Field Trip - Toronto

Started by HardNightConformist, Jun 08, 2015, 12:30 PM

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Just getting over the awesomeness that was the Field Trip music festival. And now I'm here to rank the MMJ setlist because why not?

1.) Touch Me Pt.2 - Something about this song live... Pretty sure the rain stopped once Jim stopped singing. Mesmerizing.

2.) Lay Low - Those guitars... Get me every time.

3.) Victory Dance - What a gem from Circuital. One of those (many) you just have to see live to appreciate.

4.) In It's Infancy (The Waterfall) - Okay, the "again again again" actually made sense when paired with bright white lights and an entire crowd singing it. Pleasant surprise live.

5.) One Big Holiday - Maybe it's lower on the list because it was the last song, and being reminded that the show did indeed end makes me sad.

6.) Mahgeetah - MMJ fans are the best. Jim switched his guitar after the third song and a few people around me started yelling "It's Mageetah!". Sure enough it was, and it was everything you'd expect it to be.

7.) Wordless Chorus - First non-Waterfall song of the night. Hard not to get into this one.

8.) It Beats 4 U - Finally got to hear this one live. The bass always sounds way better in person. Loved it.

9.) Circuital - The song that got me into the band. My favourite song at Echo Beach three years ago when I didn't know as much as I do now. I still love it, but it was nothing new for me this show.

10.) Tropics - I can see them playing this one live consistently for years to come.

11.) Spring - One of my favourites off the album and would probably be higher on the list if I didn't have to sneak away for a piss while it was on  :undecided:

12.) Compound Fracture - Okay live. The crowd was really into the "for who knows how long" live, as was I.

13.) Believe - Put this as my favourite song in the "rank the waterfall" thread. Could still be, but one of the few MMJ songs that does more in the studio version than live for me.

14.) Like A River - I will say I like it more than I did coming into the weekend. Still nothing earth shattering, but I don't mind it now. Definitely picks it up in the second half of the song.

-- side notes --

Was very disappointed to not hear anything from At Dawn. I get they're trying to keep their shows upbeat and maintain a flow (or should I say stream) but dam would I love to have heard Strangulation, Phone Went West, Xmas Curtain or At Dawn. Also HUGE bummer they didn't play Steam Engine.

Also, if you haven't already, check out the band The War on Drugs. Mix of Springsteen and Dylan. Awesome sound. Great live too.


Great review! Really enjoying everyones thoughts on how the new tunes are coming across live. I can't wait to see and hear for myself. I feel you on wanting some early gems sprinkled in. I'm hoping for At Dawn or X Mas when they come to Artpark next month. If you have the chance, definitely get to that show. Tickets are $18 I believe...that's right, $18 for an evening outdoors with MMJ! Great venue in great surroundings, just a mile or so from the waterfall of waterfalls, Niagara Falls. Thanks again for the reviews.
"The best MMJ show I've been to was the last one, every time."


Quote from: HardNightConformist on Jun 08, 2015, 12:30 PM
Was very disappointed to not hear anything from At Dawn. I get they're trying to keep their shows upbeat and maintain a flow (or should I say stream) but dam would I love to have heard Strangulation, Phone Went West, Xmas Curtain or At Dawn. Also HUGE bummer they didn't play Steam Engine.

Also, if you haven't already, check out the band The War on Drugs. Mix of Springsteen and Dylan. Awesome sound. Great live too.

I'd be a little bummed not hearing any of the listed songs too.  But for a festival set, I thought it was pretty strong.

And you're totally right about The War On Drugs.  They were a great opening band for OBH2!
Cuz it's been so long since someone shattered me.