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Carl story

Started by d_wil, May 13, 2019, 11:56 AM

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Cool Carl story that I thought you guys would appreciate...

For context, I just graduated from medical school and for the past 4 years especially, MMJ has been my saving grace and helped me keep my sanity. I am a musician and have played lots of Jacket at local open mics and other shows as much as I am able to with my schedule.

My friend attended the Carl trio show with Tom and Russ Pollard 2 weeks ago in Jackson, MS. He said that after the show, he got to meet and talk with Carl for a few minutes and my friend shared with him how much MMJ has meant to me and how I'd turned him onto the band, etc. My friend told him about the MMJ music I play on my own as an amateur and actually showed Carl a recording. He said Carl put the phone to his ear and graciously listened for nearly the entire recording and was very complimentary before asking what I do. My friend explained that I was graduating in only a few days so Carl said, "well we need to get him something," grabbed a copy of Wished Out, signed it "congrats david! (keep singin!)", and gave it to my friend to bring me as a graduation present.

It's awesome to support a band with as talented of people as Carl, but even better that they are all so gracious and down to earth. I don't know if I would've made it to graduation without my MMJ outlet, and I'm going to cherish my graduation from Carl forever.

Hoptimus Prime

Hell yeah!!!  Sounds like something Carl would do.  Thanks for sharing!
5/24/2003, and every damn time possible since!


Love this one, thank you for sharing!!!


Congratulations on getting thru medical school d_wil. Always love to hear those stories of the boys in the band being down to earth guys. :thumbsup:
It's the art of feelin' naked in your clothes


Great story and congrats on graduating and the cool gift.  Carl is awesome. 


congrats!!!!! awesome story!

Jackets N Pones

Congrats d_wil! Post some of your covers here!
Here it is, in its entirety, our cover of ELO's Telephone Line

Lonndown27 man, beautiful album, beautiful humans.
Just sexy.
(MMJ): 8/2/12+8/1/13+10/07/15+12/29/17+12/30/17+12/31/17+8/21/2022+ 8/16/2024::::(JIM): 11/5/2018


Amazing! So very nice of Carl. Congrats. 😊

Easy Wind

I love this recording. Can't wait for Red Rocks!


Sorry for the delayed response on my own thread... Thanks for all the kind words, friends! I thought y'all would appreciate the story.

And per Jackets N Pones' request, here's a video for you (probably with some lyric mess ups):