BEST MMJ ITEM ( vote/ suggest)

Started by darizzzla, Sep 22, 2016, 07:07 PM

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Hi everybody , i was wondering witch item on the store is the best , most appealing , quality and so on and shouldn't we ask for more ?! :)) ,gimme' your opinion i'm from europe so i would like to get myself something nice since i bothered to look around


The problem is, shipping from the MMJ website store is BRUTAL, and that's just here in the US.  Honestly, I'd look for some of these items on eBay or wait for the next time they tour Germany and hit their merch table.  Or, find a friend in the US to buy and ship to you.

The quality of shirts is hit/miss.  The Gorge hoodie is nice and soft.  My wife and I each have one.

The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


i'll figure it out, you gave me some good advice though ,thanks . i'll let you guys know what i end up with :D ,and how long it takes to ship to the 'Balcans' . CHEERS  :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

Jackets N Pones

Here it is, in its entirety, our cover of ELO's Telephone Line


Louisville Slugger engraved My Morning Jacket baseball bat