mxr carbon copy delay pedal

Started by petemoss, Sep 02, 2008, 12:33 PM

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Have any of you musical experts out there played this pedal?
I have heard great things about this pedal, and it is in my price range.
Was just wondering if any of you have an opinion?
I'm wondering if it can give me a good classic rock boost to my leads. Kind of how Stephen Malkmus adds tons of delay to most of his solo's these days...
I have seen some great demos online, but none of them really show it paired with overdrive...
Anyways, thanks for the help guys!


Nothing like a "five-years-later" bump right? I saw this thread while performing a completely unrelated search, and after five years I'm sure you've already purchased this, but I just wanna say that I picked up this pedal a few years ago and it is the ONLY pedal since then that has stayed on my pedalboard. Don't think I could live without it! I use it after my overdrive pedal in the chain and it really does kick solos into another gear.

The thing I love about this pedal is how versatile it is. You can minimally turn the MIX, DELAY and REGEN knobs to toss on a splash of reverb while playing clean for an AWESOME country twang, or you can crank all the knobs AND your overdrive and get some of the most far-out sounds you've ever heard. One word of warning (even though I'm just talking to myself at this point), watch how hard you crank the REGEN knob -- too far clockwise and it will create a loop of madness that can get deafening in an awful hurry!