Louisville Waterfall Shows, April 6 & 7, Roll Call Contest

Started by walterfredo, Apr 02, 2015, 12:07 PM

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Quote from: werduga on Apr 08, 2015, 10:36 PM
For those interested in posters from the Louisville shows.  http://www.madpixel.net/store/posters/   I unfortunately didn't get to go, but who doesn't want a matching set of MMJ posters for 30 bucks? The artist said of 10 of each were available and I picked up a set a few hours ago...
Thanks for the link. I had forgotten to look for the other poster.


MusiKel Mama

I've spent the last day or so just absorbing the whole experience...and I think that a few themes have arisen:

1) Although there has been some criticism about the lyricism, I really feel like there is a mantra-like quality to the lyrical content and structure...and the performances support this...both at OBH and Headliners. And to some extent, I feel Jim's personal progression with meditation is prompting him to rely less on words, and instead to focus on a specific theme, until it synthesizes and becomes something much bigger...which is the essence of transcendental meditation. I don't know what song it was, but there was this tribal chanting/singing that Jim and Carl were doing that was just epic.  I really loved hearing all of this with no idea what it was, or what it is called.  It was truly an immersion in the beginner's mindset.

2) I feel like within the conflict of some of the break-up tunes, there is a real acceptance...a kind of emotional clarity that is so difficult to achieve...and perhaps shows some growth from the sentimentality of Evil Urges.  In the same way that Bob Dylan wrote about so many different experiences in love...from Love Minus Zero/No Limit to Positively 4th Street to Visions of Johanna and Sara...I think this is the first extended exploration into the suffering created by conflict and attachment. Get the Point is so exacting. So direct. And it is beautiful because it is honest. How many of us wish we could be so truthful. And what I love about it, is that it lacks the drama and heartbreak of most break-up songs. It is just an acknowledgement of what is no longer serving, without hatred or longing. But Only Memories Remain is different.  When they played it at OBH with that wind rolling in, I couldn't move. It had such a hallowed feeling. And I think that it captures the pain of being stuck in the past. It is as elusive and alluring as a Siren Song. It is illusory. I feel like on the right summer nights, that this one will be be particularly holy. I can hear strings on it. It needs Red Rocks. It will echo like Butch Cassidy...and get soaked in by those holy stones.

3) This is a completely unique effort. I think it requires a kind of detachment from everything you think you know about the band. I think this album begs to be felt. It is asking to be lived...not isolated to a record player or an ipod...but mainlined into the bloodstream. I think that these songs will prove to be like a kind of nano-technology in the setlists...filling in the creative gaps...and I think that each member of the band is going to have wonderful opportunities for innovative expression.

4) The drum solo on Steam Engine and the bass jam on Honest Man were highlights of the night. They totally reinvigorated the old jams with some new soul. Just so goddamn joyful.

5) Thank you to the band and everyone here. Such a blessing to be a part of this beautiful little world.


Quote from: Mr. White on Apr 09, 2015, 03:14 PM
This link was on the band's main page (near the bottom). It is the article The Rolling Stone magazine was working on about the two Louisville shows on Mon. & Tue.


Describing the album as "more ethereal" sounds good to me.  More along the lines of "I Will Sing You Songs" is what I imagine that means.  That sounds amazing.

I love that last quote (especially the last sentence) from Patrick.  The band gets their fans and sounds very comfortable with themselves/career/music.