Rank each track...in this thread

Started by grizzy, May 04, 2015, 02:59 PM

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Believe - My least favorite on the album so far but I don't dislike it at all, those opening synths are delicious. As many of you said Bo really gets a chance to shine on this album.

Get The Point - Again not one of my favorites but it often gets stuck on repeat on my mind, a definite earworm that keeps growing on me.

Big Decisions - Whilst you're all running to the bathroom at the shows I guess I'll be the only one continuing to dance like a complete nut. This song is great, fun and catchy. I love it.

Thin Line - Grated on me a lot during my first listen, but it was soon stuck in my head and despite the annoying chorus (which I now love) I kept going back to it again and again. Those solos near the end, holy shit.

Compound Fracture - Very tame but very fun, I would probably prefer the Miami Jungle version if it had those awesome woo-ooh-ooh's but it doesn't so I don't.

Only Memories - I love this song, a lot. I think I'm going to love the live versions a lot more though, as the studio version can sound a bit rigid depending on my mood, other times I melt into it. I'm most excited about hearing this one live.

Like A River - Beautiful. There are no other words for it.

Spring - There's SO much going on with this one isn't there? Most of the time I love it but occasionally my ears get a bit confused. It is awesome though, I love how it explodes at 3:42, it's going to be HUGE live.

In Its Infancy - I'm a sucker for any song that strays away from a conventional structure, and this song GOES PLACES. I love it. Hats off once again to Bo, those synths are BEEFY as hell!

Tropics - The thing I love most about this album is how much the band have grown, how much their sound has shifted and morphed but not for one second is that classic MMJ sound ever compromised. I think Tropics is the best example of this, absolutely huge and hard hitting just like the MMJ we all know and love but at the same time all very fresh and exciting. To me they just keep getting bigger and better.

Like I said before I honestly think this could turn out to be my favourite MMJ record. I'm still a relatively new fan but I've had 5 or 6 years now to really get into their catalogue of awesomeness. I'm seeing the band live for the first time in London later this year and I guess I'm in for a massive fucking treat! I can't wait!! :cheesy:

it wouldn't be a party without you


Not to diss Circuital -- I like a number of the songs on it -- but any one of the 10 songs on the primary album would have been the best song on Circuital. It's that high quality. Ranking them is a tough order, because they change from day to day. Here's a shot, but it could all change tomorrow:

Thin Line
Spring (Among The Living)
In It's Infancy
Like A River
Compound Fracture
Only Memories Remain
Get The Point
Big Decisions
Believe (Nobody Knows) -- seriously, though, I'm warming up to it
Hillside Song (appropriately placed as a bonus track; good, but not in the top 10)
I Can't Wait (ditto)

Random thoughts:

--It's fascinating to read the varying opinions of everyone's ranked tracks.

--I think the album underscores that the band behind MMJ is the best vehicle to Jim James' astounding musical creations. There is great alchemy going in here between all of them, and the instrumental work throughout is phenomenal.


I wish I could rank them but I'd keep coming back to edit my thoughts over time.

Easily Tropics as #1.  I have strong feelings for Only Memories Remain and In Its Infancy (feels Victory Dance-ish), they're obvious winners.  Compound Fracture is super fucking catchy so it's kind of a guilty pleasure because it's so poppy but it also kicks ass at the same time.  Kind of the same for Believe but to a much lesser degree, not nearly as catchy either.  Spring is awesome and I wasn't even a big Victory Dance fan so I consider it a better version of capturing the dark tribal sound, same with In Its Infancy.   

I originally felt like Thin Line and Like a River were the 2 more forgettable tracks on the album but they're growing, more so Thin Line which is out of this world with how different it is plus the ending is very rewarding.  It feels like a song I'm going to enjoy listening to on its own just for fun.  I love the eerie elements of Like a River but it's a simple song, great for setting a mood and exploring some folk sounds but not very substantial.  Maybe a good opener like how they place At Dawn or Rollin Back.

Big Decisions was just okay for me originally but once I heard the sampler and then within the context of the album, it grew on me to the point where I played it on its own a few times.  One of the weaker songs no doubt but there's only 3..at most 4 pop friendly songs on the album so I know they feel they needed some safe candidates for promotion.
Get The Point..This and Thin Line seem like the most divisive tracks here.  I feel like something is missing personally, it fills a niche on the album but as far as simple, soft MMJ songs go it's not quite as strong as their others.  I still like it, it's a nice song.  I just don't feel like it's as big of a deal as people are making it out to be. I feel if anything the album maybe needed one more song like this.

As far as the bonus tracks I'll have to listen more but I prefer I Can't Wait over Hillside Song.  I'm not quite feeling Hillside Song as it is.  The other two don't add enough to make me feel as if I should add the bonus tracks to my car playlist but I only listened once so we'll see.  Listening to them on their own may help, I listened after I played the entire album and at that point it was too soon to hear them again even if they're different.


1. Tropics (Erase Traces)
2. Spring (Among the Living)
3. Compound Fracture
4. In It's Infancy (Waterfall)
5. Believe (Nobody Knows)
6. Only Memories Remain
7. Big Decisions
8. Like a River
9. Thin Line
10. Get the Point


Only Memories Remain
Compound Fracture
Thin Line
Big Decisions
Get the Point
In Its Infancy
Like A River


 :thumbsup:  I'm having a very hard time ranking the songs because so many of them are so equally good, but I have to say first of all that the bonus track - I Can't Wait - is my favorite song on this album and no one else is mentioning it.  What's up with that?  It's so good!!! 

And I'm surprised everyone seems to like In it's Infancy so much.  So far I'm not that impressed with the again, again, again thing...and I'm not crazy about the keyboards and the 70's soft rock sound.  It's a little corny for me.  But the guitar solo is pretty good.

