sings
Rush/Spirit of Radio
Black Sabbath/War Pigs
The Clash/Train in Vain
Pink Floyd/Echoes
Sonic Youth/Dirty Boots
Nirvana/Smells Like Teen Spirit
U2/I Will Follow
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


I wonder why we listen to poets when nobody gives a fuck


A lot of music I'm going to list is from before my time, but upon discovering them changed the course of what I listened to forever. I was gonna write descriptions but my list got too long. You can kinda track how I got here :)

Clutch - Elephant Riders
Weezer - El Scorcho
The Doors - Break on Through
The Band - The Weight
Interpol - Obstacle 1
The Who - Eminence Front
The Clash - White Man in Hammersmith Palais
Pink Floyd - Echoes
Pixies - Here Comes Your Man
Neil Young - Heart of Gold
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Rich
My Morning Jacket - Mahgeetah
Sharon Van Etten - Save Yourself