In search of a poster..

Started by Virginia J., Oct 08, 2014, 11:35 PM

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Virginia J.

Hi, I am in search of a poster from Lifestyles Community Pavilion in Columbus, Ohio. The date was October 6, 2008. I have searched everywhere looking for one, so I thought maybe someone on here could help me. I found it on Pinterest, but I am looking for one to buy for my friend. Any help would be much appreciated!! Thank you!  :grin:


Hope you don't mind that I moved this to our Poster section.

This is the print you're looking for?  I have never seen one up for sale on eBay.  Click the image to go to its listing on Expresso Beans and you might find one there.

The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


There's also this one.  Again, you can click the image to go to EB.

The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I would start by contacting both of the artists, it's likely they might have one to sell.

the first one johnny posted is by...

second one...

Virginia J.

That's fine =) Yes the first one, is the one I am looking for. Thank you both for your help!  :thumbsup: