And the HUGE NUGE of the week goes to:

Started by MamaKel, Dec 07, 2012, 08:56 PM

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This is the most offensive bunch of non-sense I've ever read.  Talk about someone being a walking's no wonder she's a Fox News contributor.  She wins my HUGE NUGE of the week award.


And by the way, the door swings both ways...if a man wants a woman to act like a woman, he needs to stand up and be a man.  Men and women (speaking in hetero-normative terms) should bring out strengths in one another as individuals...then and only then will the negative trends in behavior on a societal scale start to change.  And the analysis of these 'negative' trends in behavior must be based on things which are seen as demeaning stereotypes to each gender as a whole...not a re-affirmation of them, like this garbage article...

Such a Huge Nuge, man...she should go get some big fake boobs and cook Polar Bear meat in her Confederate flag bikini while listening to Skynard and blowing her husband below the picture of Rush Limbaugh hanging on the mantle.

Just one whoa-man's opinion.


Good god. Her aunt is Phyllis Schlafly, for fuck's sake!  " women have gained more freedom, more education, and more power, they have become less happy." Well, naturally! Those silly women would be much happier if they just stayed home and had babies like they're supposed to!

Also, there is this gem: "In the meantime, buried beneath the surface lies the truth: American women are the most fortunate human beings who have ever lived. No one has it better. No one."
Umm, American men, maybe?

"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


Quote from: MamaKel on Dec 07, 2012, 09:07 PM

Such a Huge Nuge, man...she should go get some big fake boobs and cook Polar Bear meat in her Confederate flag bikini while listening to Skynard and blowing her husband below the picture of Rush Limbaugh hanging on the mantle.

Now, there's nothing wrong with a little skynyrd....


Dude, that fortunate human beings comment kind of pissed me off.  Now look...I know how fortunate I am. I have a job, a house, food, a healthy kid.  I am better off than most of the world. I am immensely thankful for that.  But I'm also a single mom, not making a lot of money, who has debt piled up from medical bills.  So...pampered?  Pretty fucking offensive.  I'm not a Real Housewife.  (Have you notice how they want to make women look like spoiled, drunken bitches, all over tv, while men seem to maintain their dignity?)


I saw Skynard a couple years ago at the "Bootheel Rodeo" in was the "God and Guns" tour...Yeah...the "God and Guns" tour.

I miss Stevie, brother.
Quote from: Fully on Dec 07, 2012, 09:28 PM
Quote from: MamaKel on Dec 07, 2012, 09:07 PM

Such a Huge Nuge, man...she should go get some big fake boobs and cook Polar Bear meat in her Confederate flag bikini while listening to Skynard and blowing her husband below the picture of Rush Limbaugh hanging on the mantle.

Now, there's nothing wrong with a little skynyrd....

MamaKel the of my BIGGEST pet peeves is beginning an essay with a dictionary definition.  It is the first indication that you are a lazy writer who has done no real research.



Nobody saw skynard a couple of years ago....don't disgrace them by saying that.  Long Live The South!!! 
There's Still Time.........


Let's just all agree to keep skynard and the south out of this
There's Still Time.........


I started to read the article.  The older you get the less happy you get, it has nothing to do with education.  People have kids so they can relive their lives before they die.  It has nothing to do with gender or region.   Just get over yourselves and fucking die already!!!!  YES!  I'm talking to you (human race) 
There's Still Time.........


Sweatboard you're absolutely right.  My reference to Skynard was to "Skynard w/out Stevie".  Just isn't real.

And I love the South. With all my heart.  There are amazing people and places.  I was just using stereotypes as a means of exemplifying how idiotic stereotypes are in writing...


I don't necessarily agree that the older you get the less happy you are, or that having children is an act of one's need to fill the void in their own ego.

I am happier now than I was 10 years ago...and a lot of that has to do with the love that I have for my child.  The reason that people become unhappy is because they let themselves be defined by other people's standards...they live the life they are told they are supposed to live instead of listening to their hearts, and embracing change as opposed to the rigidity of arbitrary, age-old constructs which no longer have a place in a 'changing world'.