Only Memories

Started by craig, Jun 11, 2015, 01:23 AM

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Let's talk about this song.... I've seen it get so much praise since OBH2.

I don't get it.

After listening to the album, I kept thinking just wait until you hear it live.

And then I did... Last night in Chicago... In an incredible setting....

And I had the exact same feeling....I just wanted it to end.

It's simple. It's repetitive. It's bland.

I love this band and I love everyone that I've gotten to stand next to the last 2 nights.

And I can't wait for tomorrow.

But I don't get the adoration for this song.

Flame away.....


This is why I've kinda learned to tune out the hype before an album drops. I only listened to Big Decisions a handful of times before the album came out because I hate hearing a song out of context from its album. While I somewhat agree with the repetitiveness of Only Memories, I think it's perfectly placed as the last song on the record.


I think it's a great closer as well. If anything, it makes you look forward to the album starting over again so you can relive all those "memories".
"The best MMJ show I've been to was the last one, every time."


Generally agree with this, it's a little boring. Live was better, but not much. Least favorite song on the badass album.


It is my favorite song on the album.  I love the simple groove it has, and I enjoy the repetitiveness of it.  It locks me into a sort of trance.  I get the same feeling from Wilco's One Sunday Morning.  It is a long repetitive song, but I love it.  I love the mellow vibe Only Memories has.  It is probably one of my top 20 songs from these guys.
I wonder why we listen to poets when nobody gives a fuck


I really like it - it is one of my most favorite songs of the new album. Very relaxing song perfect to chill on a warm summer evening with a nice beer


I enjoy it a lot.   Though, I'm perfectly content with a "chill" show as well

I was a little surprised they didn't jam the end more when I saw it but I imagine they will at some point.


Jim's layered vocals on this track are un-fucking-believably good. I'd argue it's the best Jim's voice has ever sounded on record. The vocals in the demo that comes with the bonus edition are just as awe-inducing.


Quote from: EverythingChanges on Jun 11, 2015, 11:12 AM
It is my favorite song on the album.  I love the simple groove it has, and I enjoy the repetitiveness of it.  It locks me into a sort of trance.  I get the same feeling from Wilco's One Sunday Morning.  It is a long repetitive song, but I love it.  I love the mellow vibe Only Memories has.  It is probably one of my top 20 songs from these guys.

Couldn't agree more. The One Sunday Morning analogy is spot on. The diversity of the MMJ and Wilco catalogs are the very reason I love both these bands. They are never boring and always moving.  :thumbsup:


I can understand why people would think the song is boring.  The general structure is somewhat blasé, the progressions are very basic and don't go anywhere.  (Not that they always have to!)

But in my own experience, just sitting down with a good set of headphones, you can really hear the emotion in Jim's voice.  It's a little heartbreaking.  He said he had a hard time doing the takes and I think you can tell if you listen closely.  The production on Bo's keyboards are fantastic - they have this gorgeous, hazy sound to them.  I like the chord structures - they provoke imagery in my head - and I think the solo guitar lines, while being pretty simple, complement them very well.

So yeah the song is simple and I suppose you could say it drags on, but it has all of these little beautiful things going on underneath the surface that add up to make it a solid track, imo.


Quote from: jimsflyingv on Jun 11, 2015, 11:34 AM
I really like it - it is one of my most favorite songs of the new album. Very relaxing song perfect to chill on a warm summer evening with a nice beer
you had it almost perfect! You forgot to include cannabis!  :cool:


Only Memories Remain BORING ???? listen to those dueling lead guitars that slowly slowly change over a while, its insane! it sounds so much faster to me than i guess for most people, as this song touches a certain nerve in my body much like the verse riff for I Will Sing You Songs does. Boring? NO. Amazing? YES. One of the best tracks in their catalog and second cousin of IWSYS? YES INDEED.

this track will grow on you guys who hate it.
if it doeesnt, well im sorry you can't enjoy such a fabulous masterpiece
(MMJ): 8/2/12+8/1/13+10/07/15+12/29/17+12/30/17+12/31/17+8/21/2022+ 8/16/2024::::(JIM): 11/5/2018


I love this song! What some would consider boring, I would call it chill. It's just a chill out song and a perfect closing song to this album.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


I've loved it from the moment I heard it at OBH 2.  It's one I think they will eventually turn into a 20 min jam. 
If you don't know for yourself, how could you ever know for me....


Quote from: Clarkwork on Jun 14, 2015, 09:30 AM
I've loved it from the moment I heard it at OBH 2.  It's one I think they will eventually turn into a 20 min jam.

I agree 100% with this.
Cuz it's been so long since someone shattered me.


I feel like "Only Memories' has some of Jim's best vocals, I am in love with this song!

"He got tired of walkin' a tightrope"


It's not a favorite of mine, and probably towards the bottom of my Waterfall rankings, but I loved it live! I'll probably pass on listening to it when the cd is playing but I'm looking forward to seeing it live again.

Pretty screwy, I know but it just took on a whole other dimension for me live in Chicago. I really enjoyed it.
"Where's Jim going?"


I listened to the OBH version about ten times in a row last night. In my eyes (and to my ears) this might be the best song Jim's ever written.


Quote from: oistheone on Jun 18, 2015, 06:02 PM
  this might be the best song Jim's ever written.
hmmm, I respect your opinion, but let's see what Consuela has to say about that....


I've had this song on loop for the last few days, being taken to a new place with every listen. Haven't had a song do this to me in a long time. For such a simple-on-the-surface song, there is SO much going on, and it all cuts straight to my core.

Jim's lyrics are descriptive and to-the-point but also so universally applicable that I could see this song touching a nerve with almost everyone at some point in their life. That such poignant lyrics are sung so beautifully only adds to the haunting, gut-punch emotional affect. And by putting the song in such a prominent place on the album, it's clear that Jim is aware of this song's power.

Carl and Bo need some sort of medal for the work they're doing here. Carl with his visceral licks and backup vocals, and Bo especially, not only for the vocals, but for genius synth parts that I just can't wrap my head around. He starts off with chords, moves to swarm-of-bees-like stabs as the song gains intensity and by the end, he's warped them into some rhythmic push-and-pull that can only be classified as brilliant. A song about the harshness of life, but the beauty of love -- tearing you away from the rhythm, only to slide you right back in is just a masterstroke.

And that's not even mentioning Tom's smooth-punch bass that only gets better as the song goes on, or Patrick's wonderfully understated work on the skins.

QuoteOur earthly bodies will surely fall
But the love we share outlives us all

I'm sorry folks, but that's songwriting. Good lord.