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R.I.P. Pete Seeger

Started by Mr. White, Jan 28, 2014, 11:46 AM

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Mr. White

Pete Seeger died yesterday (Monday, January 27, 2014) at the age of 94. He was a major influence on music and social activism. He will be missed.,0,191963.story#axzz2riDkzYsv
Kentuckians For The Commonwealth (KFTC) Member Since 2011


"Where's Jim going?"


I missed this with my ordeal in Mobile the last few days.

Almost an understatement to say he was one of the greatest American folk singer/songwriters of all time.

I hope they have some kind of tribute to him at the Newport Folk Festival this year.


Great Pete Seeger documentary on PBS now in my area.
What a great person and musician.
Has me in tears.