Jim James poster I made

Started by paperzep, Aug 02, 2015, 01:43 AM

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I made this a while back while listening to Dondante.  I believe at the moment I was some what blown away by how well their set lists are put together for live performances. Each song blends in perfectly with the one before and after it.  I mean sometimes I forget I'm listening to different songs.  I wanted to make a poster that illustrated that and incorporated my mood at the time.

By no means am I any kind of graphic design pro. Just do it for fun sometimes. Let me know what you guys think. 

Also I didn't draw the head!  I wish I had the talent to do that.  It was a sketch from someone's notebook online.  I wish I still had the original source.  I imported it into photoshop, colored it, etc etc.


I was at their New Orleans show last night.  Working on a poster for that one.

Edit: Source for drawing: http://inmydefeat.deviantart.com/art/Jim-James-244464961


That is amazing! And good on you for crediting the drawing of Jim - but you can tell you really made it into something else entirely, not unlike how a remix works with music.  I think it reflects what you were trying to convey - that sense of seamlessness, etc.  The song titles hidden within adds to this.  I think it's cool how you sort of hid them in there. A casual glance wouldn't even notice it.


Kinda resembles that Iron and Wine album cover - great work!
God damn those shaky knees.


Wow! You have some talent. Very cool!!!
"'Cause everything'd be great and everything'd be good If everybody gave like everybody could"


Psychedelic man! Looks awesome


Thank you thank you!  Working on a similar one with Patrick jamming on the drums and his hair creating a similar effect lol.