This album is taking some time to grow on me.  After the amazing songs Jim did for the New Basement Tapes I sorta had high expectations.  Get the Point, Thin Line and Only Memories Remain make me feel sad to the point where I almost wanna cry for Jim's ex-girlfriend.  It must really suck getting dumped by Jim James.   :cry:

Anyway, I had fun reading your rankings.  Very interesting that everyone seems to have different favorites.

And yeah, Tropics is the bomb.  My first run thru the album, Tropics is what stood out the most mainly due to that killer guitar at the end.

I'm dying to see them live and it really sucks that I have to wait until October!!  But 3 nights in SF is going to be my best 3 nights since OBH1!! 
Touch me I'm going to scream.

Come Closer

I think there's little talk of I Can't Wait because a lot of people had already heard it.


It's not my favorite but a good song


This album is seriously getting better with each listen.

Compound- this song is so badass, and was killer at obh2
Tropics- the groove of this song is incredible. Love the coda.
Believe- at first listen, this song was my least favorite. Now I can't stop listening to it. It fucking rocks.
Get the point- classic, mmj country.
Waterfall- I really like to two different grooves this one has. Has some OBH high hats and some sooner guitars.
Thin line- the song is just cool. The end is great.
Big d- this is a good one, very catchy. Perfect use of pedal.
Only memories- a tad boring, even though t ends up great.
Spring- nice tune, just too disjointed
Like a river- will need to grow on me, just boring. Good harmonies though.

This is going to be a perfect summer album. Hats off again, boys.


Compound Fracture and Big D are my favorite songs on the album
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


Quote from: Osistheones on May 10, 2015, 08:53 AM
I think there's little talk of I Can't Wait because a lot of people had already heard it.

Yeah I Cant Wait was written in like 02 I believe
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


As others have stated, it is a true testament to how amazing of an album this is that we all have our own list of songs we feel is the best and how that can totally differ between one fan to the next.  What I am overly shocked at is the lack of love for Like A River.  It is such an amazing song of poetic harmonized beauty and a soothing tale of imagery.  Oh well, we all have our preferences but I was in disbelief that it was not better received.  Anyways, below is my list:

1) Tropics
2) Like A River
3) Spring
4) Infancy
5) Thin Line
6) Only Memories
7) Compound Fracture
8) Believe
9) The Point
10) Big Decisions

Still, one amazing album.  Really is hard to rank them.  If these songs translate beautifully live then it could become one of my favorite, if not the very favorite, MMJ CD yet which I never thought any of their other best works would have any competition.

Can't wait to see them in Knoxville and Atlanta!! 
And all that ever mattered will some day turn back to batter, like a joke.


this was a fun lunchtime read.  thanks everyone for weighing in.   I'll have to sort out my list but I know for sure my biggest variance from the group will be Only Memories Remain.   I'd have that ranked very low- I find it so boring - and it's interesting to see how many others have it up near the top....


Like a River
Compound Fracture
Thin Line
Only Memories
Big D
Get The Point


Right now something like that:

1. Tropics
2. In Its Infancy
3. Like a River
4. Spring
5. Compound Fracture
6. Only Memories Remain
7. Big Decisions
8. Get the Point
9. Believe
10. Thin Line
"Jim's voice makes Enya sound like a russian couple arguing in a bowling alley"


After many listens, I'm ready to participate (most likely the order will change down the road).

1. Tropics
2. In Its Infancy
3. Spring
4. Like a River
5. Believe
6. Only Memories Remain
7. Get the Point
8. Big Decisions
9. Compound Fracture
10. Thin Line


Cool Thread - Here is mine.  I'm sure none of you recognize me, but I'm pretty long time MMJ fan, just a lurker instead of a frequent contributor.

In its Infancy - I love this song - the repeat verse with again i stop the waterfall is the best moment on the album imo
Get the Point - has a MOF feel
Tropics - I think this one will be killer live

Only Memories Remain
Thin Line
Big Decisions (I don't dislike this as much as some others, although I dislike the hook)
Spring Among the Living

Not so Good
Like a River
Compound Fracture (One i dislike more than most of you)
Believe (I really don't like this song)


That's probably why I like I Can't Wait so much - because it's older.   :thumbsup:  I told my husband that I thought it sounded like an older song.  Sounded kinda familiar.  Maybe I've heard it before but I don't know where.

After listening to the whole thing at least 10 times, I'm tired of it - which is not a good sign.  So I have decided not to listen to The Waterfall any more for a while.  I'm sure that the new songs will be way better live.  They always are.  Except for maybe Black Metal.
Touch me I'm going to scream.


Possibly New MMJ Favorite
1. Tropics (Cannot wait to see live!)

2. Compound Fracture
3. Spring
4. Like A River
5. Waterfall

6. Thin Line
7. Believe

8. Memories
9. Get The Point
10. Big D


Quote from: debbie on May 12, 2015, 12:26 AM
That's probably why I like I Can't Wait so much - because it's older.   :thumbsup:  I told my husband that I thought it sounded like an older song.  Sounded kinda familiar.  Maybe I've heard it before but I don't know where.

After listening to the whole thing at least 10 times, I'm tired of it - which is not a good sign.  So I have decided not to listen to The Waterfall any more for a while.  I'm sure that the new songs will be way better live.  They always are.  Except for maybe Black Metal.

That is just a silly statement. Say what you want about that song, but I don't see Jacket play any song live that gets people as high off their feet as Black Metal. I'm having flashbacks to OBH 1 & OBH 2 were people were losing their s**t to black metal... So good live
Mona Lisa must'a had the highway blues, you can tell by the way she smiles.