Keep Playing Those Mind Games

Started by MamaKel, Dec 19, 2012, 11:20 PM

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Has anyone ever had a significant other 'run game' on them...meaning, someone who just played mind and heart games on a regular basis?

If so, do you feel that this person manipulated intentionally, or were their actions the result of subconscious insecurity that they were unable to confront within themselves?

I just wonder what people's outlook on the situation is...because I think to some degree, you feel really sorry for people who feel the need to do that, but forgiveness seems harder from one outlook than the other. And everyone does it...projects, relives past issues with present action, etc...but why do some people take responsibility for this behavior, while others totally deny it?

By the way...I'm writing a paper...for a friend...who just broke up with his girlfriend. :thumbsup:


Um, no.  I would call such a person "insignificant" and lose their number with a quickness.  I don't play those reindeer games.


Oh, they've been lost.  But I suppose I'm wondering what it is within myself that allows it to happen?  I'm only just beginning to understand the depth of the games that were played...and they are, why then, did I allow it?  I find it the shittiest form of human behavior, to knowingly take advantage of innocence or naivete. But, as a student of human behavior, how is it possible to have this completely detrimental blind spot?  And furthermore, how can you ever trust people, when that's all you've known? It seems like if you took a hardline to just cut bullshit people out, you'd be cutting out a lot of people, why even deal with it in the first place?


If someone makes you unhappy more than they make you happy, they're not worth investing more time and energy in. If you are happy more than unhappy, well, maybe it's possible to help a person evolve.
Babe, let's get one thing clear, there's much more stardust when you're near.


It's really as simple as that, isn't it?
True happiness is the greatest indication of evolution. Not transient, self-fulfilling happiness...but true happiness, is the real projection of our interior reality. It sees past even the mind games.

Well done. Miss Leanne. You always seem to drop these nuggets of wisdom that are real riddle-solvers for me.  I gotta say, I really dig that about you.

Quote from: LeanneP on Dec 19, 2012, 11:52 PM
If someone makes you unhappy more than they make you happy, they're not worth investing more time and energy in. If you are happy more than unhappy, well, maybe it's possible to help a person evolve.

Penny Lane

Quote from: LeanneP on Dec 19, 2012, 11:52 PM
If someone makes you unhappy more than they make you happy, they're not worth investing more time and energy in. If you are happy more than unhappy, well, maybe it's possible to help a person evolve.

and i think it comes with age and experience, too...the older you get, the less you put up with when it comes to everything..

Headhunter recommended The Tao of Pooh to me --very wise that Pooh is..
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Quote from: Penny Lane on Dec 20, 2012, 09:50 AM
Quote from: LeanneP on Dec 19, 2012, 11:52 PM
If someone makes you unhappy more than they make you happy, they're not worth investing more time and energy in. If you are happy more than unhappy, well, maybe it's possible to help a person evolve.

and i think it comes with age and experience, too...the older you get, the less you put up with when it comes to everything..

Headhunter recommended The Tao of Pooh to me --very wise that Pooh is..

Wow, I must be getting REALLY old.   And yes, The Tao of Pooh is one of my favorite books when it comes to cutting through the clutter and recognizing what is most important and learning how to live with what is.   Everyone has scars.
was some shakin' and some record playin'


@Penny Lane, did you just call me old?!  (hahaha!)

@MamaKel, I'm glad I could be helpful. Hope I didn't sound like a pretentious twit!  We just have to define the things that bring us joy and feed our inner happiness and invest our energies there and then also try to bring joy to others as we journey through life. I think that's a decent plan to a successful life.
Babe, let's get one thing clear, there's much more stardust when you're near.

Penny Lane

Quote from: LeanneP on Dec 20, 2012, 10:14 AM
@Penny Lane, did you just call me old?!  (hahaha!)

ha ha...speaking for myself..!
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


I think I need to be a little less Eeyore and Piglet, and a little more Pooh...

I picked up a book called Pooh and the Philosophers a couple weeks ago...I'll pick that and the Tao of Pooh up (:

Thanks, friends.