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Started by O, Nov 26, 2003, 09:09 AM

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I think he must have 87 of those t shirts.  It's probably in their show rider, because, like I can't even get a t-shirt to last the whole summer, and that's not wearing it every day through gruelling, sweaty shows...

Maybe his sweat is like a miracle tonic that preserves everything it touches...  Maybe that's why he swings his sweaty hair around so much - he's being a benevolent provider to humankind...  (I've noticed that I haven't seem to age much since Nashville.)



Quote Maybe that's why he swings his sweaty hair around so much - he's being a benevolent provider to humankind...  

eehm, strange image/idea--nice sentiment though! :D
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Aha.  Yes.  Sometimes one is truly best not to write when they're, ah, elevated...  Even (and especially) when you think you're saying something really, really great and funny.

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteAha.  Yes.  Sometimes one is truly best not to write when they're, ah, elevated...  Even (and especially) when you think you're saying something really, really great and funny.

no way, that's the best time!  ;D
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Jim bought that T shirt in Birmingham at a truck stop for $4 (he later told me).  It was in September ( i think ) of 2002 and they were still negotiating a record deal. We went down to see them in Birmingham at this place called "The Nick".  We saw him wear that T shirt for the first time that night and play for about 20 people. It was a great show. The crowd went ape shit for Black Sabbath at the end.  They got a few bucks from the bar afterwards and then stayed around and talked with us and took some pictures.  In any case, Jim wore that T-shirt for most of his 2003 gigs and consequently half the published photos...


is it just me or does anyone else here whose had convos with Senor James notice that it seems he breathes a more rarified air and processes life on a wholly different and transcendental plane?
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Yesterday a friend who's in a show with me and I discovered that we both love MMJ.  I was talking about the tribute album and ... other stuff ...  and I asked her to please keep her knowledge of my obsession to herself so that boys will still want to date me... :)

Anyhow, she told me (and she could hardly even say it) that once when they were playing here in town (Toronto), Jim did a live set in a great local music store, and it was packed.  She said she couldn't breathe, and her boyfriend at the time couldn't be there because he had to work, and he was so upset, so he gave her a cd of his to give to Jim, in case she felt like she could do that.  So she went up to him, and she could hardly speak because she said there was just this huge air of something gigantic about him.  And she gave him the cd, and he told her that her boyfriend was pretty lucky or something to that effect.  

When she left she started to cry.

It's weird, isn't it.  We figured that we get so, ah, spazzy, about them because there's a whole different level of feeling that you get when you listen to their music, and once you see them live, that experience is transcendental.  It's not like being obsessed with a movie actor because they're hot or even really great in a part - these are people who create things that help make peoples' lives better, and you're so thankful that they're doing it, that it's difficult to express that in a normal way...

Anyhow, in response to your post, mmjfanatic, I've never had the chance to speak to the man, but when I saw them live, there was like this direct magnetic beam (wholly on my part) from me to him, and I could not stop looking at him, and I felt like I was experiencing this music in a very different way than I normally do.  

I could go on, but I fear I shouldn't expose any more of my flake.


awww go on EC we're all flakes here as one big happy family.  great story by the way about the music store appearance.  I'd like to see him do something similar here as those are great for increased exposure to new ears :D
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

The Boar

EC, I definitely hear you on that "magnetic beam" thing. When I saw them for the first time this past May in St. Louis, I definitely made some connection with Jim's feet and his swirling, swing-sweat hair, which were in front of me, and above me, respectively.

And one of the coolest moments of my life was at Bonnaroo, when, as the boys played Cobra and Steam Engine, the wind started whipping the stage around, and the clouds rolled in from the southwest, and giant rain drops began to drench the crowd and the band. Very awesome, I hope everyone experiences something like it in their lifetime, if they haven't already....


QuoteAnd one of the coolest moments of my life was at Bonnaroo, when, as the boys played Cobra and Steam Engine, the wind started whipping the stage around, and the clouds rolled in from the southwest, and giant rain drops began to drench the crowd and the band. Very awesome, I hope everyone experiences something like it in their lifetime, if they haven't already....

sounds like a religious experience!  I wish I wish I could've been there.


QuoteAnd one of the coolest moments of my life was at Bonnaroo, when, as the boys played Cobra and Steam Engine, the wind started whipping the stage around, and the clouds rolled in from the southwest, and giant rain drops began to drench the crowd and the band.

Dude, here's what's crazy.  My brother went to Bonaroo (which was about a week before I went to TN to see them in Nashville), and we had almost identical stories as to our experiences.  I mean, you know, aside from the storm...  

Thanks for making me feel better about my post, mmjfanatic.  Sometimes I feel like a gigantic nerd.  :)


QuoteWe went down to see them in Birmingham at this place called "The Nick".

Ahhh, The Nick. I saw my first Drive-By Truckers show there...It's a weee-little place. I loved it though.


Here's an old and rather groovy psychedelic one from the Polish fansite...

I'm ready when you are


Has it ever been mentioned that Tommy looks like Dave Grohl?

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteHas it ever been mentioned that Tommy looks like Dave Grohl?

MUWAHAHAHAA!  The evil plot is revealed...Tommy IS Dave Grohl!!  ;)

Yup, we've chatted on that...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QUOTE: Jim did a live set in a great local music store, and it was packed...  she went up to him, and she could hardly speak because she said there was just this huge air of something gigantic about him... she left she started to cry.

I was at that acoustic instore  at "SOUNDSCAPES". Your friend ...and the rest of us ... were probably lacking oxygen for the 45 min in there. It was hot, packed, small space but Im SOOOOO glad to have been there. It was the day Johnny Cash died. Sept 13 '03. He sang "I Still Miss Someone" at the instore and then did "Ring of Fire" at the live show that night.


QuoteQUOTE: Jim did a live set in a great local music store, and it was packed...  she went up to him, and she could hardly speak because she said there was just this huge air of something gigantic about him... she left she started to cry.

I was at that acoustic instore  at "SOUNDSCAPES". Your friend ...and the rest of us ... were probably lacking oxygen for the 45 min in there. It was hot, packed, small space but Im SOOOOO glad to have been there. It was the day Johnny Cash died. Sept 13 '03. He sang "I Still Miss Someone" at the instore and then did "Ring of Fire" at the live show that night.

YES!  Do you know my friend?  Do I know you?

Where was I, that's what I want to know.  Oh wait, I know.  I actually spent the day at home, very sad.  I was very very sad that day.